Medical Scientist Training Program    Back to Main

Faculty Detail    
Campus Address SHEL 610 Zip 2182
Phone  (205) 934-6061
Other websites Immunology

Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Primary  Med - Gastroenterology  Med - Gastroenterology Professor Emeritus
Center  Comprehensive Cancer Center  Comprehensive Cancer Center Professor Emeritus
Center  UAB Immunology Institute  UAB Immunology Institute Professor Emeritus

Graduate Biomedical Sciences Affiliations
Hughes Med-Grad Fellowship Program 
Medical Scientist Training Program 

Biographical Sketch 
University of California, Berkeley, CA - B.A. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY - M.D. Vanderbilt University - Internship/Residency in Medicine University of Colorado - Gastroenterology Fellowship NIH (NIAID) - Post-doctoral Fellow (Parasite Immunology) NIH (NIDCR) - Senior Investigator University of Alabama at Birmingham- Mary J. Bradford Professor in Gastroenterology; Professor of Medicine and Microbiology; Director, Mucosal HIV and Immunobiology Center

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
American Association of Immunologists     
American Gastroenterological Association      
Association of American Physicians     
Society for Mucosal Immunology     

Research/Clinical Interest
Mucosal Immunity to Enteric Pathogens
Dr. Smith's laboratory investigates the mucosalimmune responses to infectious agents and inflammatory stimuli. The mucosal cell functions currently being investigated include macrophage anergy, T regulatory and helper cell function, virus transcytosis, and the regulation of inflammation. The cellular and molecular basis for these responses are investigated by probing purified human intestinal, gastric and genital macrophages, lymphocytes, dendritic cells, T regulatory cells and epithelial cells with pathogens, including cytomegalovirus, HIV-1 and Helicobacter pylori or their purified or cloned products. The goal of these studies is to elucidate the cascade of events that regulate mucosal immune and inflammatory responses to enteric pathogens and stimuli. Understanding these responses is critical for developing novel therapeutic agents and vaccine strategies for mucosal diseases.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Smith, P.D., Ohura, K., Masur, H., Lane, H.C., Fauci, A.S. and Wahl, S.M. Monocyte function in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome: Defective chemotaxis. Journal of Clinical Investigation 74:2121-2128, 1984. PMCID: PMC425403  6511917 
Mai, U.E.H., Perez-Perez, G.I., Wahl, L.M., Wahl, S.M., Blaser, M.J. and Smith, P.D. Soluble surface proteins from Helicobacter pylori activate monocytes/macrophages by a lipopolysaccharide-independent mechanism. Journal of Clinical Investigation 87:894-900, 1991.  1847939 
Smith, P.D., Saini, S.S., Raffeld, M., Manischewitz, J.F. and Wahl, S.M. Cytomegalovirus induces expression of tumor necrosis factor by human monocytes and mucosal macrophages. Journal of Clinical Investigation 90:1642-1648, 1992.  1331170 
Mai, U.E.H., Perez-Perez, G.I., Allen, J.B., Wahl, S.M., Blaser, M.J. and Smith, P.D. Surface proteins from Helicobacter pylori exhibit chemotactic activity for human leukocytes and are present in gastric mucosa. Journal of Experimental Medicine 175: 517-525, 1992.  1732414 
Smith PD, Fox CH, Masur H, Winter HS and Alling DW. Quantitative analysis of mononuclear cells expressing HIV-1 RNA in esophageal mucosa. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 180: 1541-1546, 1994.  7931086 
Meng, G., Wu, X., Wei, X., Sellers, M.T., Decker, J.M., Moldoveanu, Z., Kappes, J.C., Mestecky, J., Shaw, G.M. and Smith, P.D. Primary intestinal epithelial cells selectively transfer R5 HIV-1 to CCR5+ cells. Nature Medicine 8:150-156, 2002.  11821899 
Smythies, L.E., Sellers, M., Clements, R., Mosteller-Barnum, M., Meng, G., Benjamin, W.H., Orenstein, J.M. and Smith, P.D. Human intestinal macrophages display profound inflammatory anergy despite avid phagocytic and bacteriocidal activity. Journal of Clinical Investigation 115:66-75, 2005. PMCID: PMC539188.  15630445 
Shen, R., Meng, G., Ochsenbauer C., Clapham, P.R., Grams, J., Novak, L., Kappes, J.C., Smythies, L.E. and Smith, P.D. Stromal down-regulation of macrophage CD4/CCR5 expression and NF-kB activation mediates HIV-1 non-permissiveness in intestinal macrophages. PLoS Pathogens 7(5):e1002060, 2011. PMCID: PMC3102716.  21637819 
Smith PD, Smythies LE, Shen R, Greenwell-Wild T, Gliozzi M and Wahl SM. Intestinal macrophages and response to microbial encroachment. Mucosal Immunology 4:31-42, 2011. PMCID: PMC3821935.  20962772 
Serrano, C., Wright, S.W., Bimczok, D., Shaffer, C.L., Cover, T.L., Venegas, A., Salazar, M.G., Smythies, L.E., Harris, P.R. and Smith, P.D. Downregulated Th17 responses are associated with reduced gastritis in Helicobacter pylori-infected children. Mucosal Immunology 6:950-959, 2013. PMCID: PMC3775337.  23299619