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Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Center  Comp Arthritis, MSK, Bone & Autoimmunity Ctr  Comp Arthritis, MSK, Bone & Autoimmunity Ctr Associate Professor
Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center  Comprehensive Diabetes Center Associate Professor
Center  Nephrology Research & Training Center  Nephrology Research & Training Center Associate Professor
Center  GL Ctr for Craniofacial, Oral, & Dental Disorders  GL Ctr for Craniofacial, Oral, & Dental Disorders Associate Professor
Center  Nutrition Sciences Research  Nutrition Obesity Res Ctr (NORC) Associate Professor
Primary  Med - Nephrology  Med - Nephrology Associate Professor
Secondary  Urology Chair Office  Urology Chair Office Associate Professor
Secondary  Cell, Developmntl, & Integrative Biology  Cell, Developmntl, & Integrative Biology Associate Professor

Graduate Biomedical Sciences Affiliations
Cell, Molecular, & Developmental Biology 
Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics 
Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine 

Biographical Sketch 
Dr. Peng received his Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Institute of Cell Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Peng had his postdoctoral training at Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School during 1997 to 2000 (Mentored by Drs. Matthias Hediger and Edward Brown). He became an Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School in 2000. Dr. Peng Joined the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) as an Assistant Professor in 2003. He is currently an Associate Professor of Medicine at UAB.

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
American Heart Association  Member   
American Society of Nephrology  Member   
American Physiological Society  Member   
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology  Member   

Research/Clinical Interest
Calcium transport proteins and their roles in health and disease
Research in Dr. Peng’s laboratory is centered on the mechanism and regulation of calcium transport pathways. Calcium is a major inorganic component of the skeleton and serves as a key extracellular and intracellular messenger. Intestinal absorption and renal reabsorption of calcium play crucial roles in maintaining calcium balance of the body. Defects in calcium transport may result in disorders such as kidney stone disease and osteoporosis. Towards a better understanding of calcium transport and its relation to hypercalciuria and hypertension, Dr. Peng’s laboratory is investigating molecular mechanisms of calcium absorption and reabsorption. Two calcium channels, TRPV5 and TRPV6, are the focus of current investigation. Dr. Peng’s group is also working on the mechanisms of WNK4 kinase activation by calcium ions. WNK4 is a protein kinase linked to pseudohypoaldosteronism type II, a genetic form of hypertension. It is expected that those studies will lead to novel therapeutic strategies for hypercalciuria and hypertension.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Peng JB, Yan WM and Bao XZ. Plasmid and transposon transfer to Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. J. Bacteriol. 176: 2892-2897, 1994.  8188590 
Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Bone RN, Cui W, Peng JB, Gene P. Siegal GP, Wang H, Wu H. Regeneration of Pancreatic non-β Endocrine Cells in Adult Mice Following a Single Diabetes-Inducing Dose of Streptozotocin. PLoS ONE, 7(5):e36675.2012.  22586489 
Wu G, Zhang W, Na T, Jing H, Wu H, Peng JB. Suppression of intestinal calcium entry channel TRPV6 by OCRL, a lipid phosphatase associated with Lowe syndrome and Dent disease. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 302:C1479-91, 2012.  22378746 
Na T, Wu G, Peng JB. Disease-causing mutations in the acidic motif of WNK4 impair the sensitivity of WNK4 kinase to calcium ions. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 419: 293-298. 2012.   22342722 
Peng JB. TRPV5 and TRPV6 in transcellular Ca2+ transport: regulation, gene duplication, and polymorphisms in African populations. Adv Exp Med Biol. 704:239-75, 2011.  21290300 
Jing H, Na T, Zhang W, Wu G, Liu C, Peng JB. Concerted actions of NHERF2 and WNK4 in regulating TRPV5. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 404:979-84, 2011.  21187068 
Zhang W, Na T, Wu, G, Jing H, Peng JB. Downregulation of intestinal apical calcium entry channel TRPV6 by ubiquitin E3 ligase Nedd4-2. J Biol Chem. 285:36586-96.2010.  20843805  
Lieben L, Benn BS, Ajibade D, Stockmans I, Moermans K, Hediger MA, Peng JB, Christakos S, Bouillon R, Carmeliet G. Trpv6 mediates intestinal calcium absorption during calcium restriction and contributes to bone homeostasis. Bone. 47(2):301-8. 2010.   20399919 
Na T, Zhang W, Jiang Y, Liang YY, Ma HP, Warnock DG, Peng JB. The A563T variation of the renal epithelial channel TRPV5 among African Americans enhances calcium influx. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2009 Mar 4. [Epub ahead of print]  19261737 
Ji HL, Song W, Gao Z, Su XF, Nie HG, Jiang Y, Peng JB, He YX, Liao Y, Zhou YJ, Tousson A, Matalon S. SARS-CoV proteins decrease levels and activity of human ENaC via activation of distinct PKC isoforms. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 296:L372-83. 2009.   19112100 
Nie HG, Tucker T, Su XF, Na T, Peng JB, Smith PR, Idell S, Ji HL. Expression and Regulation of Epithelial Na+ Channels by Nucleotides in Pleural Mesothelial Cells. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2008 Oct 16. [Epub ahead of print]  18927349 
Zhang W, Na T, Peng JB. WNK3 positively regulates epithelial calcium channels TRPV5 and TRPV6 via a kinase-dependent pathway. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 295:F1472-84. 2008.  18768590 
Jiang Y, Cong P, Williams SR, Zhang W, Na T, Ma HP, Peng JB. WNK4 regulates the secretory pathway via which TRPV5 is targeted to the plasma membrane. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 375:225-9. 2008.  18703016 
Suzuki Y, Kovacs CS, Takanaga H, Peng JB, Landowski CP, and Hediger MA. Calcium channel TRPV6 is involved in murine maternal-fetal calcium transport. J Bone Miner Res. 23(8):1249-56, 2008.   18348695 
Benn BS, Ajibade D, Porta A, Dhawan P, Hediger M, Peng JB, Jiang Y, Oh GT, Jeung EB, Lieben L, Bouillon R, Carmeliet G, Christakos S: Active intestinal calcium transport in the absence of transient receptor potential vanilloid type 6 and calbindin-D9k. Endocrinology, 149:3196-205, 2008.  18325990 
Wei SP, Li XQ, Chou CF, Liang YY, Peng JB, Warnock DG, and Ma HP. Membrane tension modulates the effects of apical cholesterol on the renal epithelial sodium channel. J Membr Biol, 220: 21-31, 2007.  17952362 
Peng JB, Warnock DG. WNK4-mediated regulation of renal ion transport proteins. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 293:F961-73, 2007. Review.  17634397 
Bianco SD, Peng JB, Takanaga H, Suzuki Y, Crescenzi A, Kos CH, Zhuang L, Freeman MR, Gouveia CH, Wu J, Luo H, Mauro T, Brown EM, Hediger MA. Marked Disturbance of Calcium Homeostasis in Mice with Targeted Disruption of the Trpv6 Calcium Channel Gene. J Bone Miner Res. 22(2):274-85, 2007.  17129178 
Jiang Y, Ferguson WB, Peng JB. WNK4 enhances TRPV5-mediated calcium transport: potential role in hypercalciuria of familial hyperkalemic hypertension caused by gene mutation of WNK4. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 292: F545-554, 2007.   17018846 
Peng JB, Bell PD. Cellular mechanisms of WNK4-mediated regulation of ion transport proteins in the distal tubule. Kidney Int. 69:2116-8. 2006. Commentary.  16761023 
Taparia S, Fleet JC, Peng JB, Wang XD and Wood RJ. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D and 25-hydroxyvitamin D-mediated regulation of TRPV6 (a putative epithelial calcium channel) mRNA expression in Caco-2 cells. Eur J Nutr. 45:196-204. 2006  16362534 
Takanaga H, Mackenzie B, Peng JB and Hediger MA. Characterization of a branched-chain amino-acid transporter SBAT1 (SLC6A15) that is expressed in human brain. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 337: 892-900, 2005.  16226721 
Kahr H, Schindl R, Fritsch R, Heinze B, Hofbauer M, Hack ME, Mortelmaier MA, Groschner K, Peng JB, Takanaga H, Hediger MA, and Romanin C. CaT1 knock-down strategies fail to affect CRAC channels in mucosal-type mast cells. J. Physiol. 557, 121-132, 2004.  15020691 
Song Y, Peng X, Porta A, Takanaga H, Peng JB, Hediger MA, Fleet JC, and Christakos S. Calcium transporter 1 and epithelial calcium channel messenger ribonucleic acid are differentially regulated by 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 in the intestine and kidney of mice. Endocrinology 144:3885-94. 2003.  12933662 
Peng J-B, Brown EM, Hediger MA. Apical entry channels in calcium transporting Epithelia. News Physiol. Sci. 18:158-163, 2003. Review.  12869616 
Kos CH, Karaplis AC, Peng JB, Hediger MA, Goltzman D, Mohammad KS, Guise TA and Pollak MR. The calcium-sensing receptor is required for normal calcium homeostasis independent of parathyroid hormone. J Clin Invest 111: 1021-1028, 2003.  12671051 
Peng J-B, Fei J., Huang F, Jin X, Gu Q-B and Guo L-H. Cloning and analyzing of members of excitatory amino acid transporter family from neonatal mouse brain. Acta Biologiae Experimentalis Sinica 33: 53-62, 2000.  12548852 
Zhuang L, Peng JB, Tou L, Takanaga H, Adam RM, Hediger MA and Freeman MR. Calcium-selective ion channel, CaT1, is apically localized in gastrointestinal tract epithelia and is aberrantly expressed in human malignancies. Lab Invest 82: 1755-1764, 2002.   12480925 
Peng J.-B., Hediger M.A. A family of calcium permeable channels in the kidney: distinct roles in renal calcium handling. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 11:555-61. 2002. Review.  12187321 
Vassilev PM, Peng JB, Hediger MA and Brown EM. Single-channel activities of the human epithelial Ca2+ transport proteins CaT1 and CaT2. J Membr Biol 184: 113-120, 2001.  11719848  
Trotti D, Peng J-B, Dunlop J and Hediger MA. Inhibition of the glutamate transporter EAAC1 expressed in Xenopus oocytes by phorbol esters. Brain Res 914: 196-203, 2001.  11578612  
Peng J-B, Zhuang L, Berger UV, Adam RM, Williams BJ, Brown EM, Hediger MA and Freeman MR. CaT1 expression correlates with tumor grade in prostate cancer. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 282: 729-734, 2001.  11549322 
Peng JB, Brown EM and Hediger MA. Structural conservation of the genes encoding CaT1, CaT2, and related cation channels. Genomics 76: 99-109, 2001.  11549322 
Peng J-B, Zhuang L, Berger UV, Adam RM, Williams BJ, Brown EM, Hediger MA and Freeman MR. CaT1 expression correlates with tumor grade in prostate cancer. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 282: 729-734, 2001.   11401523 
Chen XZ, Segal Y, Basora N, Guo L, Peng JB, Babakhanlou H, Vassilev PM, Brown EM, Hediger MA and Zhou J. Transport function of the naturally occurring pathogenic polycystin-2 mutant, R742X. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 282: 1251-1256, 2001.  11302751 
Yue L, Peng JB, Hediger MA and Clapham DE. CaT1 manifests the pore properties of the calcium-release-activated calcium channel. Nature 410: 705-709, 2001.  11287959 
Vassilev PM, Guo L, Chen XZ, Segal Y, Peng JB, Basora N, Babakhanlou H, Cruger G, Kanazirska M, Ye C, Brown EM, Hediger MA and Zhou J. Polycystin-2 is a novel cation channel implicated in defective intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis in polycystic kidney disease. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 282: 341-350, 2001.  11264013  
Vassilev PM, Peng JB, Johnson J, Hediger MA and Brown EM. Inhibition of CaT1 Channel Activity by a Noncompetitive IP3 Antagonist. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 280: 145-150, 2001.  11162491 
Peng J-B, Chen X-Z, Berger UV, Weremowicz S, Morton CC, Vassilev PM, Brown EM and Hediger MA. Human calcium transport protein CaT1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 278: 326-332, 2000.  11097838  
Peng JB, Chen XZ, Berger UV, Vassilev PM, Brown EM and Hediger MA. A Rat Kidney-specific Calcium Transporter in the Distal Nephron. J Biol Chem 275: 28186-28194, 2000.  10875938 
Chen XZ, Peng JB, Cohen A, Nelson H, Nelson N and Hediger MA. Yeast SMF1 mediates H+-coupled iron uptake with concomitant uncoupled cation currents. J Biol Chem 274: 35089-35094, 1999.   10574989 
Chen XZ, Vassilev PM, Basora N, Peng JB, Nomura H, Segal Y, Brown EM, Reeders ST, Hediger MA and Zhou J. Polycystin-L is a calcium-regulated cation channel permeable to calcium ions. Nature 401: 383-386, 1999.  10517637 
Peng J-B, Chen X-Z, Berger UV, Vassileuav PM, Tsukaguchi H, Brown EM and Hediger MA. Molecular cloning and characterization of a channel-like transporter mediating intestinal calcium absorption. J Biol Chem 274: 22739-22746, 1999.  10428857 
Hediger M. A, Romero M.F., Peng J.-B., Rolfs A., Takanaga H., Bruford E. A. The ABCs of solute carriers: physiological, pathological and therapeutic implications of human membrane transport proteins-Introduction. Pflugers Arch. 447:465-468, 2004. Review.  14624363 
Peng J-B, Brown EM, Hediger MA. Epithelial Ca2+ entry channels: transcellular Ca2+ transport and beyond. J. Physiol. 551:729-740, 2003. Review.  12869611  

Calcium transport, absorption, reabsorption, hyercalciuria, hypertension, TRPV6, TRPV5, WNK4