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Faculty Detail    
Campus Address BMR2 534 Zip 2186
Phone  (205) 996-5153
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Undergraduate  University of Science and Technology of China     1985  BS 
Graduate  UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas    1991  PhD 

Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Primary  Joint Pathology  Molecular & Cellular Pathology Professor
Secondary  Cell, Developmntl, & Integrative Biology  Cell, Developmntl, & Integrative Biology Professor
Secondary  Dept of Biomedical Engineering  Dept of Biomedical Engineering Professor
Secondary  Neurobiology  Neurobiology Professor
Center  Alzheimer's Disease Center  Alzheimer's Disease Center Professor
Center  Civitan International Research Center  Civitan International Research Center Professor
Center  Comprehensive Cancer Center  Comprehensive Cancer Center Professor
Center  Comprehensive Neuroscience Center  Comprehensive Neuroscience Center Professor
Center  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci  Ctr for Clinical & Translational Sci Professor
Center  Ctr for Free Radical Bio  Ctr for Free Radical Bio Professor
Center  Ctr Neurodegeneration & Exp Ther (CNET)  Ctr Neurodegeneration & Exp Ther (CNET) Professor
Center  GL Ctr for Craniofacial, Oral, & Dental Disorders  GL Ctr for Craniofacial, Oral, & Dental Disorders Professor
Center  Integrative Center for Aging Research  Integrative Center for Aging Research Professor
Center  Nutrition Sciences Research  Nutrition Obesity Res Ctr (NORC) Professor
Center  UAB Immunology Institute  UAB Immunology Institute Professor
Center  UWIRC Microbiome Center  UWIRC Microbiome Center Professor

Graduate Biomedical Sciences Affiliations
Cell, Molecular, & Developmental Biology 
Cellular and Molecular Biology Program 
Integrative Genetics Graduate Program 
Medical Scientist Training Program 
Molecular and Cellular Pathology Program 
Neuroscience Graduate Program 
Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine 

Biographical Sketch 
Dr. Zhang graduated from University of Science and Technology of China. She received her PhD from University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. She then worked as a postdoctoral associate in the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, and as a Research Assistant Professor in University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. She joined UAB in 2005, and promoted to professor in 2019.

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
Women in Autophagy  member 
Association for Neuron and Disease (AND)  member   
Birmingham Chinese Professor Association (BCPA)  member   
Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA)  member   
Chinese Biologic Investigator Society (Ray Wu society)  member   
Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine (SFRBM)  VP 

Research/Clinical Interest
Mechanisms and regulation of autophagy-lysosomal pathway in health and diseases
We focus on the integrated mechanisms regulating metabolism, redox signaling and cell death. We use genetic models and system biology tools to identify novel approaches to promote healthy aging, and to attenuate cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and inflammatory diseases. We have positions open for a postdoc and a graduate student. Highly motivated, rigorous and talented individuals are encouraged to apply.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Le Grand JN, Bon K, Fraichard A, Zhang J, Jouvenot M, Risold P-Y, Boyer-Guittaut M, Delage-Mourroux R (2012) Specific distribution of the autophagic protein GABARAPL1/GEC1 in the developing and adult mouse brain and identification of neuronal populations expressing GABARAPL1/GEC1. PlosOne 2013 May 15;8(5):e63133  23690988 
Parekh VV, Wu L, Boyd KL, Williams, JA, Gaddy JA, Olivares-Villagomez D, Cover TL, Zong WZ, Zhang J, Van Kaer L (2013) Impaired autophagy, defective T cell homeostasis and a wasting syndrome in mice with a T cell-specific deletion of Vps34. Journal of Immunity 2013 May 15;190(10):5086-101.  23596309 
Errami Y, Brim H Oumouna-Benachour K, Oumouna M, Naura AS, Kim H, Ju J, Kim JG, Ashktorab H, Fallon K, Xu M, Zhang J, Del Valle L, Boulares HA (2013) ICAD deficiency in human colon cancer and predisposition to colon tumorigenesis: linkage to apoptosis resistance and genomic instability". PlosOne 2013;8(2):e57871.  23451280 
Mitchell T, Bailey SM, Ballinger SW, Zhang J, Darley-Usmar VM (2013) Convergent mechanisms for mitochondrial dysfunction in metabolic disease; insights from mitochondrial therapeutics. Biochemical Society Transactions 41:127-133  23356271 
Errami Y, Naura AS, Kim H, Ju J, Suzuki Y, El-Bahrawy, AH, Ghonim MA, Hemeida RA, Mansy MS, Zhang J, Xu M, Boulares AH (2013) Apoptotic DNA fragmentation may be a cooperative activity between caspase-activated DNase and the PARP-regulated DNas1L3, an ER-localized endonuclease that translocates to the nucleus during apoptosis. J Biol Chem. 2013 Feb 1;288(5):3460-8.  23229555 
Hill B, Benavides G, Lancaster J, Ballinger S, Dell’Italia L, Zhang J, Darley-Usmar VM (2012) Integration of cellular bioenergetics with mitochondrial quality control and autophagy. Biological Chemistry 393:1485-1512  23092819 
Giordano S, Jisun Lee, Darley-Usmar VM, Zhang J (2012) Distinct effects of rotenone, 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium and 6-hydroxydopamine on cellular bioenergetics and cell death. PlosOne 7(9):e44610. PMCID:PMC3435291  22970265 
Klionsky et al (Zhang J as one of 1270 co-authors) (2012) Guidelines for the Use and Interpretation of Assays for Monitoring Autophagy in Higher Eukaryotes. Autophagy 8:4, 445-544  22966490 
Cummins TD, Higdon AN, Kramer PA, Chacko B, Riggs DW, Salabei JK, Dell’Italia LJ, Zhang J, Darley-Usmar VM, Hill BG (2012) Utilization of fluorescent probes to identify subcellular proteomes and processes regulated by lipid peroxidation products FRBM Jun;59:56-68  22954622 
Jaber N, Dou Z, Lin RZ, Zhang J, Zong WX (2012) Mammalian PIK3C3/VPS34: The key to autophagic processing in liver and heart. Autophagy 8:4, 1–2  22498475 
Jaber N, Dou Z, Chen JS, Catanzaro J, Jiang YP, Ballou LM, Selinger E, Ouyang X, Lin R, Zhang J, Zong WX (2012) The Class III PI3K Vps34 plays an essential role in autophagy and in the heart and liver function. PNAS. 109:2003-2008. Co-corresponding author. PMCID: PMC3277541  22308354 
Higdon AN, Benavides GA, Chacko B, Ouyang X, Johnson MS, Landar A, Zhang J, Darley-Usmar VM (2012) Hemin causes mitochondrial dysfunction in endothelial cells through promoting lipid peroxidation: the protective role of autophagy. American Journal of Physiology 302(7):H1394-409.  22245770 
Autophagy, mitochondria and oxidative stress: cross-talk and redox signalling.Lee J, Giordano S, Zhang J.Biochem J. 2012 Jan 15;441(2):523-40.PMID:22187934PMC3258656  22187934 
Differentiation of SH-SY5Y cells to a neuronal phenotype changes cellular bioenergetics and the response to oxidative stress.Schneider L, Giordano S, Zelickson BR, Johnson M, Benavides G, Ouyang X, Fineberg N, Darley-Usmar VM, Zhang J. (2011)Free Radic Biol Med. 51:2007-2017. PMCID: PMC3208787  21945098 
Dranka BP, Benavides GA, Diers AR, Giordano S, Zelickson BR, Reily C, Zou L, Chatham JC, Hill BG, Zhang J, Landar A, Darley-Usmar VM. Assessing bioenergetic function in response to oxidative stress by metabolic profiling.
Free Radic Biol Med. 2011 Aug 16. [Epub ahead of print] 
Liang Q, Ouyang X, Schneider L, Zhang J. Reduction of mutant huntingtin accumulation and toxicity by lysosomal cathepsins D and B in neurons. Mol Neurodegener. 2011 Jun 1;6:37.  21631942 
Jegga A, Schneider L, Ouyang X, Zhang, J (2011) Systems biology of the autophagy-lysosomal pathway. Autophagy 7:5, 1-13.   21293178 
Schneider L, Zhang J (2010) Lysosomal function in macromolecular homeostasis and bioenergetics in Parkinson's disease Molecular Neurodegeneration. Molecular Neurodegeneration 5:14.  20388210 
Walls KC, Ghosh AP, Franklin AV, Klocke BJ, Ballestas M, Shacka JJ, Zhang J, Roth KA. Lysosome dysfunction triggers Atg7-dependent neural apoptosis. J Biol Chem. 2010 Apr 2;285(14):10497-507. Epub 2010 Feb 1.  20123985  
Qiao L, Zhang J (2009) Effect of inhibition of lysosomal functions on proteasomal activity. Neurosci Lett 456:15-19.  19429125  
Qiao L, Hamamichi S, Caldwell KA, Caldwell GA, Yacoubian TA, Wilson S, Xie ZL, Speake LD, Parks R, Crabtree D, Liang Q, Crimmins S, Schneider L, Uchiyama Y, Iwatsubo T, Zhou Y, Peng L, Lu YM, Standaert DG. Walls KC, Shacka JJ, Roth KA, Zhang J (2008) Lysosomal enzyme cathepsin D protects against neuronal alpha-synuclein aggregation and toxicity. Molecular Brain 1:17  19021916 
SB Caine, M Thomsen, KI Gabriel, JS Berkowitz, LH Gold, GF Koob, S Tonegawa, J Zhang, M Xu (2007) Lack of Self-Administration of Cocaine in Dopamine D1 Receptor Knockout Mice. J Neurosci 27:13140-13150  18045908 
Ness J, Harvey C, W Jason, Roth K, Carroll S, Zhang, J (2007) Differential activation of c-Fos and caspase-3 in hippocampal neuron subpopulations following neonatal hypoxia-ischemia. J Neuroscience Res 86:1115-24  18030677  
Shacka J, Roth K, Zhang J (2008) The Autophagy-Lysosomal Degradation Pathway: Role in Neurodegenerative Disease and Therapy Frontiers in bioscience (review) 13:718-36  17981582 
Qianjun Li, Huashi Li, Bradley J. Blitvich and Jianhua Zhang (2007) The Aedes albopictus inhibitor of Apoptosis 1 gene protects vertebrate cells from bluetongue virus-induced apoptosis Insect Molecular Biology. 16:93-105  17257212  
Shacka J, Lu J, Xie Z, Uchiyama Y, Roth K, Zhang J (2007) “Kainic Acid Induces Early and Transient Autophagic Stress in Mouse Hippocampus” Neuroscience letter 414, 57-60  17223264  
Jianhua Zhang, Lu Zhang, Hongyuan Jiao, Qi Zhang, Dongsheng Zhang, Danwen Lou, Jonathan L. Katz, and Ming Xu (2006) c-Fos facilitates the acquisition and extinction of cocaine-induced persistent changes. Journal of Neuroscience 26: 13287-13296  17182779 
Zhang, D., Zhang, L., Zhang, Q., Tang, Y., Lou, D., Sharp, F.R., Zhang, J. & Xu, M. (2005) Gene expression changes induced by repeated cocaine administration through the dopamine D1 receptors. Neuropsychopharmacology 30, 1443-1454.  15770241  
Zhang, L., Lou, D., Jiao, H., Zhang, D., Wang, X., Xia, Y., Zhang, J. & Xu, M. (2004) Cocaine-induced intracellular signaling and gene expression are oppositely regulated by the dopamine D1 and D3 receptors. J. Neurosci. 24 3344-3354  15056714  
Zhang, J., Dong, M., Li, L., Fan, Y., Pathrie, P., Dong, J., Olivares-Villagom, D., Lou, D., Wells, J., Van Kaer, L., Wang, X. & Xu, M. (2003). Endonuclease G is required for early embryogenesis and normal apoptosis in mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100:15782-15787   14663139  
Zhang, J., McQuade, J.S., Vorhees, C. & Xu, M. (2002). Hippocampal expression of c-fos is not essential for spatial learning. Synapse 46:91-99   12211087 
Zhang, J., Zhang, D., McQuade, J.S., Behbehani, M., Tsien, J. & Xu, M. (2002). C-fos regulates neuronal excitability and survival. Nature Genet 30:416-420  11925568 
Zhang, J. & Xu, M. (2002). Apoptotic DNA degradation and tissue homeostasis. Trends Cell Biol 12:84-89  11849972  
Zhang, J., Wang, X., Bove, K. & Xu, M. (1999). DNA fragmentation factor 45 deficient cells are more resistant to apoptosis and exhibit different dying morphology than wild-type control cells. J. Biol. Chem. 274:37450-37454  10601318  
Redmann M, Darley-Usmar V, Zhang J (2016) The role of autophagy, mitophagy and lysosomal functions in modulating cellular bioenergetics and survival in the context of redox and proteotoxic damage: implications for age dependent neurodegenerative diseases. Aging and Disease 7:150-162 PMCID:PMC4809607  27114848 
Zhang J (2015) Teaching the basics of autophagy and mitophagy to redox biologists--mechanisms and experimental approaches.Redox Biol. 2015;4:242-59. doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2015.01.003. Epub 2015 Jan 13.  25618581 
New Insights into the Biology of Protein O-GlcNAcylation: Approaches and Observations
T Mueller, X Ouyang, MS Johnson, WEIJUN QIAN, JC Chatham, ...2021
Frontiers in Aging 1, 5 
The Promise of a Golden Era for Exploring the Frontiers of Aging, Metabolism and Redox Biology
J Zhang 2020
Frontiers in Aging 1, 4 
E Hervouet, J · Zhang, M · Boyer-Guittaut (2016) ROS and Epigenetics. In book: Reactive Oxygen Species in Biology and Human Health, pp.519-533   

Autophagy, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, lysosomes, mitochondria, redox signaling