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Faculty Detail    
Professor, Departments of Cell, Developmental, & Integrative Biology; Medicine; and Neurology
Director, UAB Center for Exercise Medicine
Campus Address OSB 302
Phone  (205) 996-7937
E-mail  mbamman@uab.edu
Other websites UAB Center for Exercise Medicine
NIH National Rehabilitation Research Resource to Enhance Clinical Trials

Undergraduate  Kansas State University    1989  BS - Exercise Science 
Graduate  UAB    1990  MA - Exercise Physiology 
Graduate  University of Florida    1996  PhD - Physiology 

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist  1994 

Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Primary  Cell, Developmntl, & Integrative Biology  Cell, Developmntl, & Integrative Biology Professor Emeritus

Graduate Biomedical Sciences Affiliations
Cell, Molecular, & Developmental Biology 
Medical Scientist Training Program 
Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine 

Biographical Sketch 
Dr. Bamman is a professor in the Departments of Cell, Developmental, and Integrative Biology; Medicine; and Neurology in the UAB School of Medicine and Director of the UAB Center for Exercise Medicine, which is 1 of 24 university-wide interdisciplinary research centers. Dr. Bamman is internationally recognized for his scientific contributions to the biology of human skeletal muscle and medical rehabilitation. He is PD/PI of the NIH National Rehabilitation Research Resource to Enhance Clinical Trials (REACT, P2CHD086851); PD/PI of the Coordinating Center for the NIH National Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource Network (MR3 Network); and founding Director of the 74-site, CTSA Consortium-affiliated the National Exercise Clinical Trials Network (NExTNet) – all of which are designed to foster and increase the scientific rigor and impact of clinical trials. Additionally, Dr. Bamman is PD/PI of the pre- and post-doctoral training program, Interdisciplinary Training in Pathobiology and Rehabilitation Medicine (NCMRR 5T32 HD071866). Dr. Bamman has directed several exercise rehabilitation clinical trials including randomized dose-response trials (e.g., NCT02442479), and he is currently the overall PI or site PI of five, multi-site randomized exercise trials focused on: (i) molecular transducers of exercise-induced health benefits (NIH Common Fund MoTrPAC trial, U01AR071133); (ii) total joint arthroplasty rehabilitation (NIH R01HD084124, NCT02628795); (iii) aging with mobility impairment (NIH R01AG046920, NCT02308228); (iv) Parkinson’s disease (Curry Foundation); and (v) epigenetic determinants of exercise responsiveness (DoD ONR MURI N00014-16-1-3159, NCT03380923). All of his human studies are biologically driven with the goal of better understanding mechanisms underpinning exercise-induced improvements in neuromuscular function and muscle mass/quality in acute (e.g., surgery, trauma, disuse, burn) or chronic (e.g., Parkinson’s, arthritis, cancer, spinal cord injury) conditions.

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
American Physiological Society  Professional Member  www.the-aps.org 
American College of Sports Medicine  Fellow  www.acsm.org 

Research/Clinical Interest
Exercise as a discovery tool and treatment in regenerative medicine and medical rehabilitation.
Exercise profoundly impacts the integrity and function of every major organ system, and is therefore considered the only pluripotent form of medicine available. To maximize impact on disease progression, prevention (i.e. risk factor mitigation), and rehabilitation, the state-of-the-art in research is a focus on dose-response trials to provide the evidence base that yields optimal prescriptions in a disease-specific and population-specific manner. The UAB Center for Exercise Medicine is among the nation's leaders in this effort, with significant emphasis on exercise as an effective form of regenerative medicine to restore the function of cells, tissues, and whole organ systems that have suffered the consequences of aging, disease, damage, or congenital defects. Under Dr. Bamman's leadership, the Center is currently leading clinical and translational research in aging, Parkinson's disease, exercise epigenetics, discovering molecular transducers of exercise-induced health benefits, multiple sclerosis, ALS, spinal cord injury, epilepsy, head and neck cancer, heart failure, osteoarthritis, HIV frailty, and post-surgical rehabilitation (i.e. following total joint replacement and organ transplantation).

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Search "Bamman M" on PubMed via www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed   

exercise medicine, medical rehabilitation, regenerative medicine, clinical trial, muscle biology