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Faculty Detail    
Campus Address SHEL 1214 Zip 0000
Phone  (205) 934-4128
Other websites Jeonga Kim PH.D

Undergraduate  Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea    1984  BS 
Graduate  Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea    1986  MS 
Graduate  Iowa State University    2007  PhD 

Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Secondary  Cell, Developmntl, & Integrative Biology  Cell, Developmntl, & Integrative Biology Assistant Professor
Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center Associate Professor
Center  Comprehensive Stroke Research Center  Comprehensive Stroke Research Center Associate Professor
Center  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci Associate Professor
Center  GL Ctr for Craniofacial, Oral, & Dental Disorders  GL Ctr for Craniofacial, Oral, & Dental Disorders Associate Professor
Center  Integrative Center for Aging Research  Integrative Center for Aging Research Associate Professor
Primary  Med - Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism  Med - Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Associate Professor
Center  Nutrition Sciences Research  Nutrition Obesity Res Ctr (NORC) Associate Professor

Graduate Biomedical Sciences Affiliations
Cell, Molecular, & Developmental Biology 
Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine 

Biographical Sketch 
Education 1984 BS : Food and Nutrition, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea 1986 MS : Biochemistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea 1997 PhD: Genetics, Iowa State University Post-Doctoral Training 1997-1999: Pennsylvania State University, College of Medicine, Cellular and Molecular Physiology Dept. 2002-2007: Diabetes Unit, NCCAM, NIH Awards and Honors 1996 and 1997 Stadler Fellowship by the Interdepartmental Genetics Major, Iowa State University 2004 and 2006 NIH FARE Award for Research Excellence 2004 American Diabetes Association Travel Grant

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
American Diabetes Association 
American Heart Association 

Research/Clinical Interest
Cross-talk between inflammation and insulin signaling
Insulin resistance is centered in the pathogenesis of cardiometabolic syndrome. My current research focuses on understanding the mechanisms of insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction caused by pro-inflammatory signaling. This includes identification and characterization of specific kinases that impair insulin signaling in both metabolic and cardiovascular tissues. In related studies, I am investigating mechanisms for bioactive polyphenols to ameliorate cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Cross-talk between inflammation and insulin signaling – Obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension cluster together in the metabolic syndrome. Inflammatory signaling pathways activate various kinases that impair insulin signaling resulting in insulin resistance. My first project is focused on investigating the signaling pathways that are activated by high fat diet, which leads to stimulation of inflammatory signaling. One hypothesis regarding fatty acid-induced inflammatory signaling is that production of reactive oxygen species leads to activation of IKK. Recently, it has been reported that free fatty acids specifically activate Toll-like receptors. The activation of Toll-like receptors is involved in high fat diet induced insulin resistance and cardiovascular diseases. However, the detailed mechanism between toll-like receptor and dietary fat is not clearly understood. I plan to elucidate molecular mechanisms for fatty acids to activate toll-like receptors and related signal transduction pathways. In addition, I plan to investigate the regulation of genes by fatty acid stimulation through toll-like receptors. The results of this project will help us to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying high fat diet induced insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction. Polyphenolic compounds that ameliorate insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction – Polyphenols in green tea (EGCG), red wine (resveratrol), citrus fruit (naringenin), and chocolate (epicatechin) have vasodilator actions that may ameliorate hypertension and insulin resistance. I have been studying the biological actions of EGCG, especially with regard to endothelial function. We found that EGCG activates eNOS and NO production through a Fyn dependent mechanism. We also observed that hesperetin and naringenin to promote vasodilation and anti-inflammatory effects through activation of PI 3-kinase/Akt, and/or AMPK/eNOS/NO pathways. In related studies, I would like to examine whether various polyphenolic compounds can inhibit inflammatory signaling pathways and improve fatty acid-induced insulin resistance. These studies may give additional novel insights related to molecular mechanisms for insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction. Linking inflammation with the metabolic syndrome is highly relevant to major public health problems. The results of these projects may contribute to prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
1. JA Kim, JE Mayfield. Brucella abortus arginase and ornithine cyclodeaminase genes are similar to Ti plasmid arginase and ornithine cyclodeaminase. Biochim Biophys Acta (1997) 1354, 55-57.

2. JA Kim, Z Sha, JE Mayfield. Brucella abortus periplasmic catalase is regulated in response to external H2O2. Infect Immun (2000) 68, 3861-3866

3. JA Kim, JE Mayfield. Identification of Brucella abortus OxyR and its Role in Control of Catalase Expression. J Bacteriol (2000) 182, 5631-5633

4. JS Choi, JA Kim, DH Kim, MH Chun, BJ Gwag, SK Yoon and CK Joo: Failure to activate NF-kB promotes apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells following optic nerve transection. Brain Res (2000) 883, 60-68

5. JA Kim, J Lu, PG Quinn: Distinct CREB domains stimulate different steps in a concerted mechanism of transcription activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (2000) 97, 11292-11296

6. EA Felinski, JA Kim, J Lu, PG Quinn: Recruitment of an RNA polymerase II complex is mediated by the constitutive activation domain in CREB, independently of CREB phosphorylation. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2001) 21, 1001-1010

7. JM Lim, JA Kim, JH Lee, and CK Joo: Downregulated expression of integrin alpha6 by transforming growth factor-b1(TGF-1) on lens epithelial cells in vitro. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (2001) 284, 33-41

8. SK Park, JA Kim (co-first), Y Seomun, J Choi , DH Kim, IO Han, EH.Lee, JH Lee, WR Wee, and CK Joo: Hydrogen peroxide is a novel inducer of connective tissue growth factor. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (2001) 284, 966-971

9. Y Seomun, JA Kim (co-first), EH Lee, and CK Joo: Overexpression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 mediates phenotypic transformation of lens epithelial cells: Biochem J (2001) 15, 41-48

10. DH Kim, JA Kim, JS Choi, CK Joo: Activation of caspase-3 during degeneration of ONL in rd mouse retina. Ophthalmic Res (2002) 34, 150-157

11. MJ Lee, SS Cho, HS J, YS Lim, JR You, J Park, H Suh, JA Kim, JS Park, DK Kim: Optimal salt concentration of vehicle for plasmid DNA enhances gene transfer mediated by eletroporation. Exp Mol Med (2002) 34, 265-272

12. MJ Lee, SS Cho, JR You, Y Lee, BD Kang, JS Choi, JW Park, YL Suh, JA Kim, D-K Kim, J-S Park: Intraperitoneal gene delivery mediated by a novel cationic liposome in a peritoneal disseminated ovarian cancer model. Gene Ther (2002) 9, 859-866

13. JS Choi, JA Kim and CK Joo: Activation of MAPK and CREB by GM1 induces survival of RGCs in the retina with axotomized nerve. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. (2003) 44, 1747-1752

14. J Lyu, JA Kim, SK Chung, KS Kim, CK Joo: Alteration of cadherin in dexamethasone-induced cataract organ-cultured rat lens. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. (2003) 44, 2034-2040

15. HS Jang, HJ Kim, JM Kim, YS Lee, KL Kim, JA Kim, JY Lee, W Suh, JH Choi, ES Jeon, J Byun, DK Kim: A novel ex vivo angiogenesis assay based on electroporation-mediated delivery of naked plasmid DNA to skeletal muscle: Mol Ther. (2004) 9, 464-74

16. YS Lee, JA Kim, KL Kim, HS Jang, JM Kim, JY Lee, IS Shin, JS Lee, W Suh, JH Choi, ES Jeon, J Byun, DK Kim: Aldosterone upregulates connective tissue growth factor gene expression via p38 MAPK pathway and mineralocorticoid receptor in ventricular myocytes. J Korean Med Sci. (2004) 9, 805-11

17. YS Lee, J Byun, JA Kim, JS Lee, KL Kim, YL Suh, JM Kim, HS Jang, JY Lee, IS Shin, W Suh, ES Jeon, DK Kim: Monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension correlates with upregulation of connective tissue growth factor expression in the lung. Exp Mol Med. (2005) 28, 27-35

18. JA Kim, DC Yeh, M Ver, Y Li, A Carranza, TP Conrads, TD Veenstra, MA Harrington, MJ Quon: Phosphorylation of Ser24 in the PH domain of IRS-1 by mPLK/IRAK: cross-talk between inflammatory signaling and insulin signaling that may contribute to insulin resistance. J Biol Chem. (2005) 280, 23173-83

19. JA Kim, KK Koh, MJ Quon: The union of vascular and metabolic actions of insulin in sickness and in health. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. (2005) 25, 889-91

20. KK Koh, MJ Quon, SH Han, WJ Chung, JY Ahn, JA Kim, Y Lee, EK Shin: Additive beneficial effects of fenofibrate combined with candesartan in the treatment of hypertriglyceridemic, hypertensive patients. Diabetes Care, (2006) 29, 195-201

21. G Formoso, H Chen, JA Kim, M Montagnani, A Consoli, MJ Quon: DHEA mimics acute actions of insulin to stimulate production of both NO and ET-1 via distinct PI 3-kinase- and MAP-kinase- dependent pathways in vascular endothelium Mol Endocrinol. (2006) 20, 1153-1163

22. JA Kim, M Montagnani, KK Koh, MJ Quon: Reciprocal Relationships Between Insulin Resistance and Endothelial Dysfunction: molecular and pathophysiological mechanisms Circulation (2006) 113, 1888-904

23. KK Koh, MJ Quon, SH Han, WJ Chung, JA Kim, EK Shin: Vascular and metabolic effects of candesartan: insights from therapeutic interventions. J. Hypertens Suppl. (2006), 24, S31-8.

24. MW Greene, MS Ruhoff, RA Roth, JA Kim, MJ Quon, JA Krause: PKC- mediated IRS-1 Ser24 phosphorylation negatively regulates IRS-1 function. : Biochem Biophys Res Commun (2006) 349, 976-986.

25. M Iantorno, H Chen, JA Kim, M Tesauro, D Lauro, C Cardillo, MJ Quon: Ghrelin has Novel Vascular Actions that Mimic Only PI 3-kinase-dependent Insulin-stimulated Production of Nitric Oxide (NO) but Not MAP-kinase-dependent Insulin-stimulated Secretion of ET-1 From Endothelial Cells. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab (2007) 292, 756-764.

26. MA Potenza, FL Marasciulo, M Tarquinio, E Tiravanti, G Colantuono, A Federici, JA Kim, MJ Quon, and M Montagnani: Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), a Green Tea Polyphenol, Reduces Blood Pressure, Improves Insulin sensitivity, and Protects Against Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion (I/R) Injury in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR). :Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab (2007) 292,1378-1387

27. SH Han, MJ Quon, JA Kim, KK Koh: Adiponectin and cardiovascular disease: response to therapeutic interventions. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. (2007) 49, 531-538

28. JA Kim, M Montangnani, G Formoso, Y Li, and MJ Quon: Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a greentea polyphenol, mediates NO-dependent vasodilation using signaling pathway in vascular endothelium involving Fyn, PI 3-kinase, Akt, and eNOS : J Biol Chem (2007) 282,13736-13745.

29. KK Koh, MJ Quon, SJ Lee, SH Han, JY Ahn, JA Kim, Y Lee, E.K Shin: Efonidipine simultaneously improves blood pressure, endothelial function, and metabolic parameters in nondiabetic patients with hypertension. Diabetes care, (2007) 30,1605-1607

30. KK Koh, MJ Quon, SH Han, JY Ahn, JA Kim, Y Lee, EK Shin: Additive beneficial cardiovascular and metabolic effects of combination therapy with ramipril and cardesartan in hypertensive patients. Eur Heart J. (2007) 28,1440-1447.

31. S Lee, EG Lynn, JA Kim, MJ Quon: Protein kinase C-{zeta} phosphorylates insulin receptor substrate-1, -3, and -4, but not -2: isoform specific determinants of specificity in insulin signaling. Endocrinology, (2008) 149, 2451-8.

32. JA Kim, Y Wei, JR Sowers: Role of mitochondrial dysfunction in insulin resistance: Cir. Res, (2008) 29, 401-14.

33. JA Kim: Mechanisms underlying beneficial health effects of tea catechins to improve insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction: Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders - Drug Targets (2008) 8, 82-88

34. CE Reiter, JA Kim, MJ Quon: The green tea polyphenol EGCG reduces ET-1 expression and secretion in vascular endothelial cells: roles for AMPK, Akt, and FOXO1: Endocrinology (2010) 151(1), 103-14

35. X Zhou, L Ma, J Habibi, A Whaley-Connell, MR Haydon, RD Tilmon, AN Brown, JA Kim, VG Demarco, Sowers JR: Nebivolol Improves Diastolic Dysfunction and Myocardial Remodeling Through Reductions in Oxidative Stress in the Zucker Obese Rat: Hypertension (2010) 55(4), 880-8

36. S Rizza, R Muniyappa, M Iantorno, JA Kim, H Chen, P Pullikotil, M Tesauro, D Lauro, C Cardillo, MJ Quon: The Citrus Polyphenol Hesperidin Stimulates Production of Nitric Oxide in Endothelial Cells to Improve Endothelial Function and Reduce Inflammatory Markers in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (2011) 96(5), 782-92

37. JA Kim*, HJ Jang, LA Martinez-Lemus, JR Sowers; Prolonged Activation Of mTOR/p70 S6 Kinase by Angiotensin II Inhibits Insulin Stimulated Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthas: Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab (2012) 302(2), E201-8, PMID 22028412 PMCID: PMC3340897 (*Corresponding Author)

38. JA Kim, M Nunez, BL Laskowski, JJ Chhun, JK Eleid, MJ Quon, and TS Tsao; Extracellular conversion of adiponectin hexamers to trimers: Biosci Rep (2012) 32(6), 641-52, PMID 22973892

39. JA Kim, M Montagnani, S Chandraskran, MJ Quon; Role of lipotoxicity in endothelial dysfunction: Heart Fail Clin (2012) 8(4), 589-607 PMID 22999242

40. HJ Jang, HS Kim, D Hwang, MJ Quon, JA Kim; Toll like receptor 2 mediates high fat diet-induced impairment of vasodilator actions of insulin: Am J Physiol Endocrionol Metab (2013) 304(10), E1077-88 PMID 23531618

41. HS Kim, V Montana, HJ Jang, V Parpura, and JA Kim; Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) stimulates autophagy in vascular endothelial cells: A potential role for reducing lipid accumulation: J Biol Chem (2013) 288(31), 22693-705 PMID23754277

42. HJ Jang, SD Ridgeway, JA Kim; Effects of the Green Tea Polyphenol Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG) on High Fat Diet-Induced Insulin Resistance and Endothelial Dysfunction: Am J Physiol Endocrionol Metab (2013) 305(12): E1444-51 PMID 24148349 PMCID: PMC3882381

43. HS Kim, MJ Quon, JA Kim; New insights into the mechanisms of polyphenols beyond antioxidant properties; lessons from the green tea polyphenol, epigallocatechin 3-gallate: Redox Biology (2014) 2:187-195

44. DJ Lim, A Andukuri, JB Vines, P Hwang, SM Rahman, JA Kim, A Shalev, JA Corbett, and HW Jun; Enhanced MIN6 Β-Cell Survival And Function On A Nitric Oxide Releasing Peptide Amphiphile Nanomatrix: International Journal of Nanomedicine, (2014) 9:13-21

45. MA Keske, HLH Ng, D Premilovac, S Rattigan, JA Kim, K Munir, P Yang, and MJ.Quon; Vascular and Metabolic Actions of the Green Tea Polyphenol EGCG: Current Medicinal Chemistry, (2015) 22:59-69

Insulin Resistance, Endothelial Dysfunction, NO, ROS, Polyphenol