Undergraduate |
Spring Hill College |
1980 |
BS Dual Major in Chemistry and Mathematics |
Medical School |
University of South Alabama College of Medicine |
1984 |
MD |
Residency |
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School |
1988 |
Pediatric Residency/Chief Resident |
Fellowship |
Stanford University |
1989 |
Fellowship in Developmental Biology |
Fellowship |
Harvard University Combined Genetics |
1993 |
Clinical Genetics |
Integrative Biomedical Sciences |
Publication |
Biology of the syndecans: a family of transmembrane heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Bernfield M, Kokenyesi R, Kato M, Hinkes MT, Spring J, Gallo RL, Lose EJ. Annu Rev Cell Biol. 1992;8:365-93. Review. No abstract available.
1335744 |
Chromosome mapping of the murine syndecan gene. Oettinger HF, Streeter H, Lose E, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ, Justice MJ, Jenkins NA, Mohandas T, Bernfield M. Genomics. 1991 Oct;11(2):334-8.
1769649 |
Caring for adults with pediatric genetic diseases: a growing need. Lose EJ, Robin NH. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2007 Dec;19(6):611-2. No abstract available.
18025925 |
The use by Alabama pediatricians of genetics consultation in the evaluation of developmental delay. Chen MJ, Holt CL, Lose EJ, Robin NH. Am J Med Genet A. 2008 Feb 15;146A(4):421-5.
18203192 |
The emerging role of primary care in genetics. Lose EJ. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2008 Dec;20(6):634-8.
19005331 |
Molecular cytogenetic characterization of two cases with constitutional distal 11q duplication/triplication. Burnside RD, Lose EJ, Domínguez MG, Sánchez-Corona J, Rivera H, Carroll AJ, Mikhail FM. Am J Med Genet A. 2009 Jul;149A(7):1516-22. |
19533774 |
BMP4 loss-of-function mutations in developmental eye disorders including SHORT syndrome. Reis LM, Tyler RC, Schilter KF, Abdul-Rahman O, Innis JW, Kozel BA, Schneider AS, Bardakjian TM, Lose EJ, Martin DM, Broeckel U, Semina EV. Hum Genet. 2011 Oct;130(4):495-504. Epub 2011 Feb 22.
21340693 |
Clinically relevant single gene or intragenic deletions encompassing critical neurodevelopmental genes in patients with developmental delay, mental retardation, and/or autism spectrum disorders. Mikhail FM, Lose EJ, Robin NH, Descartes MD, Rutledge KD, Rutledge SL, Korf BR, Carroll AJ. Am J Med Genet A. 2011 Oct;155A(10):2386-96. |
22031302 |
Recurrent ACADVL molecular findings in individuals with a positive newborn screen for very long chain acyl-coA dehydrogenase (VLCAD) deficiency in the United States. Miller MJ, Burrage LC, Gibson JB, Strenk ME, Lose EJ, Bick DP, Elsea SH, Sutton VR, Sun Q, Graham BH, Craigen WJ, Zhang VW, Wong LJ. Mol Genet Metab. 2015 Nov;116(3):139-45. doi: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2015.08.011. Epub 2015 Sep 2. |
26385305 |
Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium: Accelerating Evidence-Based Practice of Genomic Medicine. Green RC, Goddard KA, Jarvik GP, Amendola LM, Appelbaum PS, Berg JS, Bernhardt BA, Biesecker LG, Biswas S, Blout CL, Bowling KM, Brothers KB, Burke W, Caga-Anan CF, Chinnaiyan AM, Chung WK, Clayton EW, Cooper GM, East K, Evans JP, Fullerton SM, Garraway LA, Garrett JR, Gray SW, Henderson GE, Hindorff LA, Holm IA, Lewis MH, Hutter CM, Janne PA, Joffe S, Kaufman D, Knoppers BM, Koenig BA, Krantz ID, Manolio TA, McCullough L, McEwen J, McGuire A, Muzny D, Myers RM, Nickerson DA, Ou J, Parsons DW, Petersen GM, Plon SE, Rehm HL, Roberts JS, Robinson D, Salama JS, Scollon S, Sharp RR, Shirts B, Spinner NB, Tabor HK, Tarczy-Hornoch P, Veenstra DL, Wagle N, Weck K, Wilfond BS, Wilhelmsen K, Wolf SM, Wynn J, Yu JH; CSER Consortium. Am J Hum Genet. 2016 Jun 2;98(6):1051-66. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.04.011. Epub 2016 May 12. |
27181682 |
Eliciting preferences on secondary findings: the Preferences Instrument for Genomic Secondary Results. Brothers KB, East KM, Kelley WV, Wright MF, Westbrook MJ, Rich CA, Bowling KM, Lose EJ, Bebin EM, Simmons S, Myers JA, Barsh G, Myers RM, Cooper GM, Pulley JM, Rothstein MA, Clayton EW. Genet Med. 2016 Aug 25. doi: 10.1038/gim.2016.110.
27561086 |
Clinical relevance of small copy-number variants in chromosomal microarray clinical testing. Hollenbeck D, Williams CL, Drazba K, Descartes M, Korf BR, Rutledge SL, Lose EJ, Robin NH, Carroll AJ, Mikhail FM. Genet Med. 2016 Sep 15. doi: 10.1038/gim.2016.132. |
27632688 |
The genomic landscape of balanced cytogenetic abnormalities associated with human congenital anomalies. Redin C, Brand H, Collins RL, Kammin T, Mitchell E, Hodge JC, Hanscom C, Pillalamarri V, Seabra CM, Abbott MA, Abdul-Rahman OA, Aberg E, Adley R, Alcaraz-Estrada SL, Alkuraya FS, An Y, Anderson MA, Antolik C, Anyane-Yeboa K, Atkin JF, Bartell T, Bernstein JA, Beyer E, Blumenthal I, Bongers EM, Brilstra EH, Brown CW, Brüggenwirth HT, Callewaert B, Chiang C, Corning K, Cox H, Cuppen E, Currall BB, Cushing T, David D, Deardorff MA, Dheedene A, D'Hooghe M, de Vries BB, Earl DL, Ferguson HL, Fisher H, FitzPatrick DR, Gerrol P, Giachino D, Glessner JT, Gliem T, Grady M, Graham BH, Griffis C, Gripp KW, Gropman AL, Hanson-Kahn A, Harris DJ, Hayden MA, Hill R, Hochstenbach R, Hoffman JD, Hopkin RJ, Hubshman MW, Innes AM, Irons M, Irving M, Jacobsen JC, Janssens S, Jewett T, Johnson JP, Jongmans MC, Kahler SG, Koolen DA, Korzelius J, Kroisel PM, Lacassie Y, Lawless W, Lemyre E, Leppig K, Levin AV, Li H, Li H, Liao EC, Lim C, Lose EJ, Lucente D, Macera MJ, Manavalan P, Mandrile G, Marcelis CL, Margolin L, Mason T, Masser-Frye D, McClellan MW, Mendoza CJ, Menten B, Middelkamp S, Mikami LR, Moe E, Mohammed S, Mononen T, Mortenson ME, Moya G, Nieuwint AW, Ordulu Z, Parkash S, Pauker SP, Pereira S, Perrin D, Phelan K, Aguilar RE, Poddighe PJ, Pregno G, Raskin S, Reis L, Rhead W, Rita D, Renkens I, Roelens F, Ruliera J, Rump P, Schilit SL, Shaheen R, Sparkes R, Spiegel E, Stevens B, Stone MR, Tagoe J, Thakuria JV, van Bon BW, van de Kamp J, van Der Burgt I, van Essen T, van Ravenswaaij-Arts CM, van Roosmalen MJ, Vergult S, Volker-Touw CM, Warburton DP, Waterman MJ, Wiley S, Wilson A, Yerena-de Vega MC, Zori RT, Levy B, Brunner HG, de Leeuw N, Kloosterman WP, Thorland EC, Morton CC, Gusella JF, Talkowski ME. Nat Genet. 2016 Nov 14. doi: 10.1038/ng.3720. |
27841880 |