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Campus Address CGH 220
Phone  (205) 930-3603
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Undergraduate  Florida College    2001  Associate of Arts 
Undergraduate  University of South Florida    2003  Bachelor of Science 
Medical School  Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-Shreveport    2008  Medical Degree 
Residency  Baptist Health System    2012  Anatomic & Clinical Pathology 
Fellowship  M.D. Anderson Cancer Center    2013  Selective (Surgical) Pathology 
Fellowship  University of Alabama at Birmingham    2014  Forensic Pathology 

American Board of Pathology - Anatomic & Clinical Pathology  2012 
American Board of Pathology - Forensic Pathology  2014 

Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Primary  Clinical Pathology  Forensic Pathology Associate Professor
Center  Comprehensive Cancer Center  Comprehensive Cancer Center Associate Professor

Biographical Sketch 
I am actively engaged in innovative methods of graduate and undergraduate medical education particularly with the implementation of a cadaver biopsy program which was launched with grant support in 2016. I am also interested in how death certification practices impact public health, specifically in sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). I am also interested in the function of a regional autopsy center (RAC), the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s unique national footprint as a leading RAC model, and how findings in autopsies can generally help improve understanding of disease processes and ultimately positively impact healthcare.

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology  Member 
National Association of Medical Examiners  Member 
College of American Pathologists  Member 
American Society for Clinical Pathology  Member 

Research/Clinical Interest
Biorepository sciences, forensic pathology, general surgical pathology

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Daniel Atherton, MD, Daniel Dye, MD, C. Andrew Robinson, PhD, and Rachel Beck, PhD. N-ethyl pentylone related deaths in Alabama. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2018. doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.13823.  29768653 
Erin Baumgartner, David Ullman, Jeffrey A. Jones, Danielle Fasciano, Daniel S. Atherton, Peter Pavlidakey, Deniz Peker. Post-Radiation Histiocytic Sarcoma in the Setting of Muir-Torre Syndrome. Case Reports in Pathology, Vol. 2018, Article ID 5947870, 4 pages, 2018. doi:10.1155/2018/5947870.   
Middleton OM, Atherton D, Bundock E, Donner E, Friedman D, Hesdorffer D, Jarrell H, McCrillis A, Mena OJ, Morey M, Thurman D, Tian N, Tomson T, Tseng Z, Warner M, White S, Wright C, Devinsky O. National Association of Medical Examiners Position Paper: Recommendations for the Investigation and Certification of Deaths in People with Epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2018;00:1-14.  29492970 
Middleton OM, Atherton D, Bundock E, Donner E, Friedman D, Hesdorffer D, Jarrell H, McCrillis A, Mena OJ, Morey M, Thurman D, Tian N, Tomson T, Tseng Z, Warner M, White S, Wright C, Devinsky O. National Association of Medical Examiners Position Paper: Recommendations for the Investigation and Certification of Deaths in People with Epilepsy. Acad Forensic Pathol. 2018;8(1):119-135.   
Rachel Beck, Dan Atherton, Susan Kloda, Dan Dye, and Andrew Robinson, Jr. Quantification of loperamide (Imodium AD) by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. J Anal Toxicol 2017;41(9):729-734.  28977432  
D Atherton and S Reilly. The Regional Autopsy Center: the University of Alabama at Birmingham Experience. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 2017;38(3):189-192.  28574865  
Smith MH, Atherton D, Reith JD, et al. Rhabdomyosarcoma, spindle cell/sclerosing variant: a clinical and histopathological examination of three new cases from the oral cavity. Head and Neck Pathol 2017;11(4):494-500.  28466407  
D Atherton, GG Davis, C Wright, O Devinsky, D Hesdorffer. A Survey of Medical Examiner Death Certification of Vignettes on Death in Epilepsy: Gaps in Identifying SUDEP. Epilepsy Research 2017;133:71-75.  28456095  
Daniel S. Atherton, Jerry Fredenburgh, Katherine C. Sexton, Walter C. Bell, William E. Grizzle. Safety and the Biorepository. In: Molecular Diagnostics, 3rd Edition. Eds. Patrinos G, Danielson P, Ansorge W, 2016:479-92. Elsevier, San Diego, CA.    
B McCleskey, S Reilly, D Atherton. The Value of Outsourcing Select Cases from a Medical Examiner Population: A Ten Year Experience. J Forensic Sci 2017;62(1):99-102.  27874190 
W Grizzle, D Otali, K Sexton, D Atherton. Effects of cold ischemia on gene expression: A review and commentary. Biopreserv Biobank. 2016 Dec;14(6):548-558.  27551929 
M Cain, G McGwin, D Atherton. Surveillance of Drug Overdoses Using Google Fusion Tables. Acad Forensic Pathol 2016; 6(2):281-290.   
M Cain, R Roper, D Atherton. Use of Digital Infrared Photography to Visualize a Tattoo for Identification of Mummified Remains. Acad Forensic Pathol 2016 6(2): 338-342.   
Atherton DS, Devinsky O, Hesdorffer DC, Wright C, Davis GG. Implications of death certification on Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) research. Acad Forensic Pathol 2016;6(1):96-102.   
Daniel S Atherton, Sara R Perez, Nathan D Gundacker, Ricardo Franco, Xiaosi Han. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis presenting as a brainstem encephalomyelitis. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2016;143:76-79.  26903073 
D Atherton, G McGwin, Jr., & GG Davis. Comparison of the distribution of cranial fractures by mechanism of formation. Acad Forensic Pathol. 2015 5(2):338-343.   
Daniel S Atherton, Katherine C Sexton, Dennis Otali, Walter C Bell, William E Grizzle. Factors Affecting the Use of Human Tissues in Biomedical Research: Implications in the Design and Operation of a Biorepository. In: Cancer Gene Profiling: Methods and Protocols. 2nd Edition. Editors: Grutzmann, Pilarsky. Humana Press. 2016.  26667452 
Atherton, Daniel S. Challenges in Interpretation of Postmortem Drug Levels. College of American Pathologists NewsPath Editorial ( August 2011.   
Atherton DS, Deep NL, Mendelsohn FO. Micro-anatomy of the Renal Sympathetic Nervous System: a Human Postmortem Histologic Study. Clin Anat 2012;25:628-633.