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Campus Address THT 647 Zip 0006
Phone  (205) 996-6670
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Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Secondary  Epidemiology  Epidemiology Professor
Primary  Med - Nephrology  Med - Nephrology Professor
Center  Comp Arthritis, MSK, Bone & Autoimmunity Ctr  Comp Arthritis, MSK, Bone & Autoimmunity Ctr Professor
Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center Professor
Center  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci Professor
Center  Nephrology Research & Training Center  Nephrology Research & Training Center Professor
Center  Nutrition Sciences Research  Nutrition Obesity Res Ctr (NORC) Professor

Biographical Sketch 
Dr. Gutierrez received his medical degree from the University of Toledo College of Medicine in 2002, after which he completed an internship and residency in internal medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, MA from 2002-2005. He then completed a clinical and research fellowship in nephrology at the joint Brigham and Women's Hospital / Massachusetts General Hospital nephrology fellowship program in 2008. During his fellowship, he obtained a Masters in Medical Science (MMSc)in clinical investigation at Harvard Medical School. Following the completion of his fellowship, Dr. Gutierrez joined the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in 2008, where he was an Assistant Professor of Medicine prior to joining UAB in 2011.

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
National Kidney Foundation     
American Society of Nephrology     

Research/Clinical Interest
Mineral metabolism and outcomes
Using both epidemiological and patient-oriented physiological approaches, Dr. Gutierrez has concentrated his research efforts on the relationships between disturbances in mineral metabolism and clinical outcomes, focusing particularly on disorders of phosphorus and vitamin D metabolism and their associations with cardiovascular disease and mortality in kidney disease. He has a special interest in behavioral and environmental exposures that may modulate the impact of disordered mineral metabolism on health outcomes, particularly the emerging interface between socioeconomic status, nutrition, and mineral metabolism in health and in kidney disease. In addition to these efforts, Dr. Gutierrez is also examining the interconnections between disorders of iron and mineral metabolism, particularly as they relate to the management of anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Felgueiras J, Gutiérrez O, Tullius S, Tinckam K. “Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome in a renal transplant patient.” Port J Nephrol Hypert 2008; 22: 201-204   
Marcelino J, Carpten JD, Suwairi WM, Gutiérrez OM, Schwartz S, Robbins C, Sood R, Makalowska I, Baxevanis A, Johnstone B, Laxer RM, Zemel L, Kim CA, Herd JK, Ihle J, Williams C, Johnson M, Raman V, Alonso LG, Brunoni D, Gerstein A, Papadopoulos N, Bahabri SA, Trent JM, Warman ML. “CACP, Encoding a Secreted Proteoglycan, is Mutated in Camptodactyly-Arthropathy-Coxa Vara-Pericarditis Syndrome.” Nature Genetics 1999; 23: 319-322.  10545950 
Gutiérrez O, Isakova T, Rhee E, Holmes J, Collerone G, Jueppner H, and M Wolf. “Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 Mitigates Hyperphosphatemia but Accentuates Calcitriol Deficiency in Chronic Kidney Disease.” J Am Soc Nephrol 2005; 16:2205-15.  15917335  
Bhan I, Shah A, Holmes J, Isakova T, Gutiérrez O, Burnett SA, Jueppner H, Wolf, M. “Post-transplant hypophosphatemia: ‘Tertiary Hyper-Phosphatoninism?’”. Kidney Int 2006; 70:1486-94.  16941023 
Gutiérrez OM and HY Lin. “Refractory Hyponatremia.” Kidney Int 2007; 71:79-82  16985516 
Yao J, Gutiérrez OM, and J Reiser. “Emphysematous Pyelonephritis.” Kidney Int 2007; 71:462-5; 2007  17136032 
Wolf M, Shah A, Gutiérrez O, Ankers E, Monroy M, Tamez H, Steele D, Chang Y, Camargo CA, Tonelli M, Thadhani R. “Vitamin D Levels and early mortality among incident hemodialysis patients.” Kidney Int 2007 72:1004-13; 2007  17687259 
Isakova T, Gutiérrez O, Shah A, Castaldo L, Holmes J, Lee H, Wolf M. “Postprandial Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism in the Pathogenesis of Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in Early Chronic Kidney Disease.” J Am Soc Nephrol 2008; 19:615-623  18216315 
Gutiérrez OM, Isakova T, Andress D, Levin A, Wolf, M. “Prevalence and Severity of Disordered Mineral Metabolism in Blacks with Chronic Kidney Disease.” Kidney Int 2008; 73: 956-962  18256597 
Wolf M, Betancourt J, Chang Y, Shah A, Teng M, Tamez H, Gutiérrez O, Camargo CA, Melamed M, Norris K, Stampfer MJ, Powe NR, Thadhani R. “Impact of Activated Vitamin D and Race on Survival among Hemodialysis Patients.” J Am Soc Nephrol 2008; 19:1379-88  18400938 
Gutiérrez OM, Tamez H, Bhan I, Zazra J, Tonelli M, Wolf M, Januzzi JL, Chang Y, Thadhani R. “N-terminal pro-B-type Natriuretic Peptide Concentrations in Hemodialysis Patients: Prognostic Value of Baseline and Follow-up Measurements.” Clin Chem 2008; 54: 1339-48  18539645 
Gutiérrez OM, Mannstadt M, Isakova T, Rauh-Hain JA, Tamez H, Shah A, Smith K, Lee H, Thadhani R, Jüppner H, Wolf M. “Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 and Mortality among Hemodialysis Patients.” N Engl J Med 2008; 359:584-592  18687639 
Isakova T, Gutiérrez OM, Chang Y, Shah A, Tamez H, Smith K, Thadhani R, Wolf M. “Phosphorus Binders and Survival on Hemodialysis.” J Am Soc Nephrol 2009;20:388-96  19092121 
Lee PS, Kartik S, Karumanchi SA, Tamez H, Bhan I, Isakova T, Gutiérrez O, Wolf M, Chang Y, Stossel T, Thadhani R. “Plasma Gelsolin, Circulating Actin, and Chronic Hemodialysis Mortality.” J Am Soc Nephrol 2009; 20:1140-8  19389844 
Gutiérrez OM, Januzzi JL, Isakova T, Laliberte K, Smith K, Collerone G, Sarwar A, Hoffmann U, Coglianese E, Christenson R, Wang TJ, DeFilippi C, Wolf M. “Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Chronic Kidney Disease.” Circulation, 2009; 119:2545-2552  19414634 
Isakova T, Gutiérrez OM, Wolf M. “A blueprint for randomized trials targeting phosphorus metabolism in chronic kidney disease.” Kidney Int 2009; 76:705-16  19606082 
Patel NM, Gutiérrez OM, Andress DL, Coyne DW, Levin A, Wolf M. “Vitamin D Deficiency and Anemia in Early Chronic Kidney Disease.” Kidney Int Apr 2010; 77:715-20.  20130525 
Gutiérrez OM. “Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 and Disordered Vitamin D Metabolism in Chronic Kidney Disease: Updating the “Trade-off” Hypothesis.” Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010; 5(9): 1710-6.  20507957 
Gutiérrez OM, Isakova T, Smith K, Epstein M, Patel N, Wolf M. “Racial Differences in Postprandial Mineral Ion Handling in Health and in Chronic Kidney Disease.” Nephrol Dial Transplant June 2010  20530498 
Gutiérrez OM, Isakova T, Enfield G, Wolf M. “Impact of Poverty on Serum Phosphate Concentrations in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.” J Renal Nutr. May 2010  20537917 
Gutiérrez OM, Wolf M. “Dietary Phosphorus Restriction in Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease: Merits, Challenges, and Emerging Strategies.” Semin Dial. 2010; 23(4): 401-6.  20557490 
Isakova T, Gutiérrez OM, Smith K, Epstein M, Keating LK, Jüppner H, Wolf M. “Pilot Study of Dietary Phosphorus Restriction and Phosphorus Binders to Target Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease.” Nephrol Dial Transplant 2010  20631407 
Isakova T, Gutiérrez OM, Patel NM, Andress DL, Wolf M, Levin A. “Vitamin D Deficiency, Inflammation and Albuminuria in Chronic Kidney Disease: Complex Interactions.” J Renal Nutr. 2010  20817560 
Gutiérrez OM, Anderson A, Isakova T, Scialla J, Negrea L, Anderson AH, Bellovich K, Chen J, Robinson N, Ojo A, Lash J, Feldman HI, Wolf M. “Low Socioeconomic Status Associates with Higher Serum Phosphate Irrespective of Race.” J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010; 21: 1953-1960  20847142 
Gutiérrez OM, Farwell WR, Kermah D, Taylor EN. “Racial Differences in the Relationship Between Vitamin D, Bone Mineral Density and Parathyroid Hormone in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.” Osteoporosis Int. 2010  20848081 
Racial differences in albuminuria, kidney function, and risk of stroke.
Gutiérrez OM, Judd SE, Muntner P, Rizk DV, McClellan WM, Safford MM, Cushman M, Kissela BM, Howard VJ, Warnock DG. Neurology. 2012 Oct 16;79(16):1686-92. 
Gutierrez OM, Khodneva YA, Muntner P, Rizk DV, McClellan WM, Cushman M, Warnock DG, Safford MM. Association between urinary albumin excretion and coronary heart disease in black vs white adults. JAMA 2013;310(7):706-714.  23989654