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Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Primary  Surgery - General Surgery  Surgery - Gen Surg Trauma Section Professor Emeritus

Graduate Biomedical Sciences Affiliations
Integrative Biomedical Sciences 
Medical Scientist Training Program 
Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine 
Waiting to be Seated 

Biographical Sketch 
Irshad H. Chaudry was born on May 2, 1945. He received a B.S. as well as M.S. with honors from Sind University, and a Ph.D. from Monash University, Australia. After his postdoctoral training at Toronto University, Canada, he was an appointed as an Instructor and subsequently as an Assistant Professor at the Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine. He then moved to Yale University as an Associate Professor and subsequently became a Professor. He moved to Michigan State University in 1986 as Professor and Director of Research and in 1996 became the Director of the Center for Surgical Research at Brown University. In 2000, he became the Director of the Center for Surgical Research at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and the Vice Chairman of the Department of Surgery. His has over 600 publications to his credit and is a recipient of the NIH MERIT award.

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
Surgical Infection Society  Treasurer 1994-1998 
International Federation of Shock Societies  President-elect 2004-2008 
International Federation of Shock Societies  President 2008-2012 
Surgical Infection Society  President 1999-2000 

Research/Clinical Interest
Cardiovascular/Immunological Alterations Following Trauma-Sepsis
Current research interests include determining the mechanisms responsible for cellular and subcellular alterations following soft tissue trauma, bone fracture, hemorrhage and sepsis. Additionally, the use of novel, readily available, FDA approved inexpensive therapeutic agents to attenuate such alterations in patients following trauma is planned. Other areas include evaluation of: (1) gender dimorphism and the mechanisms responsible for producing cardiovascular and hepatocellular dysfunction and immunological alterations following trauma-hemorrhage; (2) trauma-induced changes in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis; (3) apoptosis of immune cells; and (4) wound healing. Specific research interests include determining the mechanism of regulation of estradiol levels by hypothalamic/pituitary factors, adrenals and steroidogenic enzyme activity and how differences in estradiol levels or the estradiol: androgen ratio due to the estrus cycle, ovariectomy, and age affect immune responses after trauma. Studies of T lymphocytes, macrophages and Kupffer cell functions using molecular biological techniques are being conducted to determine why low estradiol fails to maintain immune functions in aged females after trauma. The use of estradiol, Raloxifene, prolactin, metoclopramide, or flutamide to restore immune/cardiovascular functions following trauma should yield novel information and provide an innovative approach for improving the host responses and reducing mortality from sepsis following trauma in postmenopausal and in surgically ovariectomized patients with low estrogen activity. Additional interests encompass the mechanisms by which androgen depletion/androgen antagonists improve cardiac performance and other organ functions after trauma. These studies also examine whether androgen depletion/androgen antagonists affect the adrenals and modify the response of the heart, liver and vascular smooth muscle to catecholamines. The hemodynamic parameters and organ functions being measured include blood flow, circulating blood volume, cardiac output, left ventricular performance, vascular reactivity, liver, gut, adrenal and pulmonary functions. The integration of cardiac function with other organ functions and detailed mechanistic studies at the cellular and subcellular levels using physiological, pharmacological and molecular biology techniques to identify targets for novel treatment modalities using sex steroid antagonists/agonists or hormones should provide new information for the improved treatment of trauma victims with major blood loss and for decreasing the susceptibility to sepsis following trauma.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
Zou L, Yang S, Hu S, Chaudry IH, Marchase RB, Chatham JC. The protective effecs of PUGNAc on cardiac function after trauma-hemorrhage are mediated via increased protein O-GlcNAc levels. Shock 2007  17414423 
Moeinpour F, Choudhry MA, Kawasaki T, Timares L, Schwacha MG, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. 17beta-estradiol normalizes toll receptor 4, mitogen activated protein kinases and inflammatory response in epidermal keratinocytes following trauma-hemorrhage. Mol Immunol 2007  17403539 
Hsieh YC, Yu HP, Frink M, Suzuki T, Choudhry MA, Schwacha MG, Chaudry IH. G protein-coupled receptor 30-ependent protein kinase a pathway is critical in nongenomic effects of estrogen in attenuating liver injury after trauma-hemorrhage. Am J Pathol 2007  17392161 
Shimizu Y, Yu HP, Suzuki T, Szalay L, Hsieh YC, Choudhry MA, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. The role of estrogen receptor subtypes in ameliorating hepatic injury following trauma-hemorrhage. J Hepatol 2007  17336418 
Yang S, Hu S, Choudhry MA, Rue LW 3rd, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Anti-rat soluble IL-6 receptor antibody down-regulates cardiac IL-6 and improves cardiac function following trauma-hemorrhage. J Mol Cell Cardiol 2007  17313958 
Hsu JT, Hsieh YC, Kan WH, Chen JG, Choudhry MA, Schwacha MG, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in estrogen-mediated cardioprotection following trauma-hemorrhage. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2007  17293487 
Suzuki T, Shimizu T, Yu HP, Hsieh YC, Choduhry MA, Chaudry IH. Salutary effects of 17 beta-estradiol on T-cell signaling and cytokine production after traumma-hemorrhage are mediated primarily via estrogen receptor-a. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2007  17287365 
Hsieh YC, Frink M, Hsieh CH, Choudhry MA, Schwacha MG, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Downregulation of migration inhibitory factor is critical for estrogen-mediated attenuation of lung tissue damage following trauma-hemorrhage. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2007  17277045 
Frink M, Hsieh YC, Thobe BM, Choudhry MA, Schwacha MG, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. TLR4 regulates kupffer cell chemokine production, systemic inflammation and lung neutrophil infiltration following trauma-hemorrage. Mol Immunol 2007  17239439 
Frink M, Pape HC, van Griensven M, Krettek C, Chaudry IH, Hildebrand F. Influence of sex and age on MODS and cytokines after multiple injuries. Shock 2007  17224789 
Hsieh YC, Frink M, Kawasaki T, Thobe BM, Choudhry MA, Schwacha MG, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Downregulation of TLR-4 dependent ATP production is critical for estrogen-mediated immunoprotection in Kupffer cells following trauma-hemorrhage. J Cell Physiol 2007   17219405 
Hsieh YC, Frink M, Kawasaki T, Thobe BM, Choudhry MA, Schwacha MG, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Downregulation of TLR-4 dependent ATP production is critical for estrogen-mediated immunoprotection in Kupffer cells following trauma-hemorrhage. J Cell Physiol 2007   17219405 
Hsieh YC, Frink M, Thobe BM, Hsu JT, Choudhry MA, Schwacha MG, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. 17Beta-estradiol downregulates kupffer cell TLR4-dependent p38 MAPK pathway and normalizes inflammatory cytokine production following trauma-hemorrhage. Mol Immunol 2007  17182102 
Thobe BM, Frink M, Hildebrand F, Schwacha MG, Hubbard WJ, Choudhry MA, Chaudry IH. The role of MAPK in kupffer cell toll-like receptor (TLR) 2-, TLR4-, and TLR9-mediated signaling following trauma-hemorrhage. J Cell Physiol 2007  17117477 
Kiang JC, Peckham RM, Duke LE, Shimizu T, Chaudry IH, Tsokos GC. Androstenediol inhibits the trauma-hemorrhage-induced increase in caspase-3 by downregulating the inducible nitric oxide synthase pathway. J Appl Physiol 2007  17110508 
Frink M, Lu A, thobe BM, Hsieh YC, Choudhry MA, Schwacha MG, Kunkel SL, Chaudry IH. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 influences trauma-hemorrhage-induced distal organ damage via regulation of keratinocyte-derived chemokine production. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2007  17095647 
Lu A, Frink M, Choudhry MA, Hubbard WJ, Rue LW 3rd, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Mitochondria play an important role in 17 beta-estradiol attenuation of H2O2-induced rat endothelial cell apoptosis. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2007  17018771 
Choudhry MA, Schwacha MG, Hubbard WJ, Kerby JD, Rue LW, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Gender differences in acute response to trauma-hemorrhage. Shock. 2005 Dec;24 Suppl 1:101-6  16374381 
Hubbard WJ, Choudhry M, Schwacha MG, Kerby JD, Rue LW 3rd, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Cecal ligation and puncture. Shock. 2005 Dec;24 Suppl 1:52-7  16374373 
Yu HP, Hsieh YC, Suzuki T, Shimizu T, Choudhry MA, Schwacha MG, Chaudry IH. Salutary Effects of Estrogen Receptor-{beta} Agonist on Lung Injury Following Trauma-Hemorrhage. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2005 Dec 16  16361351 
Yu HP, Choudhry MA, Shimizu T, Hsieh YC, Schwacha MG, Yang S, Chaudry IH. Mechanism of the salutary effects of flutamide on intestinal myeloperoxidase activity following trauma-hemorrhage: up-regulation of estrogen receptor-{beta}-dependent HO-1. J Leukoc Biol. 2005 Dec 5  16330533 
Calvano SE, Xiao W, Richards DR, Felciano RM, Baker HV, Cho RJ, Chen RO, Brownstein BH, Cobb JP, Tschoeke SK, Miller-Graziano C, Moldawer LL, Mindrinos MN, Davis RW, Tompkins RG, Lowry SF, Bankey PE, Billiar TR, Camp DG, Casella G, Chaudry IH, Choudhry MA, Cooper C, De A, Elson C, Freeman B, Gamelli RL, Campbell-Finnerty C, Gibran NS, Hayden DL, Harbrecht BG, Herndon DN, Horton JW, Hubbard WJ, Hunt JL, Johnson J, Klein MB, Lederer JA, Logvinenko T, Maier RV, Mannick JA, Mason PH, McKinley BA, Minei JP, Moore EE, Moore FA, Nathens AB, O'keefe GE, Rahme LG, Remick DG, Schoenfeld DA, Schwacha MG, Shapiro MB, Silver GM, Smith RD, Storey JD, Toner M, Warren HS, West MA. Corrigendum: A network-based analysis of systemic inflammation in humans. Nature. 2005 Dec 1;438(7068):696  16319897 
Yu HP, Shimizu T, Choudhry MA, Hsieh YC, Suzuki T, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Mechanism of cardioprotection following trauma-hemorrhagic shock by a selective estrogen receptor-beta agonist: up-regulation of cardiac heat shock factor-1 and heat shock proteins. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2005 Nov 7  16288780 
Schneider CP, Schwacha MG, Chaudry IH. The Influence of Gender and Age on T cell Responses in a Murine Model of Trauma-Hemorrhage: Differences between Circulating and Tissue-Fixed Cells. J Appl Physiol. 2005 Nov 10  16282430 
Szalay L, Shimizu T, Suzuki T, Yu HP, Choudhry MA, Schwacha MG, Rue III LW,
Matsuda A, Furukawa K, Suzuki H, Matsutani T, Tajiri T, Chaudry IH. Dehydroepiandrosterone modulates toll-like receptor expression on splenic macrophages of mice after severe polymicrobial sepsis. Shock. 2005 Oct;24(4):364-9  16205322 
Hsieh YC, Yang S, Choudhry MA, Yu HP, Bland KI, Schwacha MG and Chaudry IH.: Flutamide restores cardiac function after trauma-hemorrhage via an estrogen-dependent pathway through upregulation of PGC-1. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 290: H416-H423, 2006  16155096 
Shimizu T, Szalay L, Hsieh YC, Choudhry MA, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Salutary effects of androstenediol on hepatic function after trauma-hemorrhage are mediated via peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor gamma. Surgery. 2005 Aug;138(2):204-11  16153428 
George RL, McGwin G Jr, Schwacha MG, Metzger J, Cross JM, Chaudry IH, Rue LW III. The association between sex and mortality among burn patients as modified by age. J Burn Care Rehabil. 2005 Sep-Oct;26(5):416-21  16151287 
Choudhry MA and Chaudry IH.: Alcohol intoxication and post-burn complications. Front Biosci 11: 998-1005, 2006  16146791 
Alexander M, Daniel T, Chaudry IH, Schwacha MG. Opiate analgesics contribute to the development of post-injury immunosuppression. J Surg Res. 2005 Nov;129(1):161-8. Epub 2005 Aug 31  16139307 
Yokoyama Y, Nimura Y, Nagino M, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Role of thromboxane in producing hepatic injury during hepatic stress. Arch Surg. 2005 Aug;140(8):801-7. Review  16103291 
Wittmann F, Prix N, Mayr S, Angele P, Wichmann MW, van den Engel NK, Hernandez Richter T, Chaudry IH, Jauch KW, Angele MK. L-arginine improves wound healing after trauma-hemorrhage by increasing collagen synthesis. J Trauma. 2005 Jul;59(1):162-8  16096557 
Frantz MC, Prix NJ, Wichmann MW, van den Engel NK, Hernandez-Richter T, Faist E, Chaudry IH, Jauch KW, Angele MK. Dehydroepiandrosterone restores depressed peripheral blood mononuclear cell function following major abdominal surgery via the estrogen receptors. Crit Care Med. 2005 Aug;33(8):1779-86  16096456 
Hsieh YC, Yang S, Choudhry MA, Yu HP, Rue LW III, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. PGC-1 upregulation via estrogen receptors: a common mechanism of salutary effects of estrogen and flutamide on heart function after trauma-hemorrhage. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2005 Dec;289(6):H2665-72. Epub 2005 Jul 29  16055512 
Yu HP, Yang S, Choudhry MA, Hsieh YC, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Mechanism responsible for the salutary effects of flutamide on cardiac performance after trauma-hemorrhagic shock: Upregulation of cardiomyocyte estrogen receptors. Surgery. 2005 Jul;138(1):85-92  16003321 
Angele MK, Chaudry IH. Surgical trauma and immunosuppression: pathophysiology and potential immunomodulatory approaches. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2005 Aug;39 (4):333-41. Epub 2005 Jul 2  15995884 
Yokoyama Y, Nimura Y, Nagino M, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Current understanding of gender dimorphism in hepatic pathophysiology. J Surg Res. 2005 Sep;128(1):147-56. Review  15939435 
Matsutani T, Anantha Samy TS, Kang SC, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Mouse genetic background influences severity of immune responses following trauma-hemorrhage. Cytokine. 2005 May 21;30(4):168-76  15863390 
Szalay L, Shimizu T, Schwacha MG, Choudhry MA, Rue LW III, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Mechanism of salutary effects of estradiol on organ function after trauma-hemorrhage: upregulation of heme oxygenase. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2005 Jul;289(1):H92-8. Epub 2005 Feb 25  15734876 
Rana SN, Li X, Chaudry IH, Bland KI, Choudhry MA. Inhibition of IL-18 reduces myeloperoxidase activity and prevents edema in intestine following alcohol and burn injury. J Leukoc Biol. 2005 May;77(5):719-28. Epub 2005 Feb 23  15728717 
Li X, Rana SN, Kovacs EJ, Gamelli RL, Chaudry IH, Choudhry MA. Corticosterone suppresses mesenteric lymph node T cells by inhibiting p38/ERK pathway and promotes bacterial translocation after alcohol and burn injury. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2005 Jul;289(1):R37-44. Epub 2005 Feb 17  15718389 
Schwacha MG, Holland LT, Chaudry IH, Messina JL. Genetic variability in the immune inflammatory response after major burn injury. Shock. 2005 Feb;23(2):123-8  15665726 
Matsutani T, Samy TS, Rue LW 3rd, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Transgenic prolactin-/- mice: effect of trauma-hemorrhage on splenocyte functions. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2005 May;288(5):C1109-16. Epub 2004 Dec 15  15601751 
Ba ZF, Shimizu T, Szalay L, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Gender differences in small intestinal perfusion following trauma hemorrhage: the role of endothelin-1. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2005 May;288(5):G860-5. Epub 2004 Nov 18  15550555 
Choudhry MA, Ba ZF, Rana SN, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Alcohol ingestion before burn injury decreases splanchnic blood flow and oxygen delivery. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2005 Feb;288(2):H716-21. Epub 2004 Sep 23  15388502 
Shimizu T, Szalay L, Choudhry MA, Schwacha MG, Rue LW 3rd, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Mechanism of salutary effects of androstenediol on hepatic function after trauma hemorrhage: role of endothelial and inducible nitric oxide synthase. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2005 Feb;288(2):G244-50. Epub 2004 Sep 23  15388490 
Toth B, Yokoyama Y, Schwacha MG, George RL, Rue LW III, Bland KI, Chaudry IH. Insights into the role of interleukin-6 in the induction of hepatic injury after trauma hemorrhagic shock. J Appl Physiol. 2004 Dec;97(6):2184-9. Epub 2004 Aug 6  15298985 

trauma, hemorrhage, sepsis, gender dimorphism, immune functions, cardiovascular functions