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Faculty Detail    
Campus Address SHEL 1005 Zip 2182
Phone  (205) 996-6413
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Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Primary  Neurobiology  Neurobiology Professor
Secondary  Cell, Developmntl, & Integrative Biology  Cell, Developmntl, & Integrative Biology Associate Professor
Center  Civitan International Research Center  Civitan International Research Center Professor
Center  Comprehensive Neuroscience Center  Comprehensive Neuroscience Center Professor
Center  Ctr for Glial Bio in Med  Ctr for Glial Bio in Med Professor
Center  GL Ctr for Craniofacial, Oral, & Dental Disorders  GL Ctr for Craniofacial, Oral, & Dental Disorders Professor

Graduate Biomedical Sciences Affiliations
Cell, Molecular, & Developmental Biology 
Cellular and Molecular Biology Program 
Medical Scientist Training Program 
Neuroscience Graduate Program 

Biographical Sketch 
Jacques Wadiche graduated with a B.A. in Neurobiology and Physiology from Northwestern University where he gained an appreciation for basic science research. From there he worked on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at Baylor College of Medicine before enrolling in graduate school at the Vollum Institute at Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, Oregon. His thesis work revealed how glutamate transporters can function as both carriers and ligand-gated ion channels. During his postdoctoral fellowship in Craig Jahr’s laboratory at the Vollum Institute, he studied a phenomenon where the release of several vesicles occur with each action potential at individual synapses. This results in a very high glutamate concentration in the synapse that can saturate postsynaptic receptors and ensure excitation of the postsynaptic neuron. His postdoctoral work also demonstrated how altering the strength of neuronal uptake can determine the extent of extrasynaptic receptor activation. He joined the faculty at UAB as an Assistant Professor in 2006. His laboratory continues to study mechanisms that regulate vesicular release and neuro-glial signaling.

Research/Clinical Interest
Cellular and molecular basis of synaptic transmission and neuronal organization of microcircuits
Our research focuses on the details of synaptic transmission and synaptic plasticity. Experiments in the lab incorporate a multidisciplinary approach of electrophysiological, imaging methods, and molecular biological approaches to study the activity of synapses and glutamate transporters. One model system that we use to study synaptic transmission and glutamate uptake are slices from cerebellum.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Coddington LT, Rudolph S, Vande Lune P, Overstreet-Wadiche L & Wadiche JI (2013) Spillover-mediated feedforward inhibition functionally segregates interneuron activity. Neuron, 78:1050-62.   23707614 
Rudolph S., Overstreet-Wadiche L., Wadiche J.I. (2011) Desynchronization of multivesicular release enhances Purkinje cell output. Neuron, 70, 991-1004.  21658590 
Markwardt S.J., Wadiche J.I., and Overstreet-Wadiche L.S. (2009) Input-specific GABAergic signaling to newborn neurons in adult dentate gyrus. J Neurosci., 29:15063-72.  19955357 
Tzingounis A.V. and Wadiche J.I. (2007) Glutamate transporters: confining runaway excitation by shaping synaptic transmission. Nat Rev Neurosci., 8:935-47.  17987031 
Wadiche J.I. and von Gersdorff H. (2006) Long-distance signaling via presynaptic glutamate transporters. Nat Neurosci., 9, 1352-3.   17066062 
Wadiche, J.I., Tzingounis, A.V., and Jahr, C.E. (2006). Intrinsic kinetics determines the time course of neuronal synaptic transporter currents. PNAS, 103, 1083-7.  16418298 
Wadiche, J.I. and Jahr, C.E. (2005). Patterned expression of Purkinje cell glutamate transporters controls synaptic plasticity. Nat. Neurosci., 8, 1329-34.  16136036 
Kushmerick, C., Price, G., Tashenberger, H., Puente, N., Renden , R., Wadiche, J.I., Duvosin, R.M., Grandes, P., von Gersdorff, H. (2004). Retroinhibition of presynaptic Ca2+ currents by endocannabinoids released via postsynaptic mGluR activation at a calyx synapse. J. Neurosci., 24, 5955-65.  15229243 
Wadiche, J.I. and Jahr, C.E. (2001). Multivesicular release at climbing fiber-Purkinje cell synapses. Neuron, 32, 301-13.  11683999 
Wadiche, J.I. and Kavanaugh, M.P. (1998). Macroscopic and microscopic properties of a cloned glutamate transporter/chloride channel. J. Neurosci., 18, 7650-7661.  9742136 
Wadiche, J.I., Amara, S.G., and Kavanaugh, M.P. (1995). Ion fluxes associated with excitatory amino acid transport. Neuron, 15, 721-728.  7546750 
Wadiche, J.I., Arriza, J.L., Amara, S.G., and Kavanaugh, M.P. (1995). Kinetics of a human glutamate transporter. Neuron, 14, 1019-1027.  7748550 
Arriza, J.L., Fairman, W.P., Wadiche J.I., Murdoch, G.H., Kavanaugh, M.P., and Amara S.G. (1994). Functional comparisons of three glutamate transporter subtypes cloned from human motor cortex. J. Neurosci., 14, 5559-5569.  7521911 
Seguela, P., Wadiche, J., Dinelly-Miller, K., Dani, J., and Patrick, J. (1993). Molecular cloning, functional expression and distribution of a rat neuronal nicotinic channel highly permeant to calcium. J. Neurosci., 13, 596-604.  7678857 

glutamate transport, synaptic transmission, cerebellum