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Undergraduate  University of Essex    1993  BSc. Hons 
Graduate  University of Essex    1996  PhD 

Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Secondary  Anesthesiology Chair Office  Anesthesiology Chair Office Associate Professor
Center  Comprehensive Cancer Center  Comprehensive Cancer Center Professor
Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center Professor
Center  Med - Cardiovascular Disease  Ctr Cardiovasc Bio (Org Ret) Professor
Center  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci Professor
Center  Ctr for Exercise Medicine (Org Ret)  Ctr for Exercise Medicine (Org Ret) Professor
Center  Cystic Fibrosis Research Center  Cystic Fibrosis Research Center Professor
Secondary  Environmental Health Sciences  Environmental Health Sciences Professor
Center  Integrative Center for Aging Research  Integrative Center for Aging Research Professor
Primary  Joint Pathology  Molecular & Cellular Pathology Professor
Center  Nephrology Research & Training Center  Nephrology Research & Training Center Professor
Center  Nutrition Sciences Research  Nutrition Obesity Res Ctr (NORC) Professor
Secondary  Surgery - General Surgery  Surgery - Gen Surg Trauma Section Professor
Center  UAB Immunology Institute  UAB Immunology Institute Professor

Graduate Biomedical Sciences Affiliations
Biochemistry and Structural Biology 
Cancer Biology 
Integrative Biomedical Sciences 
Medical Scientist Training Program 
Molecular and Cellular Pathology Program 
Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine 

Biographical Sketch 
Dr Patel graduated from the University of Essex, UK, where he also obtained his Ph.D in 1996. He then joined the Department of Pathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) as a post-doctoral fellow, where he is currently Professor and Vice Chair for Research, and Director of the UAB Center for Free Radical Biology. Dr Patel’s research centers on understanding the mechanisms that regulate acute and chronic inflammation with a goal of using these insights to develop and test therapeutics targeted to prevent or limit inflammatory injury. Current areas of research include i) investigating how heme proteins regulate reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (including nitric oxide and nitrite) to modulate transfusion toxicity, acute lung injury and ischemia reperfusion injury and ii) understanding how post-translational regulation of protein by N-glycans regulate endothelial cell reactivity and monocyte adhesion in the context of atherosclerosis.

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine     
International Society for Free Radical Research     
American Thoracic Society     

Research/Clinical Interest
Modulation of Inflammation by Reactive Species and N-glycans
We incorporate basic science and translational studies in pursuit of our research interests which are to understand redox related mechanisms regulating inflammation in various pathogenic states and how these are integrated to environmental stresses. We have three primary areas of focus i) understanding the molecular basis of nitric oxide and nitrite interactions with different organs and red blood cells and how these impact upon biological processes associated with blood flow regulation and pulmonary function during hypoxia, inflammation (associated with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, Sepsis, trauma, transfusion, transplantation or in response to inhaled (environmental) irritants), ii) understanding the role and effects of free hemoglobin and heme on acute inflammatory stress in the lung (ALI, ARDS) with a focus on interactions with matrikines, and ii) understanding how post-translational modification of proteins by carbohydrates control endothelial cell function and immune cell trafficking to regulate the inflammatory responses. We employ an integrative approach utilizing biochemical, molecular, cell culture and pre-clinical models to develop and test hypotheses and use the insights gained from studies design and conduct translational / clinical studies to test promising therapeutics.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Jaideep Honavar, Eddie Bradley, Kelley Bradley, Joo Yeun Oh, Matthew O Vallejo, Eric E. Kelley, Nadiezhda Cantu-Medellin, Stephen Doran, Louis J. Dell’italia, Sadis Matalon, Rakesh P. Patel (2014) Chlorine gas exposure disrupts nitric oxide homeostasis in the pulmonary vasculature. Toxicology 321: 96  24769334  
Cantu-Medellin N, Vitturi DA, Rodriguez C, Murphy S, Dorman S, Shiva S, Zhou Y, Jia Y, Palmer AF, Patel RP (2011). Effects of T-state and R-state stabilization on deoxyhemoglobin-nitrite reactions and stimulation of nitric oxide signaling. Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry. In Press  2396555 
C. Rodriguez, D. Vitturi, J He, M Vandromme, A Brandon, A Hutchings, LW Rue III, JD Kerby, RP Patel (2009) Sodium nitrite therapy attenuates hypertensive effects of HBOC-201 via a nitrite-reductase activity. Biochem J 422(3), 423-432   150230 
Joo-Yeun Oh, Austin Williams, Rakesh P. Patel (2019) Role of Redox-dependent mechanisms in heme release from hemoglobin and erythrocyte hemolysates Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 15; 662: 111-120   
Allison R Jones, Rakesh P Patel, Marisa B Marques, John P Donnelly, Russell L Griffin, Jean-Francois Pittet, Jeffrey D Kerby, Shannon W Stephens, John R. Hess, Henry E Wang (2018) Older blood is associated with increased mortality and adverse events in massively transfused trauma patients: secondary analysis of the PROPPR trial. Critical Care Annals of Emergency Medicine. S0196-0644(18)31326    
Joshipura KJ, Muñoz-Torres FJ, Morou-Bermudez E, Patel RP. (2017). Over-the-counter mouthwash use and risk of pre-diabetes/diabetes. Nitric Oxide 71:14-20   
Cornelia S Hahn, David W. Scott, Xin Xu, Mojtaba Abdulroda, Gregory A. Payne, J. Michael Wells, Liliana Viera, Colleen J. Winstead, Patricia L. Jackson, J. Edwin Blalock, Rakesh P. Patel*, Amit Gaggar (2015) The Matrikine N-α-PGP Couples Extracelllar Matrix Fragmentation to Endothelial Permeability. Science Advances In Press
*Co-Senior Author
166. JA Weinberg and RP Patel (2016) Red Blood cell transfusion and its effect on microvascular dysfunction shock states. Best Practice and Research Clinical Anaesthesiology 30, 491-498

Weinberg JA, MacLennan PA, Vandromme-Cusick MJ, Angotti JM, Magnotti LJ, Kerby JD, Rue LW III, Barnum SR, Patel RP (2012). Microvascular response to red blood cell transfusion in trauma patients. Shock 37:276-281   
Yadav AK, Doran SF, Samal AA, Sharma R, Vedagiri K, Postlethwait EM, Squadrito GL, Fanucchi MV, Roberts LJ 2nd, Patel RP*, Matalon S* (2010) Mitigation of Chlorine Gas Lung Injury in rats by post exposure administration of sodium nitrite. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2011 Mar;300(3):L362-9.*Co-senior authors   

vascular, hemoglobin, red cells, Inflammation, isoflavones, Nitric oxide, nitrite, N-glycan, matrikine