Biochemistry and Structural Biology  Back to Main
 Faculty Listing
Total Records: 72
Last Name First Name Research/Clinical Interest Title Keywords
AGARWAL ANUPAM Regulation of heme oxygenase gene expression in kidney and vascular injury heme oxygenase, acute kidney injury, transplant nephrology, lymphangiogenesis
ALLER STEPHEN Structure and Function of Human Membrane Proteins Research/Clinical Membrane proteins, structure-based drug design, x-ray crystallography, biophysics, biochemistry, pharmacology, blood-brain barrier, cystic fibrosis, multi-drug resistance, drug transport, breast cancer
ANANTHARAMAIAH GATTADAHALLI Apolipoproteins, Amphipathic Helices and Atherosclerosis
BAILEY SHANNON Molecular mechanisms of chronic alcohol and obesity induced fatty liver disease Molecular mechanisms of alcohol and obesity induced liver diseases; Mitochondrial dysfunction in disease; Molecular bioenergetics; Circadian biology; Redox Signaling; Toxicology
BARNES HELEN Proteomics of neuroprotective and chemopreventive actions of dietary phytochemicals neuroprotection, proteomics, protein modifications, antioxidant dietary supplements, menopause, neurogenesis
BARNES STEPHEN Bile acids, polyphenols and metabolism, and their effects on protein expression and function in chronic disease bile acids, isoflavonoids and polyphenols, metabolomics, proteomics, mass spectrometry
BELLIS SUSAN Role of glycosylation in tumor progression and metastasis tumorigenesis, metastasis, cancer stem cell, cell invasion, apoptosis, tumor immunology,
BHATNAGAR SUSHANT Identification and characterization of novel factors in insulin secretion in obesity and type 2 diabetes Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, Beta Cell Biology, Insulin Secretion, SNARE Biology, Secreted Proteins, Insulin Granule Trafficking, Tomosyn Proteins, Post-translational Modifications
BJORNSTI MARY-ANN DNA topoisomerase I, yeast genetics, cancer chemotherapeutics, TOR signaling, SUMOylation, DNA damage response, drug resistance, siRNA screening, breast cancer
BOLISETTY SUBHASHINI Mechanisms of injury and repair during Acute Kidney Injury Ferritin, iron, heme oxygenase, macrophages, inflammation, acute kidney injury, sepsis
BRENNER MICHAEL Molecular Sudies of Astrocytes in Health and Disease astrocyte, GFAP, transcription, neurodegeneration, transgenic mice
BROUILLETTE CHRISTIE Protein Structural Cooperativity and Energetics calorimetry, protein folding, thermodynamics, drug discovery
CHATTOPADHYAY DEBASISH Structure-Function Analysis of Proteins Structural biology, Protein structure function, Malaria, Chagas' disease, Parasitic disease, Small pox, Bacterial pneumoniae
CHESNOKOV IGOR DNA Replication and Cell Cycle in Eukaryotes DNA replication, cytokinesis, Origin Recognition Complex
CHOW LOUISE Human papillomavirus DNA replication and pathogenesis HPV infections and cancers
DEIVANAYAGAM CHAMPION Adherence Mechanisms of gram positive bacterial surface proteins.
DOKLAND TERJE Structural biology of viral assembly and bacterial pathogenicity Staphylococcus, pathogenicity, virus, assembly, bacteriophages, electron microscopy, cryo-EM, crystallography, 3D reconstruction
ELGAVISH GABRIEL NMR Studies of Intact Hearts
FRANK STUART Growth Hormone Action and GH Receptor Structure and Function growth hormone, signaling, prolactin, IGF-1, growth factors
GOLDMAN FREDERICK Creation of patient-specific gene corrected hematopoietic stem cells in inherited bone marrow failure syndromes using inducible pluripotent stem cell technology gene therapy, telomerase, hematopoiesis, inducible pluripotent stem cells, oxidative stress, DNA damage response pathways
GRAY MICHELLE Pathogenesis of Huntington's Disease Huntington's disease, neurodegeneration, neuroscience, astrocytes
GREEN TODD virology, immunology, antibodies, kidney disease, nephropathy, protein structure, crystallography
GROSS ALECIA GPCR trafficking in neurons and rhodopsin-mediated retinal degenerations rhodopsin, autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa, GPCR trafficking, rab11, nudC, MKS proteins, NPHP proteins, BBS proteins, retinal degeneration, inflammatory response in retina, cilia, protein trafficking
HABEGGER KIRK FGF21 as mediator of the metabolic actions of glucagon & Duodenal nutrient exclusion enhances glucose metabolism via CNS regulation
HARTMAN JOHN Experimental models of gene interaction networks that buffer human disease using cell array phenotyping of yeast gene knockout libraries yeast genetics, quantitative high throughput cell array phenotyping (Q-HTCP), gene interaction networks, cellular quiescence, aging, cystic fibrosis, chemotherapy response, systems biology, drug discovery, lab automation
HASSAN QUAMARUL Gene Regulation by Non-coding RNA, Chromatin Remodeling and Modifications MicroRNA, Epigenetics, Bone, Tooth, Osteoblast Gene Expression, Odontoblast Gene Regulation
HIGGINS N Genetic and Biochemical Studies of Chromosome Dynamics Topoisomerases, Transposition, Site-specific Recombination, Genetics
KEDISHVILI NATALIA Discovery and characterization of novel enzymes that regulate the conversion of vitamin A to bioactive retinoic acid vitamin A, retinoic acid, oxidoreductases, development, differentiation
KHARLAMPIEVA EUGENIA stimuli-responsive polymers, drug delivery, cell surface engineering, protein assembly at interfaces
KLUG CHRISTOPHER Hematopoietic stem cell biology, acute leukemia, and pancreatic cancer
KRISHNA NEPALLI Structural Biology and Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy Proteins, Structural Biology, NMR
KRISHNAMURTHY PRASANNA Molecular mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases & stem cell-mediated regeneration and repair. Myocardial infarction, Heart failure, Stem cells, Cardiovascular regeneration and therapeutics, metabolic diseases, wound healing
LAPI SUZANNE Radiopharmaceuticals for Molecular Imaging PET, Cyclotron, radioisotopes,
LEFKOWITZ ELLIOT Microbial Genomics and Evolution; Bioinformatics, and Clinical Informatics Viruses, Evolution, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Informatics
LIMDI NITA Pharmacogenomics research and Implementation Science Personalized Medicine, Precision Medicine, Pharmacogenomics, Implemental Science, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacoeconomics, Warfarin , Antiplatelet drugs, Antithrombotic, comparative effectiveness
LU RUI Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cancer Initiation, Maintenance, and Drug Resistance Cancer, Leukemia, Epigenetics, Genomics, Chromatin, Gene regulation, Novel therapeutics
MOBLEY JAMES Director, UAB CCC Mass Spectrometry/ Proteomics Shared Facility Cancer, Prostate, Pancreatic, Breast, Biomarkers, Mass Spectrometry
MUCCIO DONALD Retinoids for cancer prevention and therapy
NAHM MOON Adaptive and Innate Immune Responses to Pneumococci and Pneumonia Vaccines pneumococcus, capsule, innate immunity, pathogenesis, vaccines
NIEDERWEIS MICHAEL Novel proteins in the outer membrane of mycobacteria: Functions, structures, role in tuberculosis and applications tuberculosis, virulence, antibiotic resistance, membrane, proteins, transport, nanotechnology
NOVAK JAN Pathogenesis and treatments of chronic diseases, infectious diseases, cancer. IgA nephropathy. Mucosal immunology. Biomarkers.
PATEL RAKESH Modulation of Inflammation by Reactive Species and N-glycans vascular, hemoglobin, red cells, Inflammation, isoflavones, Nitric oxide, nitrite, N-glycan, matrikine
PETIT CHAD Strain Dependent Structure and Function of the Influenza NS1 Protein influenza, nmr, ns1, structural biology, virology
PITTLER STEVEN Basic and Translational Studies of Photoreceptor Metabolism and Retinal Degeneration retinitis pigmentosa, phosphodiesterase, cGMP-gated cation channel, photoreceptor, phototransduction
PLACZEK WILLIAM Anti-cancer target validation and structure-based drug discovery. NMR spectroscopy, cancer, drug discovery, peptide synthesis, structural biology, apoptosis, signaling
PREVELIGE PETER Structural Biology of Viral Assembly and Infection
RAMANADHAM SASANKA Role of Lipid Mediators in Signal Transduction Islets, signal transduction, iPLA2, bone, protease inhibitors
RENFROW MATTHEW Analysis of Protein Glycosylation in Human Disease by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Fourier transform mass spectrometry (FT-MS), protein glycosylation, IgA O-glycosylation, IgA nephropathy, proteomics, glycoproteomics
ROWE STEVEN Cystic Fibrosis Clinical and Translational Research cystic fibrosis, CFTR, nonsense mutations
RYAN THOMAS Stem Cell Therapies in Animal Models of Human Disease Sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, embryonic stem cells, hemoglobin, mutagenesis, gene regulation
SAAD JAMIL HIV-Host Interactions and Fas-Mediated Apoptosis HIV, NMR, Cancer, Drug design
SCHNEIDER DAVID Control of RNA polymerase I transcription cancer, gene expression, RNA processing, ribosomes, transcription, drug development, enzymology
SEGREST JERE Structural Biology of Supramolecular Assemblies (Particularly Lipoproteins and Membranes)
SONG YUHUA An integrated multi-scale computational modeling and biological experimental research program to study apoptosis, cell adhesion and biomaterial design Computational Biology/Biomechanics, Mechanotransduction, Protein/Biomembrane structure and function, death receptor-mediated apoptosis, Cell adhesion, Biomaterials
STRONG THERESA Identification of Tumor Antigens and Development of Cancer Vaccines gene therapy, immunotherapy, vaccine, Phase I clinical trials
SUDARSHAN SUNIL The Metabolic Basic of Kidney Cancer tumor metabolism, epigenetics, renal cancer
SZTUL ELIZABETH Membrane Traffic; Protein Degradation Cystic fibrosis, membrane traffic, degradation, quality control
THOMPSON SUNNIE Viral host pathogen interactions Host pathogen interactions, Mechanisms of viral translation, IRES, Polyomaviruses, Coronaviruses, Enteroviruses, Flaviviruses, Ribosome, Translational mechanisms in Cancer
TOWNES TIM Developmental Regulation of Gene Expression
TURNBOUGH CHARLES Structure/Function of the Bacillus anthracis Exosporium; Bacterial Gene Regulation anthrax, Bacillus anthracis, exosporium, E. coli, gene regulation. reiterative transcription, transcription start site switching
VAN WAARDENBURG ROBERT Structure-Function analysis of Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodieasterase I; Developing a DNA Repair Enzyme as Therapeutic Target for Anti-Cancer Treatment Structure-function analysis, Mechanism of Action of proteins and drugs (chemotherapeutics), Drug Development for novel therapeutic targets, Post-translational modification by Ubiquitin and SUMO (Small Ubiqitin like modifier), Protein interactions
VASSYLYEV DMITRY Structural studies of prokaryotic transcription
VOLPICELLI-DALEY LAURA Cognitive impairments in Parkinson's disease and Lewy body dementias Parkinson's disease, Lewy body dementias, synuclein, tau, glucocerebrosidase, cell biology of the neuron, neurodegeneration
WALTER MARK Structure, Biochemistry, and Function of Cytokines involved in Viral pathogenesis and Autoimmunity structural biology, immunology, virology, cytokine, signaling, vaccine, protein design, lupus, interferon, IL-10
WENDE ADAM Glucose-mediated remodeling of cardiac DNA methylation Diabetes, Hypertension, Exercise, Mitochondria, Metabolism, Glucose, Epigenetics, Gene expression, transcription, O-GlcNAc, protein modifications, DNA methylation, Histone modification, GLUT4, PDK2, PDK4
YUSUF NABIHA Innate immune mechanisms in tumor development immune system, cancer, inflammation, skin, epidemiology
ZHAO XINYANG The roles of protein arginine methyltransferases in abnormal hematopoiesis Arginine methylation, epigenetics, leukemia, stem cell, transcription