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Faculty Detail    
Campus Address EFH 601 Zip 0009
Phone  (205) 933-2625
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Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Primary  Ophthalmology  Ophthalmology Associate Professor Clinical

Biographical Sketch 
Dr. Morris received his Bachelor of Science Degree from Purdue University in Lafayette, Indiana in 1967, and graduated from the University of Alabama School of Medicine in 1973. He completed residency in ophthalmology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham/Eye Foundation Hospital in 1976, followed by retina fellowships at the University of Cologne, West Germany in 1977 and the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami, Florida in 1978. Dr. Morris has been a member of the UAB Department of Ophthalmology since 1979. He is certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology, and is a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Alabama Academy of Ophthalmology (Past President), the Retina Society, the Vitreous Society, Machemer Society, International Society of Ocular Trauma (President Elect), The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER), American Medical Association, and American College of Surgeons. He is President of the Helen Keller Eye Research Foundation. Dr. Morris is a recipient of the Migel Medal, the highest honor bestowed by the American Foundation for the Blind for contributions to the field of blindness prevention and alleviation.

Society Memberships
Organization Name Position Held Org Link
Helen Keller Eye Research Foundation  President   

Research/Clinical Interest
His major areas of research are in macular surgery and eye injury.