Course Catalog

Department NEUROLOGY Campus Birmingham
Course Type(s) Special Topic Facility
Course Director VICTOR WAI-DA SUNG, MD Enrollment Limit 2
Contact ASHLEY GALBRAITH Enrollment Minimum 1
Email Address University Medical Center
850 Peter Bryce Blvd.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Phone (205) 348-1287 Fax (205) 348-5160
Normally Offered

See Offering Dates
Prerequisites Successful completion of MS3 Neurology Clerkship. 
Specific Clerkship Prerequisites:
Visiting Students
No LCME students accepted.
No osteopathic students accepted.
Course Description Students will participate in neurology subspecialty clinics, inpatient table rounds and neurological procedures in the outpatient or OR settings. Each student will be apprenticed to a particular attending or team for each half day of work. They will work as part of the care team during the half day, which will include seeing and examining patients and presenting their history and physicals to their attending physicians. Student Learning Objectives: 1) Procedural Skills: By the end of the course, students will obtain and complete a reliable neurology history, perform a reliable neurological exam, and deliver a clear, concise, and thorough oral presentation of the above. 2) Analytical Skills: By the end of the course, students will distinguish normal and abnormal findings on a neurological examination, localize the likely site or sites in the nervous system where a lesion could produce a patient's symptoms or signs, and formulate a differential diagnosis based on lesion localization. The above skills will be assessed by the appropriate attendings and communicated to the course director, Dr. Catherine Ikard, via verbal or email discussion at the end of the week.
Where To Report Sparks Building, Room 330 at 8AM
Requirements Students will report to assigned clinics from approximately 8AM to 5PM during the 5 day workweek. Days will be divided into half-day experiences. Students should keep a list of diagnoses encountered during the clerkship to be turned into the course co-director, Dr. Catherine Ikard at the end of the week
Evaluation Pass/Fail; class participation/attendance
Notes Enrollment by permission only; contact the Course Co-Director, Dr. Catherine Ikard,