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Faculty Detail    
Campus Address JNWB 416
Phone  (205) 996-1190
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Undergraduate  University of Alabama at Birmingham    2001  B.A. 
Medical School  University of Alabama School of Medicine    2006  MD 
Residency  University of Alabama at Birmingham    2009  MD 
Fellowship  Vanderbilt University     2012  Nephrology  

Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center Professor
Center  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci Professor
Center  Nephrology Research & Training Center  Nephrology Research & Training Center Professor
Primary  Med - Nephrology  Med - Nephrology Professor

Biographical Sketch 
I completed my B.A. in Spanish at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, after which I received a Rotary Scholarship to study philosophy in Mexico for one year. I returned to complete medical school at UAB where I won the Gold Humanism Award and was inducted into AOA. During medical school I persued my interest of combining medicine with foreign language by being awarded an NIH training grant to study malaria in Iquitos, Peru. I completed my internal medicine residency at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Medical Center where I served as chief medical resident. Here I decided to persue nephrology as a career and completed my nephrology fellowship at Vanderbilt University. While there I was elected Chief Nephrology Fellow and was awarded the Hugh Jackson Morgan Best Fellow Teacher Award by the internal medicine housestaff. Most recently I was inducted into the Southern Society of Clinical Investigation and was recognized by my peers as one of Birmingham, Alabama's top physicians.

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis  Member   
Alabama Chief Residents Society  Member   
National Kidney Foundation  Member   
American Society of Nephrology  Member   
American Telemedicine Association  Member   

Research/Clinical Interest
Telemedicine in the provision of Remote Peritoneal Dialysis Care
My research is focused on eliminating geographic and socioeconomic barriers which prevents patients from accessing specialized care. Primarily I am focused on telemedicine in the provision of care in home dialysis and rare diseases such as Fabry disease, a rare genetic disease. I have ongoing research evaluating the role of geography in access to home dialysis, as well as research in providing home dialysis follow up remotely using telemedicine. Already during this research, we were the first in the country to fully replace a comprehensive follow up visit for a home dialysis patient using telemedicine and in only 4 patient visits have saved these patients 16 hours of driving time. Furthermore, I recently published on racial disparities in access to home dialysis care. Using the platform of telemedicine established for my studies on home dialysis, we are creating a network and establishing processes by which UAB physicians could provide medical expertise across the state of Alabama using telemedicine to increase access to care to patients across the state who due to geographic and/or financial constraints may not be able to travel to UAB. It is my hope that with these studies, we can start to address the physician workforce distribution issues and improve care across the state of Alabama.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Wallace E, Lea J, Chaudhary N, Griffin R, Hammelman E, Cohen J, Sloand J. Home Dialysis Utilization Among Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the United States at the National, Regional and State Level. Perit Dial Int. Accepted 3/2016   
Politei J, Thurberg BL, Wallace E, Warnock D, Serebrinsky G, Durand C, Schenone AB. Gastrointestinal involvement in Fabry disease. So important, yet often neglected. Clin Genet. 2015 Sep 3.[Epub ahead of print]   26333625 
Calvo M, Fernandez S, Saito S, Ohno K, Wallace E, Warnock D, Sakurab H, Politei J. Late Onset Variants in Fabry Disease: results in high risk population screenings in Argentina. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports. 2015 June; 4(15):19-24   
Wallace E, Fissell R, Golper T , Lewin A, Blake P, Oliver M, Quinn R. Catheter insertion and perioperative practices within the ISPD North American Research Consortium. Perit Dial Int. 2015   26493754 
Inman M, Prader G, Fatima H, Wallace E. Eculizumab induced reversal of dialysis dependent kidney failure from C3 glomerulonephritis. Clin Kidney J 2015 Aug;8(4):445-8  26251714 
Xiaoqing F, Ghaffari A, Dhatt H, Kumar V, Balsera C, Wallace E, Khairullah Q, Lesher
B, Gao X, Henderson H et al. Economic evaluation of urgent-start peritoneal dialysis vs urgent-start in-center hemodialysis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2014 Dec;93(28).
Wallace E, Fatima H, Jackson L, Warnock D. Appendiceal Tissue Confirmation of Fabry’s Disease. Kidney Int. 2015 Aug 88(2):417  26230208 
Wallace E, Maillard N, Hiroyui U, Hall S, Fatima H, Novak J, Julian B. Immune Profile of IgA-Dominant Diffuse Proliferative Glomerulonephritis. Clin Kidney J. 2014 Oct;7(5):479-83  25878780 
Wallace E. Is a home dialysis unit really just around the corner in the United States?. Perit Dial Int. 2014 Sep-Oct;34(6):677  25228222 
Wallace E , Griffin R, Koenig K, Crain L. Regional Impact of Geography on Home Dialysis Utilization. J Nephrol Ther. 2014, 4;176   
Wallace, E., Lyndon, W., Chumley, P., Jaimes, E. A., & Fatima, H. (2013). Dasatinib-Induced Nephrotic-Range Proteinuria. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. doi:10.1053/j.ajkd.2013.01.022  23540262 
Wallace E and Gewin L. “ Imatinib:Novel Treatment of Immune-Mediated Kidney Injury"

Wallace E, Day M, Oluwole F, Schaefer H, “Pathologic Femur Fracture due to a Brown Tumor in a Patient with Secondary Hyperparathyroidism and Vitamin D Resistant Rickets”. Am J Kidney Dis. (Epub) September 10, 2012

Wallace E, Douglas C, Safdar N, Saint S, Centor RM. “Different strokes for different folks”. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2012;7:258-61

Wallace E, Fogo AB, Schulman G. Imatinib Therapy for Non-Infection-Related Type II Cryoglobulinemia With Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis. Am J Kidney Dis 2012;59:122-5.


Peritoneal Dialysis, Rural Healthcare, Telemedicine, Fabry Disease