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Faculty Detail    
Professor of Medicine
Vice Chair for Clinical Services Division of Cardiovascular Diseases
Campus Address THT 321 Zip 0006
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Medical School  New Jersey Medical School    1980  Medical Degree 
Residency  Bowman Gray School of Medicine    1983  Internal Medicine Residency 
Fellowship  University of Alabama at Birmingham    1986  Cardiology Fellowship 

American Board of Internal Medicine  1983 
American Board of Cardiology  1985 

Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Primary  Med - Cardiovascular Disease  Med - Cardiovascular Disease Professor
Center  Med - Cardiovascular Disease  Ctr Cardiovasc Bio (Org Ret) Professor
Center  Comprehensive Cardiovascular Ctr  Comprehensive Cardiovascular Ctr Professor

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
American College of Cardiology  Fellow   
American Heart Association     

Research/Clinical Interest
Application of echocardiography for the evaluation of heart disease, with particular interest in heart failure. Research activities have included: 1) clinical trials, both multicenter and local, with particular focus on treatment of heart failure; 2)investigations into the basic properties of ultrasound with special interest in color Doppler evaluation of valvular regurgitation; 3) use of animal models of heart failure (canine, transgenic mouse, rat) to investigate mechanisms underlying cardiac hypertrophy and failure, with special interest in aldosterone and natriuretic peptides; 4) investigation of methods to improve cardiovascular outcomes in advanced stage chronic kidney disease; 5) outcomes research of existing trial databases to improve treatment of congestive heart failure.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Wang D, Oparil S, Feng JA, Peng L, Perry G, Chen LB, Meiru D, John SWM, Chen YF. Effects of Pressure Overload on Extracellular Matrix Expression in Heart of the ANP Null Mouse. Hypertension 2003; 42:88-95   
Ahmed A, Thornton P, Perry GJ, Allman RM, Delong JF. Impact of atrial fibrillation on mortality and readmission in older adults hospitalized with heart failure. Eur J Heart Failure 2004 (in press)   
Mori T, Chen YF, Feng JA, Hayashi T, Oparil S, Perry GJ. Volume Overload Results in Exaggerated Cardiac Hypertrophy in Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Knockout Mice. Cardiovasc Res 2004 (in press)   
Aqel R, Zogbhi G, Ellis C, Perry G, Calhoun D, Iskandrian A. The Prevalence of Atherosclerotic Renal Artery Stenosis in Hypertensive Veterans Referred for Cardiac Catheterization. Journal of Hypertension, 2003; 21:1157-62   
Feng, JA, Perry GJ, Mori T, Hayashi T, Oparil S, Chen YF. Pressure Independent Enhancement of Cardiac Enlargement in Atrial Natriuretic Peptide-Deficient Mice. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 2003; 30:343-9   
Wei CC, Tian B, Perry G, Meng QC, Chen YC, Oparil S, Dell’Italia LJ. Differential Angiotensin II Generation in Plasma and Tissue of Mice Lacking the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Gene. Am J Physiol 2002; 282: H2254-2258   
Perry GJ, Wei CC, Hankes GH, Dillon SR, Rynders P, Mulcherjee R, Spinale FG, Dell’Italia LJ. Angiotensin II Receptor Blockade Improves Cardiovascular Hemodynamics but Does Not Improve Left Ventricular and Cardiomyocyte Remodeling in Chronic Mitral Regurgitation. J Am Coll Cardiol; 2002;39:1374-9    
Perry GJ, Mori T, Wei CC, Xu XY, Chen YF, Oparil S, Lucchesi P, Dell’Italia LJ. Genetic Variation in Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Does Not Prevent the Development of Cardiac Hypertrophy or Upregulation of Angiotenin II in Response to Aorto-Caval Fistula. Circulation 2001;103:1012-16   
Perry GJ, Helmcke F, Nanda NC, Byard C, Soto B. Evaluation of Aortic Insufficiency by Doppler Color Flow Mapping. J Am Coll Cardiol 9:952-959, 1987.    
Wong M, Germanson T, Taylor WR, Cohen IS, Perry G, Baruch L, Deedwania P, Lopez B, Cohn JN. Felodipine Improves Left Ventricular Emptying in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: V-HeFT III Echocardiographic Substudy of Multicenter Reproducibility and Detecting Functional Change. J Cardiac Failure 2000;19-28   
Anayiotos AS, Fan P, Perry GJ, Myers J, Elmahdi AM, Nanda NC. Analysis of the Proximal Orifice Flowfield under Pulsatile Flow Conditions and Confining Wall Geometry: Implications in Valvular Regurgitation. Echocardiography March 1997   
Anayiotos AS, Elmahdi AM, Newman BE, Perry GJ, Costa F, Agrawal D, Agrawal G, DeCarvalho CT, Nanda NC. An Improved Flow Evaluation Scheme in Orifices of Different Aspect Ratios. Ultrasound Med Biol 1997; 23:231-244.   
Myers JG, Fox JF, Elmahdi AM, Perry GJ, Anayiotos A. Evaluation of the Proximal Flow Field to Circular and Noncircular Orifices of Different Aspect Ratios. J Biomech Eng 1997; 119: 349-356   
Perry GJ, Anayiotos AS, Myers JG, Green DW, Fan PH, Nanda NC. Accuracy of Color Doppler Velocity in the Flowfield Proximal to a Regurgitant Orifice- Implications for Color Doppler Quantitation in Valvular Regurgitation. Ultrasound Med Bio 1996;22:605-21.   

heart failure, angiotensin, natriuretic peptides, echocardiography, transgenic mouse