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Faculty Detail    
Campus Address MCLM 510 Zip 0007
Phone  (205) 934-2430
Other websites De Miguel lab website

Undergraduate  Universidad Autónoma de Madrid    2002  B.S., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 
Graduate  St. Cloud State University    2010  M.S., Cell and Molecular Biology 
Graduate  Medical College of Wisconsin    2010  Ph.D., Physiology 
Fellowship  Georgia Regents University    2013  Postdoctoral training in Experimental Medicine 
Fellowship  University of Alabama at Birmingham    2017  Postdoctoral training in Cardio-Renal Physiology and Medicine 

Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Center  UAB Immunology Institute  UAB Immunology Institute Assistant Professor
Center  Nephrology Research & Training Center  Nephrology Research & Training Center Assistant Professor
Primary  Med - Nephrology  Med - Nephrology Assistant Professor
Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center Assistant Professor
Secondary  Cell, Developmntl, & Integrative Biology  Cell, Developmntl, & Integrative Biology Assistant Professor

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
Endocrine Society  Member   
American Society of Nephrology  Member   
American Physiological Society  Member   
American Heart Association  Member   

Research/Clinical Interest
Role of endothelin in hypertension-mediated inflammation and end-organ damage
My research program is focused on understanding how immune cells and immune mediators impact renal function and end-organ damage, especially in the settings of hypertension and diabetes.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
De Miguel C., Das S., Lund H. and Mattson D.L. Renal infiltration of T-lymphocytes is associated with elevated intrarenal angiotensin II (AngII) and the development of hypertension and kidney damage in Dahl salt-sensitive (SS) rats. Am J Physiol Reg Int Comp Physiol 2010; 298 (4):R1136-1142.   
Rajapakse N.W., De Miguel C., Das S. and Mattson D.L. Exogenous L-Arginine ameliorates angiotensin II–induced hypertension and renal damage in rats. Hypertension. 2008; 52:1-2  18981330 
Pechman K.R., De Miguel C., Lund H., Basile D.P. and Mattson D.L. Recovery from renal ischemia-reperfusion injury is associated with altered renal hemodynamics, blunted pressure natriuresis, and sodium-sensitive hypertension. Am J Physiol Reg Int Comp Physiol. 2009; 297: R1358-1363  20147611 
De Miguel C., Guo C., Lund H., Feng D. and Mattson D.L. Infiltrating T lymphocytes in the kidney increase oxidative stress and participate in the development of salt-sensitive hypertension and renal injury. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2011; 300 (3):F734-742.  21159736  
De Miguel C., Lund H. and Mattson D.L. High dietary protein exacerbates hypertension and renal damage in Dahl salt-sensitive (SS) rats by increasing infiltrating immune cells. Hypertension 2011; 57 (2):269-274.  21173345 
Xu X., Su S., Barnes V., De Miguel C., Pollock J., Ownby D., Shi H., Zhu H., Snieder H., and Wang X. A genome-wide methylation study on obesity: Differential variability and differential methylation. Epigenetics 2013; 8 (5): 522-533.  23644594 
De Miguel C. and Pollock, J.S. Does endoplasmic reticulum stress mediate endothelin-1-induced renal inflammation? Am J Physiol Reg Int Comp Physiol 2013; 305 (2):R107-9.  23678028 
De Miguel C.*, Foster J.M.*, Carmines P.K., and Pollock, J.S. Interaction between NO synthase and NADPH oxidase in control of sodium transport by the renal thick ascending limb during diabetes. Acta Physiologica 2013 209 (2):148-155. * indicates co-first authorship.  23841645 
Spradley F.T.*, De Miguel C.*, Hobbs J., Pollock D.M. and Pollock J.S. Mycophenolate mofetil prevents high fat diet-induced hypertension and renal glomerular injury in Dahl SS rats. Physiological Reports 2013 1 (6): e00137. * indicates co-first authorship.  24400139 
Osmond D.A., Zhang S., Pollock J.S., Yamamoto T., De Miguel C. and Inscho E.W. Clopidogrel preserves whole kidney autoregulatory behavior in ANG II-induced hypertension. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2014 306 (6):F619-28.  24477682 
Xu X., Su S., Wang X., Barnes V., De Miguel C., Ownby D., Pollock J., Snieder H., Chen W. and Wang X. Obesity is Associated with More Activated Neutrophils in African American Male Youth. Int J Obes 2015 39, 26-32.  25388404 
De Miguel C., Rudemiller N.P., Abbais J.M. and Mattson D.L. Inflammation and hypertension: new understandings and potential therapeutic targets. Curr Hypertens Rep 2015 17(1):507.  25432899 
De Miguel C., Pollock D.M. and Pollock, J.S. Endothelial-derived ET-1 and the development of renal injury. Am J Physiol Reg Int Comp Physiol 2015 309(9):R1071-3  25994955 
De Miguel C., Speed J.S., Kasztan M., Gohar E.Y. and Pollock D.M. Endothelin-1 and the kidney: new perspectives and recent findings. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypert 2016 25(1):35-41.  26625864 
Saleh M.A., De Miguel C., Stevens D.I., Carmines P.K., Pollock D.M. and Pollock J.S. Free radical scavenging decreases endothelin-1 excretion and glomerular albumin permeability during type 1 diabetes. Physiological Reports 2016 Dec; 4(24): e13055  28039404 
De Miguel C., Hamrick W.C., Hobbs J., Carmines P.K., David M. Pollock, and Pollock J.S. Endothelin receptor-specific control of endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis in the kidney. Scientific Reports 2017 7: 43152.  28230089  
Kasztan, M., Fox, B.M., Speed, J.S., De Miguel, C., Gohar, E.M., Townes, T.M., Kutlar, A., Pollock, J.S., and Pollock D.M. Long-term ETA receptor antagonism provides robust renal protection in humanized sickle cell disease mice. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017 Aug; 28(8):2443-2458  28348063  
De Miguel, C., Obi, I.E., Ho, D.H., Loria, A.S., and Pollock J.S. Early life stress induces renal pro-inflammatory mediators in adult male rats. Am J Physiol Reg Int Comp Physiol 2018 Mar 1; 314(3):F343-F355.  28971994 
Loria A.S., Spradley F.T., Obi I.E., Becker B., De Miguel C., Speed J.S., Pollock D.M., and Pollock J.S. Maternal Separation Enhances Anti-contractile Perivascular Adipose Tissue Function in High Fat-Fed Male Rats. Am J Physiol Reg Int Comp Physiol. 315: R1085–R1095, 2018  30256681 
De Miguel C., Sedaka R., Kasztan M., Lever J.M., Sonnenberger M., Abad A., Jin C., Carmines P.K., Pollock D.M., Pollock J.S. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) abolishes chronic high salt-induced renal injury and inflammation. Acta Physiologica 2019 May;226(1):e13227.   30501003 
De Miguel C., Hamrick W.C., Sedaka R.S., Jagarlamudi S., Asico L.D., Jose P.A., Cuevas S. Uncoupling Protein 2 increases blood pressure in DJ-1 knockout mice. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2019 May 7; 8 (9):e011856  30995881  

Inflammation, Kidney damage, Hypertension, Diabetes