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Faculty Detail    
Associate Professor, Pediatrics & Neurology
Pediatric Epileptologist, Children's of Alabama
Campus Address CHB 314 Zip 1711
Phone  (205) 996-7850
Other websites

Medical School  Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University    1990  M.B.Ch.B 
Residency  Wayne State University, Detroit, MI    2002  American Board of Neurology/added qualifications in child neurology 
Fellowship  University of Cincinnati    2003  clinical Neurophysiology 
Fellowship  University of toronto    2006  Epilepsy/Magnetoencephalography 

American board of Psychiatry & Neurology/Pediatrics  2004 
American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology/Clinical Neurophysiology  2005 
Canadian Royal College/Neurology  2006 
American Board of psychiatry & Neurology/Epilepsy  2018 

Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Primary  Ped - Neurology  Ped - Neurology Professor
Secondary  Neurology Chair Office  Neurology Chair Office Associate Professor
Center  Civitan International Research Center  Civitan International Research Center Professor
Center  Epilepsy Center  Epilepsy Center Professor
Center  UWIRC Microbiome Center  UWIRC Microbiome Center Professor

Biographical Sketch 
My research focuses on the utilization of Magnetoencephalography (MEG) in epilepsy source localization and functional mapping. MEG is a technology that is available in very few centers across the world. It measures non invasively the magnetic field generated by neurons at millisecond resolution. MEG can be used to study cortical events that require rapid sequential activation such as cognitive functions and seizure propagation.

Research/Clinical Interest
Functional imaging in pediatric epilepsy
My research utilizes computational neuroscience methods on Magnetoencephalography/ EEG and MRI data for epilepsy localization as well as functional mapping of important brain functions to improve outcome in pediatric epilepsy surgery

Epilepsy surgery, functional mapping, Magnetoencephalography, computational neuroscience