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Faculty Detail    
Campus Address BMR2 202 Zip 6810
Phone  (205) 934-4668
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Undergraduate  University of Alabama at Birmingham    2002  B.S. 
Graduate  University of Alabama at Birmingham    2010  Ph.D. 
Fellowship  University of Pittsburgh    2014  Postdoctoral 

Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Primary  Anesthesiology Chair Office  Anesthesiology Chair Office Associate Professor
Center    Associate Professor
Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center Associate Professor
Center  Comprehensive Neuroscience Center  Comprehensive Neuroscience Center Associate Professor
Center  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci Associate Professor

Graduate Biomedical Sciences Affiliations
Neuroscience Graduate Program 

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
American Pain Society  Co-Chair, Basic Science SIG 
International Association for the Study of Pain  Member 
Society for Neuroscience 

Research/Clinical Interest
Mechanisms underlying pathological changes in visceral sensation and organ function
I am interested in understanding the neuronal mechanisms and anatomical pathways underlying visceral sensation, and how changes in information processing lead to persistent pain and/or organ dysfunction. We utilize a combination of in vivo and in vitro techniques to study the function of distinct anatomical, neurochemical, and functional subsets of sensory neurons and their connections. Animal models of inflammation, stress, diabetes, and spinal cord injury allow us to study changes that lead to increased sensation (pain), loss of sensation, and altered organ function, with the goal of identifying novel therapeutic strategies for pain and organ dysfunction.

pain, viscera, inflammation, diabetes, spinal cord injury