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Faculty Detail    
Campus Address SHEL 602
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Undergraduate  University of Oklahoma    1985  BS in Zoology 
Graduate  University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center    1996  Ph.D. in Pharmacology  

Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Secondary  Pharmacology/Toxicology Chair's Office  Pharmacology/Toxicology Chair's Office Professor
Center  Nutrition Sciences Research  Nutrition Obesity Res Ctr (NORC) Professor
Center  Nephrology Research & Training Center  Nephrology Research & Training Center Professor
Primary  Joint Pathology  Molecular & Cellular Pathology Professor
Secondary  Environmental Health Sciences  Environmental Health Sciences Associate Professor
Center  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci Professor
Center  Med - Cardiovascular Disease  Ctr Cardiovasc Bio (Org Ret) Professor
Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center Professor

Graduate Biomedical Sciences Affiliations
Biochemistry and Structural Biology 
Medical Scientist Training Program 
Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine 

Biographical Sketch 
Received Bachelor of Science in Zoology from the University of Oklahoma in 1989 Received PhD in Pharmacology from the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, College of Medicine in 1996, Dissertation advisor: Lester A. Reinke, Dissertation title: Potential Mechanisms of Hepatic Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, Wake Forest University School of Medicine from 3/96-2/99, Postdoctoral advisor: Carol C. Cunningham Instructor, Department of Biochemistry, Wake Forest University School of Medicine from 3/99-9/00 Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Wake Forest University School of Medicine from 10/00-8/01 Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham from 9/01-9/06 Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham from 10/06 - 1/12; Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Division of Molecular and Cellular Pathology, School of Medicine from 2/12 - 9/13; Professor, Department of Pathology, Division of Molecular and Cellular Pathology, School of Medicine from 10/14 - present

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases  member 
American Physiological Society  member 
International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism   member 
Research Society on Alcoholism  member 
Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine  member 

Research/Clinical Interest
Molecular mechanisms of chronic alcohol and obesity induced fatty liver disease
My research program studies how genetic, environmental, and/or lifestyle factors influence the initiation, progression, and severity of liver and cardiovascular diseases using experimental model systems. Our goal is to identify molecular factors and mechanisms that enhance alcohol and obesity-related fatty liver disease. Principal areas are focused on understanding how disruption in lipid and glycogen metabolism, redox signaling, and mitochondrial bioenergetic function contribute to pathology. We also investigate the importance of circadian rhythms and the molecular circadian clock in affecting hepatic energy metabolism. Recent interests also include studies focused on how the liver distally regulates vascular function through cross-talk mechanisms with cardiovascular systems and tissues.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Zhang D, Colson JC, Jin C, Becker BK, Rhoads MK, Pati P, Neder TH, King MA, Valcin JA, Tao B, Kasztan M, Paul JR, Bailey SM, Pollock JS, Gamble KL, and Pollock DM. Timing of food intake controls the diurnal rhythm of blood pressure independent of BMAL1 in the mouse. Function 2(1):zqaa034. Doi:10.1093/function.zqaa034 (2020). (PMID: PMC7772288)  33415319 
Valcin JA, Udoh US, Swain TM, Andringa KA, Patel CR, Al Diffalha S, Baker PRS, Gamble KL, and Bailey SM. Alcohol and liver clock disruption increase small droplet macrosteatosis, alter lipid metabolism and clock gene expression rhythms, and remodel the triglyceride lipidome in mouse liver. Front Physiol 11:1048. doi:org/10.3389/fphys.2020.01048 (2020). (PMCID:PMC7504911)   33013449 
Saini V, Chinta KC, Reddy VP, Stein A, Lamprecht DA, Glasgow JN, Aejazur Rahman MD, Mackenzie JS, Truebody BE, Adamson J, Bailey SM, Moellering DR, Lancaster JR, Steyn AJC. Hydrogen sulfide stimulates Mycobacterium tuberculosis respiration, growth, and pathogenesis. Nat Commun 11(1):557 (2020) (PMCID:OMC6987094)   31992699 
De Luca M, Vecchie D, Athmanathan B, Gopalkrishna S, Valcin JA, Swain TM, Sertie R, Wekesa K, Rowe GC, Bailey SM, and Nagareddy PR. Genetic deletion of Syndecan-4 alters body composition, metabolic phenotypes, and the function of metabolic tissues in female mice fed a high-fat diet. Nutrients 11(11):2810 (2019). (PMCID:PMC6893658)  31752080 
Jiang C, Stewart LT, Kuo HC, McGilberry W, Wall SB, Liang B, van Groen T, Bailey SM, Tipple TE, Jones DP, McMahon LL, and Liu RM. Cyclic O3 exposure synergizes with aging leading to memory impairment in male APOε3, but not APOε4, targeted replacement mice. Neurobiol Aging 81: 9-21 (2019) (PMCID:PMC6732233)  31207469 
Mukherji A, Bailey SM, Staels B, and Baumert TF. The circadian clock and liver function in health and disease. J Hepatol, in press (2019). (PMCID:PMC in progress)   30930223  
Oliva CR, Halloran B, Hjelmeland AB, Vazquez A, DeNicola G, Bailey SM, Sarkaria JN, and Griguer CE. IGFBP6 controls the expansion of chemoresistant glioblastoma through paracrine IGF2/IGF-1R signaling. Cell Commun Signal 16(1): 61 (2018). (PMCID:PMC6148802)   30231881 
Singal AK and Bailey SM. Cellular abnormalities and emerging biomarkers in alcohol associated liver disease. Gene Expr Liver Research 19(1): 49-60 (2018). (PMCID: PMC6290320)   30086817  
Bailey SM. Emerging role of circadian clock disruption in alcohol-induced liver disease. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 315(3): G364-G373 (2018). (PMCID: in progress)  29848023 
Udoh US, Valcin JA, Swain TM, Filiano AN, Gamble KL, Young ME, and Bailey SM. Genetic deletion of the circadian clock transcription factor BMAL1 and chronic alcohol consumption differentially alter hepatic glycogen content in mice. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 314(3):G4431-G447 (2018). (PMCID: PMC5899240)  29191941 
Oliva CR, Markert T, Ross LJ, White EL, Rasmussen L, Zhang W, Everts M, Bailey SM, Suto MJ, and Griguer CE. Identification of small molecule inhibitors of human cytochrome c oxidase that target chemoresistant glioma cells. J Biol Chem291(46):24188-24199 (2016) (PMCID:PMC5104942)  27679486 
King AL, Mantena SK, Andringa KK, Millender-Swain T, Dunham-Snary K, Oliva CR, Griguer CE, and Bailey SM. The methyl donor S-adenosylmethionine prevents liver hypoxia and dysregulation of mitochondrial bio-energetic function in a rat model of alcohol-induced fatty liver disease, Redox Biol v.9: 188-197 (2016). (PMCID: PMC5007436)   27566282 
Souza-Smith F, Lang CH, Nagy LE, Bailey SM, Parson LH, and Murray G. Physiological processes underlying organ injury in alcohol abuse, Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab311(3):E605-619 (2016) (PMCID: PMC:5142006)  27436613 
He L, Hamm JA, Reddy A, Sams D, Peliciari-Garcia RA, McGinnis GR, Bailey SM, Chow CW, Rowe GC, Chatham JC, and Young ME. Biotinylation: a novel posttranslational modification linking cell autonomous circadian clocks with metabolism. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 310(11): H1520-H1532 (2016) (PMCID: PMC4935513)  27084392 
Peliciari-Garcia RA, Goel M, Aristorenas JA, Shah K, He L, Yang Q, Shalev A, Bailey SM, Prabhu SD, Chatham JC, Gamble KL, and Young ME. Altered myocardial metabolic adaptation to increased fatty acid availability in cardiomyocyte-specific CLOCK mutant mice. Biochim Biophys Acta 1861(10): 1579-95 (2016) (PMCID: PMC4917492)  26721420 
Udoh US, Valcin JA, Gamble KL, and Bailey SM. The molecular circadian clock and alcohol-induced liver injury. Biomolecules 5(4):2504-2537 (2015). (PMCID: PMC4693245)  26473939 
Udoh US, Swain TM, Filiano AN, Gamble KL, Young ME, and Bailey SM. Chronic ethanol consumption disrupts diurnal rhythms of hepatic glycogen metabolism in mice. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 308(11):G964-G974 (2015). (PMCID: PMC4451320)  258579999 
Stein A, Kraus DW, Doeller JE, and Bailey SM.Inhalation exposure model of hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-induced hypometabolism in the male Sprague-Dawley rat. Methods Enzymol 555:19-35 (2015)  25747473 
Theis W, Andringa KK, Dickinson DA, Postlethwait EM, and Bailey SM. Ozone inhalation modifies the rat liver proteome. Redox Biol 2:52-60 (2014). (PMCID: PMC4297937)  25544660 
Andringa KK, Udoh US, Landar A, and Bailey SM. Proteomic analysis of 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) modified proteins in liver mitochondria from chronic ethanol-fed rats. Redox Biol 2C:103-1047 (2014). (PMCID: PMC4297939)  25454745 
Bailey SM, Udoh US, and Young ME. Circadian regulation of metabolism. J Endocrinol 222(2):R75-96 (2014). (PMCID: PMC4109003)  24928941 
Chacko BK, Kramer PA, Ravi S, Benavides GA, Mitchell T, Dranka BP, Ferrick D, Singal AK, Ballinger SW, Bailey SM, Hardy RW, Zhang J, Zhi D, and Darley-Usmar V. The bioenergetic health index: a new concept in mitochondrial translational research. Clin Sci 127(6):367-373 (2014). (PMC4202728)  24895057 
Betancourt AM, King AL, Fetterman JL, Millender-Swain T, Finely RD, Oliva CR, Crowe DR, Ballinger SW, and Bailey SM. Mitochondrial-nuclear genome interactions in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in mice. Biochem J (2014) 461(2):223-232. PMCID: PMC4086355  24758559  
King AL, Swain TM, Mao Z, Udoh U, Oliva CR, Betancourt AM, Griguer CR, Crowe DR, Lesort M, and Bailey SM. Involvement of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore in chronic ethanol-mediated liver injury in mice. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 306(4):G265-277 (2014) PMCID: PMC 3920122  24356880 
Filiano-Upton A, Swain TM, Johnson R, Young ME, Gamble KL, and Bailey SM. Chronic ethanol consumption disrupts the core molecular clock and diurnal rhythms of metabolic genes in the liver without affecting the suprachiasmatic nucleus. PLoS One 8(8):e71684 (2013). PMCID: PMC3741117  23951220 

Molecular mechanisms of alcohol and obesity induced liver diseases; Mitochondrial dysfunction in disease; Molecular bioenergetics; Circadian biology; Redox Signaling; Toxicology