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Undergraduate  Florida State University    1999  BS 
Medical School  University of Alabama School of Medicine    2003  MD 
Residency  University of Alabama at Birmingham    2006  resident in internal medicine 

Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Primary  Med - General Internal Medicine  Med - General Internal Medicine Professor

Biographical Sketch 
Dr. Snyder is Associate Professor of Medicine and a clinician-educator. Dr. Snyder takes care of her own patients at the Kirklin Clinic (3 half days per week). She is the medical director of the Resident continuity clinic at The Kirklin Clinic (IM IV). She attends at the BVAMC in the Women’s Clinic and the ambulatory teaching clinic. Dr. Snyder leads the Restructuring Residency Clinic Committee, addressing educational needs in ambulatory setting. She also serves as an Assistant Program Director for the Tinsley Harrison Internal Medicine Residency Program, and directs the Primary Care Track.

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
American College Of Physicians  Fellow 
Society of General Internal Medicine  Southern Region President 

Research/Clinical Interest
Dr. Snyder’s educational interests include the improvement of gender specific education in internal medicine training, and the expansion of the ambulatory care experience for residents, including interprofessional education.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Snyder ED, Salanitro AH, Estrada CA, Centor RM, Castiglioni A,. Preparing for Oral Scientific and Clinical Vignette Presentations. J Graduate Med Ed. 2011; 3(4):554-557   
Wall TC, Peralta-Carclelen M, Fargason CA, Evans HH, Snyder ED, Woolley AL. Support of universal newborn hearing screening among mothers and health care providers. Ambulatory Child Health. 2001; 283-295.   
Bryan T, Snyder ED. The Clinical Breast Exam: A Skill That Should Not Be Abandoned. J Gen Internal Medicine. 2013; 28(5): 719-22. DOI 10.1007/s11606-013-2373-9.   
Leeper C, McCluskey S, Leeper J, Jackson J, Snyder ED. Impact of service learning on medicine clerkship performance. Med Educ. 2013;47(5):523.   23574078 
Snyder E, Hartig JR. Gamification of board review: a residency curricular innovation. Med Educ. 2013;47(5):524-5.  23574079 
Nevin CR, Cherrington A, Roy B, Daly DD, Rodriguez JM, Patel M, Snyder ED, Gaffo AL, Barney J, Willig JH. A qualitative assessment of internal medicine resident perceptions of graduate medical education following implementation of the 2011 ACGME duty hour standards. BMC Medical Education 2014, 14:84  24755276 
Bryan TJ, Estrada CA, Castiglioni A, Snyder ED. Impact of an educational intervention on provider knowledge, attitudes, and comfort level regarding counseling women ages 40-49 about breast cancer screening. J Multidiscip Healthc. 2015;8:209-16  25999731 
Small C, Land A, Haist S, Estrada CA, Snyder ED. Managing cognitive load to uncover an unusual cause of syncope: Exercises in Clinical Reasoning. J Gen Intern Med 2016: 31 (2) 247-51. doi:10.1007/s11606-015-3534-9.   26542062  
Walker J, Payne B, Clements-Taylor L, Snyder ED. Continuity of care in resident outpatient clinics: a scoping review of the literature. J Grad Med Ed. 2018: 10(1); 16-25.   29467968  
Weiland G, Cox MK, Sweeney MK, Belue M, Snyder E, Curry W, Evans HH, Salser BE, Estrada CA. What attracts medical students to primary care? A nominal group evaluation. South Med. 2019;112(2):76-82.   30708369  
Benton W, Snyder ED, Estrada CA, Bryan TJ. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Increasing Patient Notification of Test Results in an Internal Medicine Resident Continuity Clinic. South Med J. 2019; 112(2): 85-88.  30708371 

medical education, ambulatory medicine, women's health, underserved populations, primary care