Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine  Back to Main
 Faculty Listing
Total Records: 105
Last Name First Name Research/Clinical Interest Title Keywords
AGARWAL ANUPAM Regulation of heme oxygenase gene expression in kidney and vascular injury heme oxygenase, acute kidney injury, transplant nephrology, lymphangiogenesis
AHMAD AFTAB Role of extracellular RNA in Acute Lung Injury. Role of Hypoxia-inducible transcription factors in Pulmonary Hypertension. Vascular biology, endothelial cells, pulmonary hypertension, Hypoxia-inducible transcription factors, HIF-1a, HIF-2a, Acute lung Injury, extracellular RNA.
ALLER STEPHEN Structure and Function of Human Membrane Proteins Research/Clinical Membrane proteins, structure-based drug design, x-ray crystallography, biophysics, biochemistry, pharmacology, blood-brain barrier, cystic fibrosis, multi-drug resistance, drug transport, breast cancer
ANDERSON PETER Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Health Sciences Education Cardiovascular pathology, animal models of human disease, technology enhanced education
BAILEY SHANNON Molecular mechanisms of chronic alcohol and obesity induced fatty liver disease Molecular mechanisms of alcohol and obesity induced liver diseases; Mitochondrial dysfunction in disease; Molecular bioenergetics; Circadian biology; Redox Signaling; Toxicology
BALKOVETZ DANIEL Epithelial Cell Biology; Epithelial Cell Signal Regulation; Regulation of paracellular transport across epithelial cell tight junctions epithelial cells, claudins, tight junctions, E-cadherin, hepatocyte growth factor, ERK, MDCK
BALLINGER SCOTT Environmental cardiology, free radical biology, mitochondrial function, mitochondrial - nuclear interactions mitochondria, oxidative stress, evolutionary medicine, cardiovascular disease, cancer, metabolism
BAMMAN MARCAS Exercise as a discovery tool and treatment in regenerative medicine and medical rehabilitation. exercise medicine, medical rehabilitation, regenerative medicine, clinical trial, muscle biology
BARNES HELEN Proteomics of neuroprotective and chemopreventive actions of dietary phytochemicals neuroprotection, proteomics, protein modifications, antioxidant dietary supplements, menopause, neurogenesis
BARNES JARROD Mechanisms of metabolic dysregulation and aberrant glycosylation in pulmonary disease glycosylation, pulmonary vascular disease, metabolism
BELLIS SUSAN Role of glycosylation in tumor progression and metastasis tumorigenesis, metastasis, cancer stem cell, cell invasion, apoptosis, tumor immunology,
BEVENSEE MARK Cellular and Molecular Physiology of Acid-base Transporters and pH Regulation acid-base, bicarbonate, transporter, brain, fluorescence dyes, glia , heart, intracellular pH, microelectrodes, neuron, Xenopus oocyte, neuronal firing, kidney, polycystic kidney disease, epithelial sodium channel
BHATNAGAR SUSHANT Identification and characterization of novel factors in insulin secretion in obesity and type 2 diabetes Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, Beta Cell Biology, Insulin Secretion, SNARE Biology, Secreted Proteins, Insulin Granule Trafficking, Tomosyn Proteins, Post-translational Modifications
BLALOCK JAMES Rational Drug and Vaccine Design/Neutrophilic Inflammation
BRIDGES STANLEY Genetic influences on susceptibility, severity, and treatment response in rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis; genetics; African-Americans; pharmacogenetics; biomarkers; autoantibodies
BUCHSBAUM DONALD Cancer immunotherapy Immunotherapy, Wnt inhibitors, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer
CHATHAM JOHN Cardiomyocyte function and survival in ischemia/reperfusion and the impact of diabetes: Myocardial ischemia, diabetic cardiomyopathy, O-GlcNAc, STIM1, Ca2+-signaling
CHAUDRY IRSHAD Cardiovascular/Immunological Alterations Following Trauma-Sepsis trauma, hemorrhage, sepsis, gender dimorphism, immune functions, cardiovascular functions
CHEN YABING Gene Regulation and Function in the Pathogenesis of Cardiovascular Disease and Aging vascular smooth muscle cells, excellular matrix, vascular calcification, atherosclerosis, diabetes, aging
COLLAWN JAMES Role of ion channels in cystic fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis; Endocytosis; Protein Trafficking, chymase, heart failure
COWELL RITA Cellular Vulnerability in Development and Aging: Using the Molecular Phenotype of Neurons to Elucidate Mechanisms of Disease and Identify Targets for Intervention Transcription, Parkinson Disease, ALS, frontotemporal dementia, movement disorders, Neuroanatomy, Metabolism, Mitochondria, Neurobiology, Mouse models
CRON RANDALL CD4 T Lymphocyte Transcriptional Regulation Lupus, HIV-1, CD4 T Cell, Transcription, Nuclear Factor of Activated T Cells, Macrophage Activation Syndrome, Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
DARLEY-USMAR VICTOR Mitochondrial Health; Bench to Bedside mitochondria, nitric oxide, reactive oxygen species, bioenergetic dysfunciton, translational research
DAVIS RANDALL The developmental immunology of lymphocytes and immunoreceptor biology. Lymphoproliferative disorders and mechanisms that contribute to lymphomagenesis and autoimmunity. Immunology, lymphoproliferative disorders, autoimmunity, B cells, Fc receptors, CLL, FCRL
DICKINSON DALE Redox cell signaling and environmental exposures; natural products and chemoprevention glutathione; redox; Nrf2; antioxidant; microRNA; nutraceutical
DING QIANG Molecular mechanisms of organ fibrosis Signal Transduction; Cell Physiology, Adhesion & Migration Signaling; Molecular Genetics & Disease; Gene Regulation and Expression
DOBRUNZ LYNN Hippocampal Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity, Circuits that Regulate Anxiety, Noninvasive Neuromodulation anxiety, Neuropeptide Y, hippocampus
DOKLAND TERJE Structural biology of viral assembly and bacterial pathogenicity Staphylococcus, pathogenicity, virus, assembly, bacteriophages, electron microscopy, cryo-EM, crystallography, 3D reconstruction
EDBERG JEFFREY Genetic Polymorphisms in Wegener’s Granulomatosis
ELSON CHARLES Regulation of mucosal immune responses T reg cells, dendritic cells, colitis, mucosal, Crohn's disease, transgenic, IgA, Th IL17
ELTOUM ISAM-ELDIN - Clinical research in diagnostic cytology and surgical pathology- Tumorogenesis of prostate cancer and chemoprevetion - HPV infection EUS-FNA, Prostate cancer in transgenic animals, HPV infection, Cytology, Immunopathology
FALANY CHARLES Biochemical and physiological properties of human cytosolic sulfotransferases
FENG XU The RANKL/RANK/OPG System in Health and Disease RANKL, RANK, OPG, Cell Differentiation, Cell Signaling, Osteoclast, Mammary Gland, Breast Cancer
FERNANDEZ JOSE Genetic basis for racial/ethnic differences in obesity and metabolic outcomes obesity, nutriton, genetics, genetic admixture, racial disparities
FRANK STUART Growth Hormone Action and GH Receptor Structure and Function growth hormone, signaling, prolactin, IGF-1, growth factors
FULLER CATHERINE ENaC/ASIC Ion Channels; Sodium channels, glioma, migration, proliferation, cancer, signaling, polycystic kidney disease
GALIN F. Neuroimmunology/Multiple Sclerosis
GAMLIN PAUL Studies of the Neural Bases of Vision & Eye Movements pupil, vergence, gene therapy, fMRI
GARVEY W. Molecular and physiological pathogenesis of human insulin resistance Insulin resistance, obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes
GEORGE JAMES Immune regulation of post-transplant vascular disease and allograft rejection Transplantation, Heme oxygenase, Stress, Vascular disease, Heart disease, Nephrology
GOEPFERT PAUL Determining the mechanisms allowing T cells to control HIV replication in vivo
GRAY MICHAEL Bacterial responses to oxidative stress microbiota, redox, stress, probiotics, reactive chlorine, inflammation
GRAY MICHELLE Pathogenesis of Huntington's Disease Huntington's disease, neurodegeneration, neuroscience, astrocytes
HABEGGER KIRK FGF21 as mediator of the metabolic actions of glucagon & Duodenal nutrient exclusion enhances glucose metabolism via CNS regulation
HABLITZ JOHN Cellular Mechanisms of Neurotransmission
HARRINGTON LAURIE Protective and Pathogenic CD4 T Cell Responses CD4 T cells, autoimmunity, immunological memory, cytokines
HARTMAN JOHN Experimental models of gene interaction networks that buffer human disease using cell array phenotyping of yeast gene knockout libraries yeast genetics, quantitative high throughput cell array phenotyping (Q-HTCP), gene interaction networks, cellular quiescence, aging, cystic fibrosis, chemotherapy response, systems biology, drug discovery, lab automation
HEL ZDENEK Immunology and pathogenesis of HIV-1 / AIDS; Neutrophil biology; Effect of hormonal contraception on immune system; Design of novel strategies for immunotherapy of cancer; Covid-19. Immunology, Neutrophils, HIV-1, Vaccine, Cancer, Covid-19.
HILDRETH BLAKE Role of macrophages and osteoclasts in bone metastasis and primary bone tumors macrophage, osteoclast, breast cancer, primary bone tumor, bone, metastasis
HSU HUI-CHEN The BXD2 autoimmune mouse model of lupus and erosive arthritis BXD2, lupus, arthritis, IL-17, type I IFN, apoptotic cells
HYNDMAN KELLY Novel mechanisms of HDAC1 regulation of collecting duct function. nitric oxide, endothelin, collecting duct, histone deacetylase, Aquaporin-2
INSCHO EDWARD Physiology and pathophysiology of the renal microcirculation microcirculation, afferent arterioles, autoregulation, inflammation, purinoceptors, endothelin, renal injury, Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)
KADISHA INGA The role of white matter changes in aging and Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's Disease, Aging, Cognition
KANO SHINICHI Immunology of brain homeostasis and disease Neuroimmunology, Glia, Cytokine, Epigenetics, Extracellular vesicles, Schizophrenia
KIM JEONGA Cross-talk between inflammation and insulin signaling Insulin Resistance, Endothelial Dysfunction, NO, ROS, Polyphenol
KING PETER 1) RNA Regulation of Inflammation in ALS and other Neurodegenerative Disorders, 2) Smads as Biomarkers of ALS Disease Progressionh RNA stability; AU-rich elements; cytokines and chemokines; glioblastoma; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, stroke, spinal cord injury, HuR, KSRP
KNIGHT JOHN Oxalate Handling and Synthesis and its Relationship to Health and Disease Calcium oxalate kidney stone disease, Oxalobacter formigenes, primary hyperoxaluria
KRAFT TIMOTHY Physiology and Pathophysiology of Photoreceptors
LEAL SIXTO Infectious Disease Diagnostics, SARS-CoV-2, Mycology, and Effector Functions of Phagocytic Cells Clinical Microbiology, Medical Microbiology, Molecular Diagnostics, Microbiology, Neutrophils, PMNs, SARS-CoV-2, COVIDfungi, mold, mollicutes
LEAVENWORTH JIANMEI Cancer-Immune cell Crosstalk: Discovery of new targets for cancer immunotherapy Immunology, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, Treg, NK cells, glioma
LIMDI NITA Pharmacogenomics research and Implementation Science Personalized Medicine, Precision Medicine, Pharmacogenomics, Implemental Science, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacoeconomics, Warfarin , Antiplatelet drugs, Antithrombotic, comparative effectiveness
LIU RUI-MING Oxidative stress, Aging, Lung fibrosis, Alzheimer's disease
LU RUI Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cancer Initiation, Maintenance, and Drug Resistance Cancer, Leukemia, Epigenetics, Genomics, Chromatin, Gene regulation, Novel therapeutics
MANNE UPENDER Translational research in grastrointestinal malignancies and breast cancer Colorectal Cancer, GI malignancies, Breast Cancer, Molecular Biomarkers, Ancestry Differences, Population-based Studies, ancer Control & Prevention
MAYNARD CRAIG Intestinal Immune Regulation in Health and Disease immunoregulation, microbiota, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), regulatory T cells, anti-commensal antibodies
MCNICHOLAS-BEVENSEE CARMEL Regulation of ion channels Ion channel, Pulmonary, Cardiovascular, Sweat gland
MITCHELL TANECIA The Role of Mitochondria in Immune Cells in Urological Disorders Mitochondria, Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, Immune Cells, Kidney Stones, Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome
MITRA KASTURI Exploring the significance of mitochondrial structural change in health and disease Mitochondria, Cell proliferation, Energetics, Cancer, Stem cells
MOUNTZ JOHN autoimmunity, immune senescence, gene therapy type I IFNs, IL-23, germinal centers, marginal zone macrophages, inflammatory macrophages, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus
MURPHY-ULLRICH JOANNE Extracellular Matrix Control of Cell and Growth Factor Function, multiple myeloma, diabetic complications, glaucoma atherosclerosis, diabetic complications, tumor microenvironment, multiple myeloma, osteolytic bone disease, glaucoma, fibrosis, TGF-beta, thrombospondin
NAHM MOON Adaptive and Innate Immune Responses to Pneumococci and Pneumonia Vaccines pneumococcus, capsule, innate immunity, pathogenesis, vaccines
NAMAKKAL SOORAPPAN RAJASEKARAN Nrf2/Keap1 dependent mechanisms for reductive stress in heart and brain Reductive Stress, Nrf2-Keap1 Signaling, Cardiac Remodeling, Proteotoxicity, Cardiac Aging, Neurodegeneration, Alzheimer's disease
PARANT JOHN Animal Models of Genomic Instability, p53 Regulation, Cancer and Mitotic Dysfunction Zebrafish, Mouse, Li Fraumeni Syndrome, Roberts syndrome, Birth Defects, Tumor Suppressor, Genomic Instability, Aneuploidy, Mitosis, DNA damage, Cancer, and Apoptosis.
PATEL RAKESH Modulation of Inflammation by Reactive Species and N-glycans vascular, hemoglobin, red cells, Inflammation, isoflavones, Nitric oxide, nitrite, N-glycan, matrikine
PENG JI-BIN Calcium transport proteins and their roles in health and disease Calcium transport, absorption, reabsorption, hyercalciuria, hypertension, TRPV6, TRPV5, WNK4
PLACZEK WILLIAM Anti-cancer target validation and structure-based drug discovery. NMR spectroscopy, cancer, drug discovery, peptide synthesis, structural biology, apoptosis, signaling
POLLOCK DAVID Hypertension and Renal Disease hypertension, diabetes, sickle cell, hemodynamics, endothelin, nitric oxide, kidney, sodium
PONNAZHAGAN SELVARANGAN Experimental Cancer Therapeutics and BOne Diseases: From Basic to Preclinical Studies Breast Cancer; Prostate Cancer; Osteoimmunology; Bone Metastasis; Osteogenesis; Bone Fracture; Stem Cell Therapy
RAMANADHAM SASANKA Role of Lipid Mediators in Signal Transduction Islets, signal transduction, iPLA2, bone, protease inhibitors
RICHTER JILLIAN Endothelial Glycocalyx as a Mechanoregulator of Post-Traumatic Lung Injury trauma, hemorrhage, resuscitation, vascular biology, organ failure, blood transfusion, plasma, whole blood, platelets, endothelial glycocalyx layer, lung injury, bioengineered in vitro models, mechanotransduction
ROBERSON ERIK Neurobiology of Alzheimer's Disease and Frontotemporal Dementia Neurodegeneration, Alzheimer's disease, frontotemporal dementia, tau, progranulin, excitability, signaling, plasticity, behavior
ROWE GLENN Exercise-Induced Metabolic Adaptations in Striated Muscle striated muscle, mitochondria, transcriptional regulation, metabolism, exercise
SANDERS PAUL Mechanisms of Disease Progression in the Kidney salt-sensitive hypertension, transforming growth factor-ß, nitric oxide, hypertensive nephrosclerosis, monoclonal immunoglobulin light-chain-related renal diseases
SANDERSON RALPH Molecular Regulation of the Tumor Microenvironment tumor, microenvironment, cancer, heparan sulfate, proteoglycan, heparanase, exosomes, metastasis, bone, myeloma, breast cancer, drug resistance
SCHWIEBERT LISA Airway inflammation; lung function; asthma and exercise
SERRA ROSA Mechanism of TGF-ß Action in Developmental and Disease Processes developmental biology, bone, cartilage, teeth, intervertebral disc, osteoarthrits, skeletal disease
SHACKA JOHN Targeting the Autophagy-Lysosome Pathway for Therapeutic Benefit in Parkinson's Disease Autophagy; Lysosome; Parkinson's; Synuclein; Alpha-Galactosidase
SHEVDE-SAMANT LALITA Investigating molecular signaling mechanisms that present as fundamental aberrations in tumor cells or their immune microenvironment Tumor progression, metastasis, innate and adaptive immune microenvironment, signaling, cancer stem cells, chemoresistance, metabolism, osteolysis, Merlin, Hedgehog pathway, Wnt pathway
SONG YUHUA An integrated multi-scale computational modeling and biological experimental research program to study apoptosis, cell adhesion and biomaterial design Computational Biology/Biomechanics, Mechanotransduction, Protein/Biomembrane structure and function, death receptor-mediated apoptosis, Cell adhesion, Biomaterials
STANDAERT DAVID Translational Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases Parkinsons Disease, Dystonia, Movement Disorders
VAN WAARDENBURG ROBERT Structure-Function analysis of Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodieasterase I; Developing a DNA Repair Enzyme as Therapeutic Target for Anti-Cancer Treatment Structure-function analysis, Mechanism of Action of proteins and drugs (chemotherapeutics), Drug Development for novel therapeutic targets, Post-translational modification by Ubiquitin and SUMO (Small Ubiqitin like modifier), Protein interactions
VOLPICELLI-DALEY LAURA Cognitive impairments in Parkinson's disease and Lewy body dementias Parkinson's disease, Lewy body dementias, synuclein, tau, glucocerebrosidase, cell biology of the neuron, neurodegeneration
WANG JIANBO The Planar Cell Polarity Pathway in mammalian embryogenesis mouse genetics, morphogenesis, cell polarity
WENDE ADAM Glucose-mediated remodeling of cardiac DNA methylation Diabetes, Hypertension, Exercise, Mitochondria, Metabolism, Glucose, Epigenetics, Gene expression, transcription, O-GlcNAc, protein modifications, DNA methylation, Histone modification, GLUT4, PDK2, PDK4
XU JIA Investigating the mechanisms by which oncogenic signaling pathways impact tumor cell division, growth and metastasis AURKB, PI3K/AKT/PTEN pathway, Mitosis, Cancer Biology, Cancer signaling pathway, PROTAC, AAV gene therapy
YACOUBIAN TALENE Role of 14-3-3 proteins in Parkinson’s disease Parkinsons disease; Neurobiology; Molecular Genetics & Disease
YANG EDDY Targeting DNA repair pathways to augment the therapeutic ratio for cancer patients nanostring, profiling, DNA damage, DNA repair, EGFR, cancer, PARP, apoptosis, brain, protection, GSK3