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Campus Address LHRB 619 Zip 0006
Phone  (205) 975-7533
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Undergraduate  University of Guelph    2001  BS in Marine and Freshwater Biology 
Graduate  University of Florida    2008  PhD in Zoology 
Fellowship  Georgia Regents University    2013  Postdoctoral training in Experimental Medicine 

Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Center  Nephrology Research & Training Center  Nephrology Research & Training Center Associate Professor
Primary  Med - Nephrology  Med - Nephrology Associate Professor
Center  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci Associate Professor
Center  Comprehensive Cardiovascular Ctr  Comprehensive Cardiovascular Ctr Associate Professor
Secondary  Cell, Developmntl, & Integrative Biology  Cell, Developmntl, & Integrative Biology Assistant Professor

Graduate Biomedical Sciences Affiliations
Cell, Molecular, & Developmental Biology 
Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine 

Biographical Sketch 
As an undergraduate marine biology major, I began studies to test hypotheses in comparative and ecological physiological contexts. During my Ph.D. dissertation, we tested the hypothesis that endothelin, nitric oxide and prostaglandins regulated salt transport by the gill of the euryhaline killifish (a fish that daily migrates between freshwater and seawater). Moreover, we tested the effects of changing environmental salinity on gene and protein expression in the gill, which is analogous to testing questions about salt loading on mRNA and protein in the mammalian kidney. We also determined the phylogenetic relationship among the endothelin receptors, thus elucidating the evolutionary history of this gene family. My enthusiasm for research led me to pursue postdoctoral training in the lab of Dr. Jennifer Pollock with the motivation to test hypotheses in a biomedical context and learn new techniques and technologies. Here, I helped develop a collecting duct-specific nitric oxide synthase-1 (NOS1, neuronal NOS) knockout mouse, and tested the hypothesis that renal collecting duct NOS1 is critical for fluid-electrolyte balance and thus blood pressure regulation (Hyndman et al. 2013, Hypertension).

Research/Clinical Interest
Novel mechanisms of HDAC1 regulation of collecting duct function.
I have a long standing interest in determining how the body regulates salt and water. Whether you are a euryhaline fish that migrates between fresh and seawater, or a person who eats a lot of salt, there are common molecular mechanisms that help our body maintain salt and water balance. In the fish, it's the gills. In humans, it's our kidneys. If we can't excrete as much salt and water as we consume, then we will retain it, and our extracellular volume will expand leading to an increase in blood pressure. The goal of my lab is to determine the renal mechanisms that help promote natriuresis and diuresis. My current focus is on histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes. HDACs regulate transcription through epigenetic modifications of histones. Recently, it was determined that non-histone acetylation is a novel regulatory pathway, and HDACs have been found to deacetylate non-histone proteins. There is growing interest in the therapeutic use of HDAC inhibitors in a variety of diseases, but one of the reported side effects is hyponatremia, yet the mechanisms are undetermined. Full list of publications can be found here:

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Hyndman KA and Knepper MA. Dynamic regulation of lysine acetylation: the balance between acetyltransferase and deacetylase activities. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. Oct 1;313(4):F842-F846, 2017.  28701313 
Davenport . A.P1, K. A. Hyndman, N. Dhaun, C. Southan, D. E. Kohan, J. S. Pollock, D. M. Pollock, D. J. Webb and J. J. Maguire. 2016. Endothelin. Pharmacological Reviews. 68:357-418.   26956245 
Hyndman K.A., A.M. Arguello, S. K.H. Morsing, and J.S. Pollock. 2016. Dynamin-2 is a novel NOS1b interacting protein and negative regulator in the collecting duct. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2016 Apr 1;310(7):R570-7.  26791826 
Hyndman, K.A., V. Bugaj, E. Mironova, J. D. Stockand, and Jennifer S. Pollock. 2015. Negative feedback regulation of the epithelial sodium channel in the collecting duct involves NOS1. Am J Physiol Renal 308(3):F244-51.  25391901 
Hyndman K.A., Ho D.H., Sega M.F., and J.S. Pollock. 2014. Histone deacetylase 1 reduces NO production in endothelial cells via lysine deacetylation of NO synthase 3. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 307(5): H803-9  25015965  
Hyndman K.A., E. I. Boesen, A. A. Elmarakby, M.W. Brands, P Huang, D.E. Kohan, D.M. Pollock, and J. S. Pollock. 2013. Renal collectingd cut NOS1 maintains fluid-electrolyte homeostasis and blood pressure. Hypertension. 62:91-8.  23608660 
Hyndman K. A., J. Xue, A.H. MacDonell, J.S. Speed, C. Jin, and J.S. Pollock. 2013. Distinct regulation of NOS in the inner medullary collecting duct from mice and rats. Clin. Exp. Pharm. Physiol. 40:233-39  23331097 

nitric oxide, endothelin, collecting duct, histone deacetylase, Aquaporin-2