Biochemistry and Structural Biology  Back to Main

Faculty Detail    
Campus Address VH 624 Zip 0019
Phone  (205) 996-5753
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Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Primary  Med - Infectious Diseases  Med - Infectious Diseases Professor
Secondary  Dept of Medical Education  Dept of Medical Education Associate Professor
Secondary  Nursing Acad Affairs  Nursing Acad Affairs Associate Professor
Center  Center for AIDS Research  Center for AIDS Research Professor
Center  Center for Outcomes & Effectiveness Res & Educ  Center for Outcomes & Effectiveness Res & Educ Professor
Center  Center for Women's Reproductive Health  Center for Women's Reproductive Health Professor
Center  Comp Arthritis, MSK, Bone & Autoimmunity Ctr  Comp Arthritis, MSK, Bone & Autoimmunity Ctr Professor
Center  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci Professor
Center  Ctr for Palliative & Supportive Care (Org Ret)  Ctr for Palliative & Supportive Care (Org Ret) Professor
Center  Informatics Institute  Informatics Institute Professor