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Faculty Detail    
Campus Address VAMC 5-C Zip 0001
Phone  (205) 933-8101
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Faculty Appointment(s)
Appointment Type Department Division Rank
Center  Center for Outcomes & Effectiveness Res & Educ  Center for Outcomes & Effectiveness Res & Educ Professor
Primary  Med - General Internal Medicine  Med - General Internal Medicine Professor

Biographical Sketch 
Dr.Shaneyfelt attended LSU for both undergraduate and medical education. He completed training in Internal Medicine at UAB and then completed a general internal medicine fellowship and MPH degree at Harvard. My teaching interests focus around evaluating and applying evidence in clinical practice.

Society Memberships
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No records

Research/Clinical Interest
Evidence based medicine
My research interests have focused broadly around evidence based medicine. I published the seminal article on clinical practice guideline quality in JAMA. I, along with other members of the Society of General Internal Medicine EBM Task Force, published a critical appraisal of instruments used to evaluate the teaching of EBM. I am currently developing an online course in EBM based on constructivist principles and will incorporate multiple authentic learning modalities. Ultimately the course will have different tracts (medicine, pedicatrics, surgery, OB, psychiatry) based on learner preferences.

Selected Publications 
Publication PUBMEDID
E.A. Akl, G.H. Guyatt, M. Levine, D. Feldstein, J. Irani, T. Shaneyfelt, E. Shaw, P. Wasi, H.J. Schünemann. "Might" or "suggest"? No wording approach was clearly superior in conveying the strength of recommendation. J Clin Epidemiol. 2012 Mar;65(3):268-75. Epub 2011 Nov 9   
Shaneyfelt TM, Centor RM. Reassessment of Clinical Practice Guidelines: Go gently into that good night. JAMA 2009;301(8):868-69 (invited editorial)   
Shaneyfelt T, Baum KD, Bell D, Feldstein D, Houston TK, Kaatz S, Whelan C and Green M for the Society of General Internal Medicine Evidence-Based Medicine Task Force. Instruments for Evaluating Education in Evidence-Based Practice: A Systematic Review. JAMA 2006;296:1116-1127   
Straus SE, Green ML, Bell DS, Badgett R, Davis D, Gerrity M, Ortiz E, Shaneyfelt TM, Whelan C, Mangrulkar R for the Society of General Internal Medicine Evidence-Based Medicine Task Force. Evaluating the teaching of evidence based medicine: conceptual framework. BMJ 2004;329:1029-32   
Shaneyfelt T, Mayo-Smith M, Rothwangl J. Are guidelines following guidelines? The methodologic quality of clinical practice guidelines in the peer-reviewed medical literature. JAMA 1999; 281:1900-1905.