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Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Primary  Med - Preventive Medicine  Med - Preventive Medicine Professor

Biographical Sketch 
Dr. Curry is a Professor of Medicine who joined our faculty in 2004. He is the former Associate Dean of the Tuscaloosa Regional Medical Campus of UAB (1997 -2004). He formerly was in private practice in Rural Alabama. Dr. Curry is also the Associate Dean for Primary Care and Rural Medicine. He was the former President of the State Medical Association and member of the State Committee of Public Health and Board of Medical Examiners. He served as Chair of the HRSA Advisory Committee in 2009-2010. He does significant ward attending and clinic supervision at the BVAMC and University Hospital. Dr. Curry received his medical degree from Vanderbilt University,TN and his Residency at the Vanderbilt University Hospital, TN

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
National Rural Health Association     
American College of Physicians, American Society of Internal Medicine (Fellow)     
American Medical Association     
Medical Association of the State of Alabama     
Jefferson County Medical Society     

Research/Clinical Interest
Dr. Curry’s research interests include medical education and clinical system improvement. He has been involved in projects that investigated curricular improvement methods for resident education, diabetes care improvement by rural physicians, interdisciplinary patient care, and characteristics of successful medical student education on regional campuses. He also has an interest in narrative medicine.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Curry WA. Human nocardiosis. A clinical review with selected case reports.
Arch Intern Med. 1980 Jun;140(6):818-26. 
Hornaday CA, Kernodle DS, Curry WA. Neurogenic bladder in Rocky Mountain
spotted fever. Arch Intern Med. 1983 Feb;143(2):365. 
Houston MC, Marion JM, Curry WA. Necrotizing arteritis associated with
blastomycosis. South Med J. 1986 Apr;79(4):519-20. 
Tonks SA, Makwana S, Salanitro AH, Safford MM, Houston TK, Allison JJ, Curry
W, Estrada CA. Quality of Diabetes Mellitus Care by Rural Primary Care
Physicians. J Rural Health. 2012 Sep;28(4):364-371. doi:
10.1111/j.1748-0361.2012.00410.x. Epub 2012 May 31 
Billue KL, Safford MM, Salanitro AH, Houston TK, Curry W, Kim Y, Allison JJ,
Estrada CA. Medication intensification in diabetes in rural primary care: a
cluster-randomised effectiveness trial. BMJ Open. 2012 Sep 17;2(5). 
Billue KL, Safford MM, Salanitro AH, Houston TK, Curry W, Kim Y, Allison JJ,
Estrada CA. Medication intensification in diabetes in rural primary care: a
cluster-randomised effectiveness trial. BMJ Open. 2012 Sep 17;2(5). 
Willett LL, Estrada CA, Wall TC, Coley HL, Ngu J, Curry W, Salanitro A,
Houston TK. Use of ecological momentary assessment to guide curricular change in
graduate medical education. J Grad Med Educ. 2011 Jun;3(2):162-7. 
Estrada CA, Safford MM, Salanitro AH, Houston TK, Curry W, Williams JH, Ovalle
F, Kim Y, Foster P, Allison JJ. A web-based diabetes intervention for physician:
a cluster-randomized effectiveness trial. Int J Qual Health Care. 2011
Crenshaw K, Curry W, Salanitro AH, Safford MM, Houston TK, Allison JJ, Estrada
CA. Is physician engagement with Web-based CME associated with patients' baseline
hemoglobin A1c levels? The Rural Diabetes Online Care study. Acad Med. 2010
Curry WA, Barganier C. Evidence for expanding physician supply. Ann Intern
Med. 2005 Mar 15;142(6):473; 
Finch CK, Andrus MR, Curry WA. Nicotine replacement therapy-associated
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone. South Med J. 2004