Immunology  Back to Main
 Faculty Listing
Total Records: 64
Last Name First Name Research/Clinical Interest Title Keywords
ATKINSON THOMAS Primary Immunodeficiency and the Role of Infection in Chronic Diseases asthma, mycoplasma, arthritis, primary immunodeficiency
BARNUM SCOTT complement,adhesion molecules, neuroimmunology, innate immunity, neuropathology, neurodegeneration, multiple sclerosis, cerebral malaria, ALS Complement, adhesion molecules, >neuroimmunology, innate immunity, neuropathology, neurodegeneration, >multiple sclerosis, cerebral malaria, ALS
BELLIS SUSAN Role of glycosylation in tumor progression and metastasis tumorigenesis, metastasis, cancer stem cell, cell invasion, apoptosis, tumor immunology,
BLALOCK JAMES Rational Drug and Vaccine Design/Neutrophilic Inflammation
BOPPANA SURESH Pathogenesis of maternal and congenital CMV infections Conenital infectionm CMV, hearing loss, newborn CMV screening, CMV reinfection
BRIDGES STANLEY Genetic influences on susceptibility, severity, and treatment response in rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis; genetics; African-Americans; pharmacogenetics; biomarkers; autoantibodies
BRILES DAVID Pneumococcal virulence factors; mechanisms of action and use in vaccine Streptococcus pneumoniae, virulence, host immunity, vaccines, virulence factors, mechanisms of virulence, vaccine antigens
BRITT WILLIAM Human Herpesviruses, Molecular Virology and Pathogenesis cytomegalovirus, perinatal infections, virus assembly
BROWN ELIZABETH Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology of Immune-Mediated Clinical Phenotypes multiple myeloma, autoimmune, lupus, genetics, genomics, epidemiology
BUCHSBAUM DONALD Cancer immunotherapy Immunotherapy, Wnt inhibitors, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer
BUCY RALPH T cell Regulation of Immune Responses
BURROWS PETER B Lymphocyte Development and Function B lymphocyte, development, molecular biology
CHAPLIN DAVID Interplay between innate and adaptive immunity in asthmatic inflammation Inflammation, Lymphoid tissues, Innate immunity, T cells, Macrophages, Microbiome
CHAUDRY IRSHAD Cardiovascular/Immunological Alterations Following Trauma-Sepsis trauma, hemorrhage, sepsis, gender dimorphism, immune functions, cardiovascular functions
CHEN JAKE Bioinformatics, Data Mining, and Systems Biology for Precision Medicine Applications Bioinformatics, data mining, data sciences, systems biology, biomarkers, drug discovery application, cancer genomics, personalized medicine
CHILDERS NOEL Development Of A Vaccine For The Prevention Of Dental Caries
CRON RANDALL CD4 T Lymphocyte Transcriptional Regulation Lupus, HIV-1, CD4 T Cell, Transcription, Nuclear Factor of Activated T Cells, Macrophage Activation Syndrome, Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
DAVIS RANDALL The developmental immunology of lymphocytes and immunoreceptor biology. Lymphoproliferative disorders and mechanisms that contribute to lymphomagenesis and autoimmunity. Immunology, lymphoproliferative disorders, autoimmunity, B cells, Fc receptors, CLL, FCRL
DYBVIG KEVIN Pathogenic mechanisms of mycoplasmas
EDBERG JEFFREY Genetic Polymorphisms in Wegener’s Granulomatosis
ELSON CHARLES Regulation of mucosal immune responses T reg cells, dendritic cells, colitis, mucosal, Crohn's disease, transgenic, IgA, Th IL17
FENG XU The RANKL/RANK/OPG System in Health and Disease RANKL, RANK, OPG, Cell Differentiation, Cell Signaling, Osteoclast, Mammary Gland, Breast Cancer
FUJIHASHI KOHTARO The Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms for Mucosal Immunity in the Elderly; Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms for the Induction and Regulation of Mucosally Induced Tolerance; A Mucosal Internet Of gd, ab T Cells and Epithelial Cells for Mucosal Immunity; Mucosal Immunity in Murine Models of IBD
Mucosal Immunology, Oral Tolerance, Salivary IgA Antibody
GEORGE JAMES Immune regulation of post-transplant vascular disease and allograft rejection Transplantation, Heme oxygenase, Stress, Vascular disease, Heart disease, Nephrology
GOEPFERT PAUL Determining the mechanisms allowing T cells to control HIV replication in vivo
GRAY MICHAEL Bacterial responses to oxidative stress microbiota, redox, stress, probiotics, reactive chlorine, inflammation
HARMS ASHLEY Neuroimmunology of Alpha-Synucleinopathy Disorders Neuroimmunology, Neuroscience, Immunology, Neurodegeneration, Aging, Glia
HARRINGTON LAURIE Protective and Pathogenic CD4 T Cell Responses CD4 T cells, autoimmunity, immunological memory, cytokines
HEL ZDENEK Immunology and pathogenesis of HIV-1 / AIDS; Neutrophil biology; Effect of hormonal contraception on immune system; Design of novel strategies for immunotherapy of cancer; Covid-19. Immunology, Neutrophils, HIV-1, Vaccine, Cancer, Covid-19.
HSU HUI-CHEN The BXD2 autoimmune mouse model of lupus and erosive arthritis BXD2, lupus, arthritis, IL-17, type I IFN, apoptotic cells
HU HUI Transcriptional regulation of adaptive immunity in viral infections, allergy, and tumor models Tfh cell differentiation, germinal center and humoral responses, CD8+ T cell activation and exhaustion, immune memory, vaccines
JUSTEMENT LOUIS Elucidation of molecular mechanisms that control B cell class switching and terminal differentiation Lymphocyte Biology, Signal Transduction, B cell differentiation, Adaptor Proteins, Innate immunity, Neutrophil biology,
KANO SHINICHI Immunology of brain homeostasis and disease Neuroimmunology, Glia, Cytokine, Epigenetics, Extracellular vesicles, Schizophrenia
KEARNEY JOHN Focus on fundamental cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the development of a diverse B cell repertoire B Cells, B Cell Development, Hybridomas, Transgenic and Knockout Mice, Immunoregulation, B. anthracis
KLUG CHRISTOPHER Hematopoietic stem cell biology, acute leukemia, and pancreatic cancer
LEAL SIXTO Infectious Disease Diagnostics, SARS-CoV-2, Mycology, and Effector Functions of Phagocytic Cells Clinical Microbiology, Medical Microbiology, Molecular Diagnostics, Microbiology, Neutrophils, PMNs, SARS-CoV-2, COVIDfungi, mold, mollicutes
LEAVENWORTH JIANMEI Cancer-Immune cell Crosstalk: Discovery of new targets for cancer immunotherapy Immunology, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, Treg, NK cells, glioma
MARKERT JAMES Engineering Herpes Simplex Viruses for the Therapy of Cancer glioma, gene therapy, brain tumors, herpes simplex, cancer therapy, immunotherapy, anti-angiogenic therapy
MAYNARD CRAIG Intestinal Immune Regulation in Health and Disease immunoregulation, microbiota, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), regulatory T cells, anti-commensal antibodies
MESTECKY JIRI Mucosal Immunity; Vaccines
MICHALEK SUZANNE Immunological mechanisms involved in host/microbial interactions, and development of mucosal vaccines against infectious agents mucosal vaccines, inflammation, TLRs, T cell, cytokines, signaling pathways
MITCHELL TANECIA The Role of Mitochondria in Immune Cells in Urological Disorders Mitochondria, Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, Immune Cells, Kidney Stones, Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome
MOUNTZ JOHN autoimmunity, immune senescence, gene therapy type I IFNs, IL-23, germinal centers, marginal zone macrophages, inflammatory macrophages, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus
NAHM MOON Adaptive and Innate Immune Responses to Pneumococci and Pneumonia Vaccines pneumococcus, capsule, innate immunity, pathogenesis, vaccines
NIEDERWEIS MICHAEL Novel proteins in the outer membrane of mycobacteria: Functions, structures, role in tuberculosis and applications tuberculosis, virulence, antibiotic resistance, membrane, proteins, transport, nanotechnology
NORIAN LYSE Understanding the effects of diet and obesity on anti-tumor immunity cancer immunology, immunotherapy, obesity, diet, kidney cancer, breast cancer
NOVAK JAN Pathogenesis and treatments of chronic diseases, infectious diseases, cancer. IgA nephropathy. Mucosal immunology. Biomarkers.
RAMAN CHANDER Lymphocyte activation, immunopathogenesis of systemic and neuroimmune autoimmune disease, inflammatory diseases of the skin. Autoimmunity, Multiple Sclerosis, Skin inflammatory diseases
READ RUSSELL Role of Complement in Ocular Diseases complement, uveitis, macular degeneration, immunology, eye
SCHROEDER HARRY The Development and Function of Lymphocyte Antigen Receptors. &Genetics of Primary Immune Deficiency Diseases Common Variable Immune Deficiency, Hypogammaglobulinemia, Antibody Repertoire, B cell Development, TCR repertoire, T cell development, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Mouse Models of Autoimmune Disease
SCHWIEBERT LISA Airway inflammation; lung function; asthma and exercise
SWORDS WILLIAM Opportunistic infections in the airway Biofilm, otitis media, COPD, quorum signaling, polymicrobial infection
SZALAI ALEXANDER Inflammation, innate immunity, and the acute phase proteins in health and disease SLE, EAE, CRP, complement, innate immunity, FcgR, SAP, acute phase proteins, heart and blood vessel disease
TANG JIANMING Genetic and Epigenetic Correlates of Infection and Immunity Immunogenetics, Infectious Disease, Pharmacogenetics, Public Health
WALTER MARK Structure, Biochemistry, and Function of Cytokines involved in Viral pathogenesis and Autoimmunity structural biology, immunology, virology, cytokine, signaling, vaccine, protein design, lupus, interferon, IL-10
WEAVER CASEY Control of Adaptive Immunity by CD4 T cells
WELNER ROBERT Studying the bone marrow microenvironment during steady-state, inflammation, or leukemia stem cell, hematopoiesis, niche, stromal cells, immune response, leukemia
XU HUI The role of IL-17 in inflammation associated tumor development T cells, dendritic cells, cytokines, tumor suppressor
YOTHER JANET Streptococcus pneumoniae capsular polysaccharides, genetics, and pathogenesis bacteria, genetics, pathogenesis, capsules, regulation
YUSUF NABIHA Innate immune mechanisms in tumor development immune system, cancer, inflammation, skin, epidemiology
ZAJAC ALLAN Anti-Viral Immunity; T Cell Responses; Immunological Memory Immunology, Virology, Pathogenesis, Vaccines, T cells