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Campus Address MT 621 Zip 4410
Phone  (205) 934-4307
E-mail  mfouad@uab.edu
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Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Primary  Med - Preventive Medicine  Med - Preventive Medicine Professor Emeritus
Center  Comprehensive Cancer Center  Comprehensive Cancer Center Professor Emeritus

Graduate Biomedical Sciences Affiliations
Integrative Biomedical Sciences 

Biographical Sketch 
Mona N. Fouad, MD, MPH, is a Professor in the UAB Division of Preventive Medicine, Director of the UAB Minority Health and Research Center, Associate Scientist in the Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Center for Aging at UAB, graduate faculty in the UAB School of Nursing, and a faculty member in UAB Health Promotion Center.

Research/Clinical Interest
Primary cancer prevention
Dr. Fouad is involved in several minority-specific research studies, including serving as the PI for the Cancer Care Outcomes Research and Surveillance Consortium (CanCORS), an NCI-funded study, and the PI of a R01 NCI-funded study to assess minority and low-income women beliefs in relation to participation in research studies. This study will also test a community-based intervention to enhance women’s compliance and retention in cancer prevention studies. Dr. Fouad is the PI for the UAB Minority Screening Center of the NCI-funded “ Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, Ovarian Cancer (PLCO) Screening Trial”. She is also the PI for two CDC-funded projects entitled, “Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health by the Year 2010”, and “Analyzing the Gap: Prostate Cancer in Black and White Men”. The primary goal of the first project is to eliminate the disparity in breast and cervical cancer morbidity and mortality between Caucasian and African-American women in the state of Alabama. The main goal of the second project is to determine reasons for disparity in prostate cancer morbidity and mortality between African-American and white men. Dr. Fouad is also the PI for the UAB Cancer Center and Tuskegee University Partnership which is a study funded by NCI to assist minority institutions and investigators to enhance their research capabilities. She is also the Co-PI for the Deep South Network for Cancer Control and the UAB/Morehouse School of Medicine Partnership and is responsible for the training and career development of minority students and faculty within the Network and the partnership. She has served as a Co-Investigator for the CDC funded project “Breast/Cervical Cancer Screening: Effects of Comorbidity” to assess the impact of the presence of chronic or disabling conditions on breast/cervical cancer screening practices by primary care physicians. Dr. Fouad has also served as Co-PI of the Tuskegee Conference, an NCI-funded study to enhance participation of minorities in cancer clinical trials. Through this work, Dr. Fouad has developed a strong interest in minority health specifically in the area of cancer prevention and control.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Reynolds K, Raczynski J, Binkley D, Franklin F, Duvall R, Devane-Hart K, Harrington K, Caldwell E, Jester P, Bragg C, Fouad M: Design of “High 5": A school-based study to promote fruit and vegetable consumption for reduction of cancer risk. Journal of Cancer Education 1998; 13:169-177.
Kiefe C, Funkhouser E, Fouad M, May D. Chronic disease as a barrier to breast and cervical cancer screening. Journal of General Internal Medicine June 1998; 13: 357-365.   
Green B L, Partridge E, Fouad M, Kohler C, Crayton E: African American attitudes regarding cancer clinical trials and research studies: Results from focus group methodology. Ethnicity and Disease (Accepted for publication 7/99).   
May DS, Kiefe CI, Funkhouser E, Fouad M: Compliance with mammography guidelines: Physician recommendation and patient adherence. Prev Med 1999:28;386-94.   
Simpson N, Johnson C, Ogden S, Gamito E, Trocky N, McGuire C, Martin J, Barrow S, Lamerato L, Flickinger L, Broski K, Engelhard D, Hilke C, Bonk J, Gahagan B, Gren L, Childs J, Lappe K, Fouad M, Thompson J, Sullivan D: Recruitment Strategies in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial: The First Six Years. Controlled Clinical Trials, 2000;21(Suppl): 356S-378S.   
Stallings F, Ford M, Simpson N, Fouad M, Jernigan J, Trauth J, Miller D: Black Participation in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial. Controlled Clinical Trials 2000;21(Suppl):379S-389S.   
Fouad M, Partridge E, Green BL, Kohler C, Wynn T, Nagy S, Churchill S: Minority recruitment in clinical trials: a conference at Tuskegee, researchers and the community. Annals of Epidemiology 2000; 10:S3-S40.   
Brown D, Fouad M, Basen-Engquist K, Tortolero-Luna G: Recruitment and Retention of Minority Women in Cancer Screening, Prevention, and Treatment Trials. Annals of Epidemiology 2000; 10:S13-S21.   
Fouad M, Partridge E, Wynn T, Green BL, Kohler C, Nagy S. Statewide Tuskegee Alliance For Clinical Trials: A Community Coalition to Enhance minority participation in Research. Cancer, American Cancer Society Journal (Supplement) January 1, 2001, 237-241.   
Fouad M, Funkhouser E. May D, Partridge E, Kiefe C: Variability in cancer screening practices in same clinics. Clinical Journal of Women’s Health, March 2001; 1(2):59-68.