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Faculty Detail    
Vice Chair of Clinical Affairs
Campus Address SC 931 Zip 0017
Phone  (205) 934-5151
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Undergraduate  Tulane University    1983  B.A. 
Medical School  University of Maryland, School of Medicine    1987  M.D. 
Residency  University of Illinois School of Medicine and University of Alabama at Birmingham    1993  M.D. 

American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology  2005 

Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Center  Comprehensive Neuroscience Center  Comprehensive Neuroscience Center Professor
Primary  Psych - Adult  Psych - Adult Professor

Biographical Sketch 
Clinical specialization has evolved into research interests in the adult manifestations of childhood disorders. My recent body of work is original trials translating current knowledge of sleep rhythms into clinical practice for the circadian disrupted, ADHD population.

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
Birmingham Psychoanalytic Society Study Group  Member   
New-Orleans Birmingham Psychoanalytic Center  Member 
National Association of Professional Women  Member 
Association of Women Psychiatrists  Member 
American Medical Women’s Association  Member 
American Psychiatric Association   Member 

Research/Clinical Interest
Direct the Adult Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Sleep Research Program. Currently characterizing the circadian dysfunction in ADHD and exploring therapeutic strategies to address the circadian rhythm sleep disorder related to ADHD.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Fargason RE, Ford CV. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults: diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Southern Medical Journal. 1994; 87:302-9.
Gamble KL, May, RS, Besing RC, Tankersly AP, Fargason RE. Delayed sleep timing and symptoms in adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A controlled actigraphy study. Chronobiology International. Early Online:1-9,(2013).  23445512 
Fargason RE, Hollar A, White S, Gamble KL. Adults with ADHD-without insomnia history have subclinical sleep disturbance but not circadian delay: An ADHD phenotype? Journal of Attention Disorders. [published online ahead of print September 20, 2012]. doi:10.1177/1087054712458972  22997357 
Spattell CM, Wall TC, Allison, J, Calhoun J, Fargason RE, Kiefe, CI. Identifying physician-recognized depression from administrative data: consequences for quality measurement: Health Services Research. August 2003; 38; 1081-1101.   12968818 
Fargason Jr CA, Fargason RE. The death of the traditional academic physician. Physician Executive. 1996; 8:23-5.   
Fargason RE, Preston T, Gamble KL. Blue-wavelength light blocking glasses improve sleep in adults with ADHD. Jl. of ChronoPhysiology and Therapy. 2013:3 1–8.
Fargason RE, Gamble K, Avis K, Besing R, May R. Ramelteon for insomnia due to ADHD, Psychopharmacology Bulletin. 2011; 44(2); 1-22.   
Wilson SR, Fargason RE, Cates ME. Clinical course of adult ADHD patients treated with atomoxetine. International Journal of Pharmacy Education. November 2006.