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Campus Address LHRB 642 Zip 0007
Phone  (205) 934-3589
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Undergraduate  University of Alabama in Huntsville    1975  BS - Chemistry 
Graduate  University of South Alabama College of Medicine    1979  MD 

Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Center  Biomatrix Eng Regen Med (BERM) Ctr  Biomatrix Eng Regen Med (BERM) Ctr Professor
Center  Cell Adhesion & Matrix Research Center  Cell Adhesion & Matrix Research Center Professor
Secondary  Cell, Developmntl, & Integrative Biology  Cell, Developmntl, & Integrative Biology Professor
Center  Center for Biophysical Sciences/Engineering  Center for Biophysical Sciences/Engineering Professor
Center  Comp Arthritis, MSK, Bone & Autoimmunity Ctr  Comp Arthritis, MSK, Bone & Autoimmunity Ctr Professor
Center  Comprehensive Cancer Center  Comprehensive Cancer Center Professor
Center  Comprehensive Cardiovascular Ctr  Comprehensive Cardiovascular Ctr Professor
Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center Professor
Center  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci Professor
Primary  Med - Nephrology  Med - Nephrology Professor
Center  Nephrology Research & Training Center  Nephrology Research & Training Center Professor
Center  Nutrition Sciences Research  Nutrition Obesity Res Ctr (NORC) Professor

Graduate Biomedical Sciences Affiliations
Integrative Biomedical Sciences 
Medical Scientist Training Program 
Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine 
Waiting to be Seated 

Biographical Sketch 
Dr. Sanders was born in Tampa, Florida, and has lived in Alabama most of his life. He received his degree in Medicine in 1979 from the University of South Alabama College of Medicine. After completing a residency in Medicine and fellowship in Nephrology at UAB, Dr. Sanders has remained on faculty at UAB, where he has risen in the ranks to Professor. Dr. Sanders has served as Chief of the Renal Section at the Birmingham Veterans Affairs Medical Center since 1989. He became Director of the Nephrology Research and Training Center in October 2009.

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
American College of Physicians     
American Heart Association     
American Physiological Society     
American Society For Clinical Investigation     
American Society of Nephrology     

Research/Clinical Interest
Mechanisms of Disease Progression in the Kidney
The laboratory of Paul W. Sanders, M.D., is funded through the National Institutes of Health to study the pathogenesis of salt-sensitive hypertension and hypertensive nephrosclerosis. More than 43 million Americans have high blood pressure and almost half are salt-sensitive. The frequency of occurrence of clinically important end-organ kidney damage is about 1 in 2,500 hypertensive patients, making hypertensive nephrosclerosis the second most common cause of end-stage renal disease. Salt-sensitive hypertension and hypertensive renal disease are enormously significant problems, but the pathogenetic mechanisms remain incompletely defined. Dr. Sanders uses a genetic model of salt-sensitive hypertension to understand how this problem develops and further how hypertensive renal disease occurs and may be prevented. Dr. Sanders' laboratory is also funded by Merit Awards through the Department of Veterans Affairs to study the mechanism of kidney damage from immunoglobulin proteins. Work in this area has most recently focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms of tubulo-interstitial kidney damage related to immunoglobulin light chains as well as glomerular lesions that result from the interactions between these proteins and mesangial cells to produce amyloid deposition and the syndrome known as monoclonal light chain deposition disease.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Ying, W-Z, and PW Sanders: Dietary salt modulates renal production of transforming growth factor-ß in rats. Am. J. Physiol. 274 (Renal Physiol. 43):F635-F641, 1998.  9575885 
Huang, Z-Q, and PW Sanders: Localization of a single binding site for immunoglobulin light chains on human Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein. J. Clin. Invest. 99: 732-736, 1997.  9045877 
Huang, ZQ, KA Kirk, KG Connelly, and PW Sanders: Bence Jones proteins bind to a common peptide segment on Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein to promote heterotypic aggregation. J. Clin. Invest. 92:2975-2983, 1993.  8254051 
Ying WZ, Aaron KJ, Sanders PW: Effect of aging and dietary salt and potassium intake on endothelial PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog on chromosome 10) function. PLoS ONE 7:e41785, 2012.  23144940 
Ying W-Z, CE Allen, LM Curtis, KJ Aaron, PW Sanders: Mechanism and prevention of acute kidney injury from cast nephropathy in a rodent model. J. Clin. Invest. 122:1777-1785, 2012  22484815 
Basnayake, K, W-Z Ying, P-X Wang, and PW Sanders: Immunoglobulin Light Chains Activate Tubular Epithelial Cells Through Redox Signaling. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 21:1165-1173, 2010.  20558542 
Ying, W-Z, K Aaron, P-X Wang and PW Sanders: Potassium inhibits dietary salt-induced TGF-ß production. Hypertension 54:1159-1163, 2009.  19738156 
Ying, W-Z, K Aaron, and PW Sanders: Dietary salt activates an endothelial Pyk2/c-Src/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex to promote endothelial NO synthase phosphorylation. Hypertension 52:1134-1141, 2008.  18981321 
Ying, W-Z, K Aaron, and PW Sanders: Mechanism of dietary salt-mediated increase in intravascular production of TGF-ß1. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 295:F406-F414, 2008.  18562633 
Curtis, LM, S Chen, B Chen, A Agarwal, CA Klug, and PW Sanders: Contribution of intra-renal cells to cellular repair after acute kidney injury: subcapsular implantation technique. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 295:F310-F314, 2008.  18448588 
Sanders, PW, and BB Booker: Pathobiology of cast nephropathy from human Bence Jones proteins. J. Clin. Invest. 89:630-639, 1992.  1737851 
Wang, P-X, and PW Sanders: Immunoglobulin light chains generate hydrogen peroxide. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 18:1239-1245, 2007  17360948 
Wang, P-X, and PW Sanders: Immunoglobulin light chains generate hydrogen peroxide. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 18:1239-1245, 2007.  17360948 
Ying, W-Z, H-G Zhang, and PW Sanders: EGF receptor activity modulates apoptosis induced by inhibition of the proteasome of vascular smooth muscle cells. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 18:131-143, 2007.  17151333 
Ying, W-Z, and PW Sanders: Accelerated ubiquitination and proteasome degradation of a genetic variant of the inducible nitric-oxide synthase. Biochem. J. 376:789-794, 2003.  12959638 
Ying, W-Z and PW Sanders: The inter-relationship between TGF-ß1 and nitric oxide is altered in salt-sensitive hypertension. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 285:F902-F908, 2003.  12865256 
Ying, W-Z, and PW Sanders: Increased dietary salt activates rat aortic endothelium in vivo. Hypertension 39:239-244, 2002.  11847191 
Ying, W-Z, H Xia and PW Sanders: A nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) mutation in Dahl/Rapp rats decreases enzyme stability. Circ. Res. 89:317-322, 2001.  11509447 
Ying, W-Z, and PW Sanders: Mapping the binding domain of immunoglobulin light chains for Tamm-Horsfall protein. Am. J. Pathol. 158:1859-1866, 2001.  11337384 

salt-sensitive hypertension, transforming growth factor-ß, nitric oxide, hypertensive nephrosclerosis, monoclonal immunoglobulin light-chain-related renal diseases